I think the use of the word "epic" has become so overused that it's lost it's luster.
I tried to get people to play together but the problem is most of us play on different consoles and have different time zones. Also even those with the same time zone have different work/study hours. I have been playing online games for a while and I can say its damn hard for me to get a large group of people to play together at once, especially seeing as im from NZ
saying epic is epicly epic that only the epic can say
saying epic is epicly epic that only the epic can say
^ There's a tongue twister.
An EPIC tongue twister
Of epicosity
BTW, I'm free all day on most Saturdays. Any other day will require 1 or 2 days notice for me. Any 360 players able to play Saturdays as well?
I'm available a lot the coming weeks. For this week, monday and tuesday aren't good days for me.
Im free just about every weekend. i plan on playing till lvl 50 on AC:B this summer
A lot of days this week are free for me up until next Tuesday. Any xbox users I've added should see me on between 11 AM and 7 PM (Central time in the US).
Invite me and/or join any games in ACB if you wish. I'm hesitant on chatting since my mic is screwy. It's better now than it was before. I realized I have to sit completely still like a statue for anyone listening to not hear static. If I move the wire even an inch out of place, all you hear is SSSSHSHHHHCCSSSCCHHHKKKSHSHCH!!! It's a real pain.
As you all can see by my newest sig, I changed my gamertag to "THB JOEY FOGEY" to represent thehiddenblade community. I sent out a message to all of my xbox friends to let them know and a lot of you guys seemed to like the change. It was worth the money.
I changed my gamertag to represent thehiddenblade community.
Me too! I'm now "THB stabguy" on Xbox LIVE. Two of my friends (FLAE and Joey) are also sporting the THB clan tag.
The only downside is that now I will have to practice multiplayer enough to become proficient. It would be too embarrassing to have people going around saying, "You know that stabguy? I just killed him like 10 times in a row. What a noob!"
Stab, I'll help you! I know a number of us would be more than willing to give you some secrets/exploits. I trained hollyk12 to a decent player (she doesn't care for forums, that's why she's not online very often).
Let's get to sharing, then. I'll add you, Stabby. I'll look around for FLAE's tag as well.
And you'd better buy a mic, Joey.
And you'd better buy a mic, Joey.
I'm planning to in the next week. Since I only play 3 games I actually own, i was planning on selling them to Gamestop or someplace. Besides, i get paid this friday anyways.
Well it seems a lot of people are getting online lately, Pty James on XBL.
Stabguy I will send you a friend request one of these days. Is that okay?
Anyway I've been looking for an excuse to play Bro'hood again. So if anyone is interested just PM me and say you are from THB
You'll have fun times with me and Phi.
Stabguy I will send you a friend request one of these days. Is that okay?
Of course! I accept friend requests from members of The Hidden Blade (as long as I recognize their gamertags or they identify themselves somehow). Your invitation was already accepted, James.
We should start using the word "epic" on this site for things that are NOT epic.
Anyways, my gamertag is Civona Deflagre. But most of you guys are on PS3, am I right?
We should start using the word "epic" on this site for things that are NOT epic.
That's such an epic idea!!!
Just kidding, of course. It's creative. Mine is worse. People keep calling me Phil (as in Phil Collins) because Xbox just couldn't not use a sans-serif font.
People keep calling me Phil (as in Phil Collins)
When I was DotCTO people would call me "dot com". One time I was in first place in a car racing game and wiped out. As the rest of the pack passed my wrecked car one of them said, "Dot com went bust."
my xbl gt is AngelofDoom195
but i´m in a different time zone i´m dutch
+1 for you, davinci, since you're Dutch.
Nederland ftw.
my xbl gt is AngelofDoom195
but i´m in a different time zone i´m dutch
Austin Power's dad: "There are two things that I hate: 1. People who are intollerant of other cultures, and 2. the Dutch."
No offense, but every time I meet someone Dutch I think about that line in Austin Power: Goldmember.
A lot of Xbox activity here...anyone on the Playstation who still plays Brotherhood?
My PSN is Pavan_NL
A lot of Xbox activity here...anyone on the Playstation who still plays Brotherhood?My PSN is Pavan_NL
My PSN is GopherBlaine. I'm rarely on though.
As you can see from my sig I'm PatrickDeneny on PSN but I don't play regularly. Feel free to add though. I was thinking the same about all the XBL activity here though
i know a lot of people make fun of dutch people.
changed gt to AssassinVision i know it´s lame but i wanted something with assassin
ps. me tooo
My new PSN Name is: Lord_Rat
Feel free to add me.
PS: I'm going to be Online pretty much all day at this month (July).
So if someone wanna play with me, just add me.
Xbox 360 players: THB-only manhunt match at a time to be determined. Preferably a couple of weeks from now on a Saturday or any time that can be worked out for everyone. Get your schedules cleared. Any and all THB players are invited.
For the sake of good ol' fashion fun, not competition.
Since I still have a PSN account, you can all add me if I don't get to you first.
PSN: JoeyFogey
Im on for about 5 days on PSN.
However I can rarely find a game, might give up with this game entirely.
When ACR comes out I will be using THB_Reacher, not sure if I can fit Jack in there
Im on for about 5 days on PSN.However I can rarely find a game, might give up with this game entirely.
When ACR comes out I will be using THB_Reacher, not sure if I can fit Jack in there
The problem is that i don't have you on PSN jack..
I can find a game easily, i just click "play now" and it put me into a match real quick.
Yeah, the PS3's matchmaking is extremely slow compared to the 360. I can wait maybe 3 minutes max and find a match. My PS3 friends actually wait over 10 minutes until they give up.
Meh, it's free.
Meh, it's free.
I have a PS3 and i can find a match real quick... o.O
Its bad for me because im from New Zealand, meaning most people are sleeping when I can play.
Anyway my PSN is Phatmole, I sent you an invite. I am making videos atm for season 4 ( for those still watching my vids) so you might be in one if you play with me. I am playing wanted, made so many vids on manhunt its time to try something else. I will be on roughly an hour after this post as im uploading one now.
Its bad for me because im from New Zealand, meaning most people are sleeping when I can play.
Anyway i'll add you and maybe we'll play sometimes
Can't login to my PSN account. A page comes up and says "Under maintenence". Does anyone know when this will come back up?
Can't login to my PSN account. A page comes up and says "Under maintenence". Does anyone know when this will come back up?
The UK website was undergoing maintenance last week for a few days so maybe they're just doing general updates and have moved on to actual PSN...? Either way, hopefully it won't be too long.
I'm hoping to be able to play future ACs with members from both consoles. That's why I'm trying to get my PSN up again.
Can't login to my PSN account. A page comes up and says "Under maintenence". Does anyone know when this will come back up?
This happened to me and never fixed, that's why i created a new PSN, my old psn account was danpii11, now it is Lord_Rat.
Ummm...how the f*ck did I get an "lol" smiley in my comment?! O.o
oh your danpii...
Log on here more, Jack. You miss out on any changes. lol
There's just so many damn topics now, for my AC revelations has over 200 unread posts...
A lot of those have been created by newer members. A few of them just keep rolling them out. lol