Every time I play this game I seem to find new stuff as Desmond. I enjoy the Desmond parts of this game a lot, the atmosphere they built up was really good, made you think you were compeltely helpless and you are going to die after your mission etc...
Anyway I never noticed that article in the conference room, I have been in there before and read the email but for some reason it never registered to me how interesting the Phillapeldphia incident was.
It was something about a ship being sent 18 minutes into the future. How come I havent seen any topics about stuff like this, no one seems to talk about. It hasnt been explained in later games, i think its pretty interesting.
Also that chick who killed herself, I never noticed the email said it was because she had some relationship with some kid called Nueman or something. Now it seems kinda pointless of them to mention that game for no reason, could we speculate this is subject 16?
The girl who killed herself was probably killed by abstergo for helping an undesirable (the boy, be he an assassin or other guy who knows the truth) and that's all we can speculate until Ubi explains it better.
Now it seems kinda pointless of them to mention that game for no reason, could we speculate this is subject 16?
I guess, can't say anything points to it though...
Funny time travel was brought up in the game though. I remember it leaking before the game came out that Altaïr was a Time Traveler only to have Ubi come out and say that wasn't at all the case (something like even that was too ridiculous for a sci fi game).
And yeah, I too loved the Desmond parts. Just exploring and having the feeling of, "what secrets will I discover next", all while digging through the place was really exciting.
Funny thing about that girl. Nuemann was a mathematician. He was pretty influential.
It just seems so random that the part about a ship being stuck 18 minutes in the future was mentioned in an email and never mentioned again 2 games later, let alone any other kind of object that could manipulate time.
However time stuff is being brought up a lot now, with Those Who Came Before being able to see into the future. Also Eagle vision is sort of like looking into the past right? When Desmond sees the blood on the walls in his room, he is seing the blood in the past, that is how 16 communicates to Desmond, I never really understood that before. It also seems in revelations Ezio will be able to see slightly into the future by prediting the guards path.
I also never heard the conversation at the start where Desmond tells Lucy about where he grew up, PS3 owners were never encouraged to do so without the achievement.
Other things I have missed are very small details, such as the additional information page on memory 7.
Also Eagle vision is sort of like looking into the past right? When Desmond sees the blood on the walls in his room, he is seing the blood in the past, that is how 16 communicates to Desmond, I never really understood that before.
Where exactly did you get this idea from, Jack? To my understanding, nothing in the games has alluded to such an idea.
The simplest explanation is that Eagle Vision allows the Assassin to see things beyond what others can see, like an extraordinary boost to the senses and a highly-refined sense of observation (think Sherlock Holmes). The dialogue in the games has basically implied it to work this way, as far as I understand it.
Even years after a crime scene has been cleaned up, forensic investigators can use luminol to reveal the trace elements of blood. Eagle Vision just seems to be allowing the Assassin to see things that regular people are unable to, in this case the same trace elements that luminol easily identifies. I don't believe it has anything to do with time.
You've been watching Dexter, haven't you, Asaic?
At the end of Brotherhood it was stronly hinted Eagle vision was the watered down version of Knowledge. Now this knowledge would allow you to reason so quickly and deeply that you basically can 'see the future'. You can read people's intentions as well. And, you know someone has written blood on the walls (because of whatever indicators), so you can see it.
You've been watching Dexter, haven't you, Asaic?At the end of Brotherhood it was stronly hinted Eagle vision was the watered down version of Knowledge. Now this knowledge would allow you to reason so quickly and deeply that you basically can 'see the future'. You can read people's intentions as well. And, you know someone has written blood on the walls (because of whatever indicators), so you can see it.
Also, in ACR, Ezio can use Eagle Vision to see where guard patrols have been, and where they might be. This could be guesswork, but I would support Syndrome in his theory that it is a type of Knowledge of eternal truths, with little context in time (and therefore it shows past and future equally).
Jack-Reacher wrote:
Also Eagle vision is sort of like looking into the past right? When Desmond sees the blood on the walls in his room, he is seing the blood in the past, that is how 16 communicates to Desmond, I never really understood that before.Where exactly did you get this idea from, Jack? To my understanding, nothing in the games has alluded to such an idea.
It seems to me to amount to the same thing, Asaic. The blood was there in the past and even though it has been cleaned off, Desmond can still see it using Eagle Vision.
Where exactly did you get this idea from, Jack? To my understanding, nothing in the games has alluded to such an idea.The simplest explanation is that Eagle Vision allows the Assassin to see things beyond what others can see, like an extraordinary boost to the senses and a highly-refined sense of observation (think Sherlock Holmes). The dialogue in the games has basically implied it to work this way, as far as I understand it.
That's what I always thought anyway. Especially with the fingerprints in AC2.
You've been watching Dexter, haven't you, Asaic?At the end of Brotherhood it was stronly hinted Eagle vision was the watered down version of Knowledge.
It said in the original Creed that it was a sixth sense - obviously watered down, as you say, how it was implied in Brotherhood.
You've been watching Dexter, haven't you, Asaic?
Luminol is used frequently in probably a dozen different primtetime TV shows these days. Plus I have a co-worker who had some forensics training who's told me interesting stories.
At the end of Brotherhood it was stronly hinted Eagle vision was the watered down version of Knowledge.
Possibly, but I don't think it's so much that they can see into the future or the past as it is that they have a better point of observation than we do.
We have a firm understanding of the first three dimensions; we can plot trajectories and fully understand how an object will react in three dimensions before any force is applied to it. However, the fourth dimension eludes us – we're just along for the ride when it comes to time. Then look at lower life forms that barely have an understanding of those first three dimensions. They cannot anticipate how things will react in 3-dimensional space, and they have no concept of time at all. I'm sure that "Those Who Have Come Before" are on a plane higher than us, having a much more sophisticated understanding of time and causality compared to us. I don't believe that they can 'view the future' as much as they simply have a better understanding of how things will play out if left on their current trajectory, in the same manner that we can more properly predict how things will react in the first three dimensions compared to lower lifeforms.
Man, kids these days really missed out not having TV shows like Star Trek. Deep Space Nine covered all this stuff with The Prophets and it was really easy to understand.
Jack-Reacher wrote:
Also Eagle vision is sort of like looking into the past right?It seems to me to amount to the same thing, Asaic. The blood was there in the past and even though it has been cleaned off, Desmond can still see it using Eagle Vision.
I don't think that's what Jack meant. It sounds like he had a more literal spin on it than you're thinking.
I used to think of it exactly as you said Asaic, not in a literal way of actually seeing the blood in the past. I just thought it might also be possible that he was looking into the past because of what eagle vision can do in ACR
Apparently in ACR you can see guards paths they took in the past and the future using eagle vision, so I thought it could also be possible that the blood and finger prints were markings from the past.
Just speculation...
i was almost completely sure that in AC 1 it was stated that the Eagle's vision was just the Animus'es manifestation of a normal high developed but completely natural skill too read between the lines and see what people are up to.
i liked that, it just meant that Altair was awesome at seeing through people and analyzing them in a way that the Animus couldn't really simulate in a real way so they had to go the easy route with colours.
so Altair wouldn't see people glow, he'd just see small hints about theyre character, something that he had to train with Master Assassins for years too be good at
so in AC:B Da Vinci dissapearence when it was called "Ezio's gift" a little piece of me died.
Ezio is not skilled at all, he's is apparently a boring superhuman. nothing natural about him at all.
and the developers think he's Jesus or something
Um, we already knew that eagle vision is made from cross-breeding of Those that came before and humans in AC 2. No need to wait till The Davinci dissapearance to figure it out. That's how Altair had eagle vision, too. Technically it's a natural ability, just a natural ability for a hybrid species.
The developers know exactly who Jesus is, and what piece of eden he used to turn water into wine. ; )
maybe i'm just slow then
Rob, you sound *exactly* like any Doctor Who fan after Last of the Time Lords aired.
i don't know what that means, but ok
Rob, you still sound *exactly* like any Doctor Who fan after Last of the Time Lords aired!