Assassins Creed Unity le Peletier Assassination
I have two people to thank for this.
First Slembroccoli for the beginning route:
Then InTehVaria for more on that route:
You start out climbing in through the open window near the poisoned wine. Go up the stairs and locate the target. If you're successful you'll hear him ask the butler for wine. Now go back out the way you came.
After climbing to the roof, make your way to the window infiltration. On the opposite side are some windows that are normally closed but open after you are in the same area as le Peletier. Ubisoft meant this as a way of escape after killing the target.
Head towards the target. When you get somewhere less than fifty meters away a dialogue is triggered, the target telling his daughter he has business to attend to. Then he walks to the same room as in the window infiltration.
Le Peletier walks to a few places in the room and repeats this process. For an assassination I chose to start with vaulting over a table to add a little flair. To make this work first take cover behind the table, then hold forward and tap
After the assassination you have to escape the area. Guards are spawned outside, but you can avoid them by sticking to rooftops.
And that is how you can assassinate le Peletier without being seen at all or using abilities.
Yeah, whether something's an exploit or not depends entirely on whether it was intended, and as you say, this wasn't intended, so it is indeed an exploit.
I'm actually fine with the target being indoors; I think indoor environments have a ton of potential and that potential isn't fulfilled in this mission or any other in the game. It's sad. If wallcrawling and free-running were taken advantage of as much indoors as they are outdoors it could be incredible.
With those places where you can't wallrun, do you mean the places where you're forced to run more slowly than usual?
I didn't pay attention to how fast you could run in those places. In this mission you cannot climb/wallrun in the room with the target and the rooms leading to the window infiltration, except for mostly vaulting over some objects and going through open windows. This sucks because you're supposed to be able to create opportunities and you can't get the target from above.
Also about those closed windows. Since it was a part of the mission for them to open, even though unintended that way, should it even qualify as an exploit? I feel the same way about stealing the keys in the first assassination and restarting the checkpoint. The developers purposely made the game autosave when you acquired the keys as a convenience for not having to take them again if you died.
Oh wow. Really patient work there! It pains me that the dialogue with the person you can bribe to open the windows indices that le Peletier would eventually go there as it is his own room. I was blinded by the linear awesomeness of the unique kill.
Now here's something weird. On a reload after initiating the window infiltration, the other windows are automatically open, but not during the actual window infiltration. Either it was intended the other ones would be open as part of the window infiltration but didn't work out, or it's a broken timeline.
It pains me that the dialogue with the person you can bribe to open the windows indices that le Peletier would eventually go there as it is his own room. I was blinded by the linear awesomeness of the unique kill.
That's the problem with it. After going through the window and past the rooms to the target, you can't expect the player to go back in the hopes that the target will decide to head there. Would be nice if there was something more to indicate that.
It was by sheer luck that happened to me. At first I thought he'd fled and taken a slightly different route to the room, but knew something was up when the target started examining objects in the room.
I'm personally not a fan of using what would clearly be labeled by the makers of the game as an exploit. Ultimately, I just wish the mission was better designed; I don't think that the fact that this exploit exists elevates its quality (and it's far from the only bit of sloppiness in this mission as we all know). The alternative proposed in the thread about my video, somehow blending through the assassination, wouldn't be all that satisfying either in the end. The design just isn't as good as it should be. I don't mean to criticize you with any of this, I'm just conflicted. I put a link to your video in the description of mine to hopefully give it some more exposure.
But... but... very good point there. This mission would have been better if the target was somewhere outside. Even so, I'm glad there is more to the mission than the target just sitting there surrounded by guards.
Something some of you may have noticed is there are places in the game you can't wall run. In this case it's some of the rooms on the second floor. I've encountered other places when attempting an area exploit or some other exploit. If it were any more obvious there would be a sign on the wall saying "don't even think about it, THB".
Whoa. That's crazy, I had no idea the area's state was linked to locating the target rather than killing him, that's some unexpected design for sure. There's no way this was intended. Kudos for finding it.
I really didn't see this coming when I said I'd like to see someone do what I couldn't. I definitely do respect your ingenuity here, but I'm personally not a fan of using what would clearly be labeled by the makers of the game as an exploit. Ultimately, I just wish the mission was better designed; I don't think that the fact that this exploit exists elevates its quality (and it's far from the only bit of sloppiness in this mission as we all know). The alternative proposed in the thread about my video, somehow blending through the assassination, wouldn't be all that satisfying either in the end. The design just isn't as good as it should be. I don't mean to criticize you with any of this, I'm just conflicted. I put a link to your video in the description of mine to hopefully give it some more exposure.
That's truckin' incredible. Shoutouts to this Assassination for being hella fun to play with. I think this one and Sivert have definitely shown their possibilities. May experiment with the others for cool stuff.