Do you think there will be a beta for the upcoming Assassin's Creed? I sure hope soo...
Yes, there will be. It's been confirmed in many interviews, plus they had one for brotherhood.
It better be for xbox only. ps3 owners can bitch about it gotta put it on both consels
You need to learn about obviously subtle jokes.
i know i was a joke just sayin
It will probably be PS3 only again judging from it only being playable on PS3 at E3 and Comic-con. I think it would be better for them if they betaed it on both systems this time, though.
Only on PS3 again?! Obviously I'm not complaining but that seems a little unfair
Nutthing is confirmed, but it seems that way, yes.
Nothing is confirmed, everything on PS3.
Footage I saw on GameTrailers Today
Looks like they improved some things from Brotherhood... Also noticed it was on Xbox 360. Sooo theres is good chance a beta will show on Live.
I'll Put one link.... theres actually Six vids
damm the beta is only for ps3
IGN's article hinted that it'll come to xbox after the PS3's beta week is up. Probably just hopeful thinking, though.
There was a message on the Assassin's Creed site that the beta is going to be PSN exclusive again!
Hopefully it doesn't get hacked during the beta.
Haha. That would be infuriating but I can't see it getting hacked again.
Speaking of hacking, Anonymous have announced that they will 'kill Facebook' on 5th November this year.
dick move ubi .......... dick move
I did a rant on their facebook wall. No cursing or insulting, just mildly frustrated words about why it's a good idea to let everyone have a taste so we see that it's an improvement and not the exact same game.
Speaking of hacking, Anonymous have announced that they will 'kill Facebook' on 5th November this year.
Oooooh, Guy Fawkes Day. Makes me want to go watch "V For Vendetta"!
I went to Lewes once for Bonfire Night; it was unforgettable.
(Sorry for the interruption. Back to your regularly scheduled topic.)
Haha. That would be infuriating but I can't see it getting hacked again.Speaking of hacking, Anonymous have announced that they will 'kill Facebook' on 5th November this year.
yyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy i hate that stupid shit all it does is causes drama
I know people who use it that get drama from it, but I only use it as a more efficient e-mail/social experience to keep in touch with friends. That's what it was meant to do. People cause these things, not websites.
Like Joey, I find Facebook a useful tool just to keep up with what people are doing. It provides a good distraction when I'm bored as well.
And Lisa, I love V for Vendetta! It's a really good film.
Sorry, what was this topic about again?
It's funny how much we trail off in only a few comments. Haha
ok back on topic im pissed at ubi right about now only making the beta for ps3 wtf man WTF!!!!!!!
That was it! Well done, EA. Well I'm not too bothered
But seriously, I do feel bad for you guys.
Well I'm not too bothered![]()
You mother f*cker
its just not fair ... well atleast xbox did'nt get hacked .... yet lmao
Did they ever say why Sony is so special? Why would they just let Sony play and not Microsoft?
Sony probably has an advertisement deal of some sorts with Ubi.
Who knows. Maybe it's too make up for the fact that AC supposedly doesn't play quite as well on PS3 as on 360? Must admit, I think it looks great on PS3 but then I haven't played it on both systems.
Also, PSN getting hacked really isn't that funny. Kind of getting boring hearing people using that as an excuse for why 360 is better
The hacking thing is getting old. I agree.
And it looks great on PS3, but xbox has faster matchmaking and less lag/glitches. That's the difference.
And it looks great on PS3, but xbox has faster matchmaking and less lag/glitches. That's the difference.
have you seen my xbox
Yeah, it's in my closet next to my old pair of shoes.
no but serious mine is almost broken
Either send it in to microsoft if you still have a warranty or save up money for a new one. That's all I got for ya. lol
Apparently ACI and II had more screen tearing or something on PS3. Can't say I've ever really noticed (or cared about) that sort of thing. If the graphics look decent enough I'll happily play a well-written game.
And I rarely play AC: B Multiplayer
the only thing i hate about ps3 i have a friend who has the ps3 now for 3 months and the only thing i hear is oooh the screen is better on ps serious i cant see the differents
It's only slightly better. You actually have to look closely at a screenshot comparison to notice the cloth on PS3 is detailed more than Xbox. During gameplay, it's virtually the same look.
I hate people who spend hours analysing graphics, textures, colours etc. rather than just enjoying the game. As you said Joey, the differences are impossible to see when actually playing.
Well I just preordered my game and I didnt get anything to do with a beta... how does one get it? Am I screwed?
i guess that game stop will send you a code for the beta when it comes out or something or its a free beta
They just said that you have to be a PS plus member or signed up for Uplay on PS3 to get the beta for the first week. After that, it's available to all PS3 players. You don't have to preorder it.
yeah nothing to do with preorders this time, Jack. You won't have to rely on me to get you a code again
AC has always run a little bit better on Xbox, as far as loading times and screen-tearing and other visual problems go, but Ubi's been closing that gap with every game. Revelations might be completely equal. And the PS3 version has some different lighting effects, and anti-aliasing techniques.
Nothing to kick on the heels of a fuss over.
Anyways, I plan not to play AC multiplayer till I've completed all of Revelations' story and main side missions, so it's not going to be a loss for me at all. I'd rather save that for when all of the commentators can give me awesome tips since they've been playing for a week or so. ; )
Any PS3 people want a free beta key? Ubi sent me one even though i've played all AC games on xbox.
Yes please! Should be getting one as a Uplay user but nothing yet!
Downloading the Beta now... However I saw something on my email saying it starts in Nov. 3rd ? Anyways whenever it's available I'll be glad to join... any THB member
I have a code too, if anyone else needs one. Never cared much for MP.
Downloading the Beta now... However I saw something on my email saying it starts in Nov. 3rd ? Anyways whenever it's available I'll be glad to join... any THB member
3rd of September
I've already downloaded it, now to wait till tomorrow...
Why don't I have my code yet!? I use UPlay on my PS3 all the time!