I had no idea about this, thanks to Vhan Master for telling me
All PS3 players please leave me your PSN name ( even if you have already told me, so everyone else knows it) and I will send you an invite on the site as soon as I get back from lunch or whatever
See my sig below
As always it will be~
I found the PSN topic, im inviting everyone from there, but I would like people to see this topic so they know where to go to accept the invite, no idea if it shows up in game
Clan invites show up under RECEIVED INVITATIONS which can be found under the CLANS tab... :3
I just accepted the invite for example... xD
I know they show up there, I was just wondering if it also notified you in-game. I doubt it. Anyway I added like 7 other people, I will be advertising the clan among other friends I play with, so maybe they might check out the site after a while. I might even start advertising it in my vids if things go slow
Nice, in the meantime it would be nice to have a motto... xD;
It feels weird having "enter your clan motto" in it... xP
Yeah does this site happen to have a motto going for it? I might make a separate topic about it where our members can help come up with one. Im kind of busy right now with people doing a building report on our house so I cant really set it up, I have sent out invitations to all members though on this site, however DAZ it said your name didnt exist so can you please post your PSN here as well?
I suppose ill make a xbox 360 one just so every1 feels at home lol
EDIT:not to mention i made the clan...but the invite wont work. Says i need to be owner or co-owner...which i am
Patrick I need you to accept, along with everyone else, my invite list is full now
Arrrogance, if you ever get those invites working, send one my way. I'm under the same name as on this site.
Though I don't know how much I'll actually be playing it.
My xbox360 name is Will M 1235
I'll accept it as soon as I get home
Yeah sorry, I've accepted now I tried to at school earlier today but the school computer wouldn't load the page
I noticed the motto section and also thought it would nice to have one. The closest to a title that the site has is Assassin's Creed in Depth (as shown at the top) but it sounds weird as a clan motto
Ugh it just WONT let me invite people. Says im not owner or temporary owner >_>
The closest to a title that the site has is Assassin's Creed in Depth (as shown at the top) but it sounds weird as a clan motto
That is the site motto and, I concur, it would make a lousy clan motto. Any suggestions? If we get several good nominees I will create a poll.
I went ahead and created an Xbox 360 clan to mirror the one for PS3.
Name: Hidden Blade
Motto (interim): Assassin's Creed in Depth
Tag: THB
Members of The Hidden Blade website:
Home of the best Assassin's Creed maps and stylish assassination videos.
It said the name "The Hidden Blade" was already in use. If someone here created it, let me know and we'll merge the two clans.
So far I've sent invitations to: joecool280, 1001Human, Asaic, JoeyFogey, james89, Vanitas, and Hollyk12. Then it said, "You have reached the maximum number of invites that can be sent." If each of us can only invite 7 people, I'm going to need some help building this clan.
I think i made The Hidden Blade for 360...and the HIdden BladeS. But i could never seem to invite anyone so i gave up lol. My motto was pretty dumb, but here it goes. "Your back hurts? Let me remove my blade, better?"
Yeah I dont think its just max invites either. Someone accepted mine so I invited another, and it was full. I think the actual clan has a cap of 8 people!
This kinda sucks, we will have to have 2 clans I guess, but not till I can confirm its the max.
Also the one i made is Thehiddenblade, I had to do it this way because someone else made The Hidden Blade, and also Hidden Blade for PS3. If it was someone from this site... why didnt you tell us instead of just taking up the name?
Alright I have only 2 outstanding invitations and I cant send any more. I have 5 people in the clan at the moment, so it looks like 7 players is the max. I found an AUS member who was keen to join the clan and we played together for about an hour, he is only level 25 but would listen to my tactics and we did great on defense.
Basically Danpii is unable to join at this time, however I havent seen him online much anyway. We may have to start up a second clan on the site.
Also im not really liking how it only shows PLAYER stats, I play RANKED only because it is harder to boost on that leaderboard, and I already have like over a million points, seems a waste to start again. It doesnt make any sense that they would show PLAYER stats
Can clan names be changed after the fact? If so, we could have separate "strike forces", like THB Blue, THB Gold, etc for each system. This would allow us to each still be connected to the same overall THB clan and it's easy to reference the individual teams.
ok, but my team gets THB gold/ platinum until the other team passes our score! I will try and change the name now, i think you can as you can change motto and description whenever you want
Yup you can change the name
For now I made the motto
"When you break the rules, we break you!"
Its something brute says in AC2 and is ALWAYS stuck in my head when thinking about AC. This should give you guys an incentive to think up of a better motto, for the longer you take, the longer that is displayed as our motto. I wouldnt worry though, I dont even know how to look at other clans pages or other players stats yet, not sure if you even can
EDIT: I looked through the leaderboards, and we are on page 8 with around 250,000 points or something. I did the math and that is the total of me and Amon's PLAYER points, exactly our scores added together. I think it took a while for it to register. Now that Fybis has like 600,000 PLAYER points, we should be on page 1 once he updates. I might play and mix of PLAYER matches with our clan and RANKED matches for myself each day to help boost it a bit
It's up to you guys how to name the sub-teams, but I personally recommend against color combinations that sound like a ranking system (bronze, silver, gold, platinum, etc). I think it's best to go with colors that make the sub-teams sound parallel rather than one being better than another.
We could also either duplicate sub-team names between systems or just keep each one exclusive. For instance, there could be THB Red for both consoles, or THB Red could be PS3-only.
I was half joking when I made that post, my original post said my team is team platinum and the other is team copper or something pathetic lol, but it would add some incentive for the clans to play more.
Anyway I dont even think we have enough PS3 members for a second clan, I might start adding the clans tag in my videos now, my multiplayers are getting some views and if anyone wants to join, they can join the second clan ( and maybe they have to sign up here, but in my experience online gamers are jerks)
I think the actual clan has a cap of 8 people!
This is getting lamer and lamer. Arrrogance, go ahead and keep your Xbox clan(s) active. It looks like we're going to need several of these. I can help you figure out the invitation system.
The Great JoeyFogey has joined my clan. Now we have enough points (mostly Joey's) to make it onto page 8 of the Xbox leaderboard. I'm probably going to end up withdrawing some of my invitations and sending them to others. Anyone I've already invited is welcome to accept. I won't purge invitations until Friday at the earliest.
I think its actually 7, which is weird as 8 players is the max for Manhunt/Wanted
I have 5 people in the clan and 2 invites outstanding and I cant invite anyone else.
I can't seem to find anything related to the clans on the ubisoft forums, maybe we should ask if they will expand guilds...?
i only have 1 clan. The Hidden Blades. lol, but ill keep it up for now, invitation system startin' to get on my nerves.
Also if a clan's cap is really 8 people, that's ridiculous
Alright im considering this. Im going to invite the rest of the THB PS3 members, and leave membership in someone elses hands
Because most of you are from across the world I never get to play with you guys. However I have been able to play with some AUS/NZ guys a lot now. So basically because there isnt enough room in our current PS3 clan for Danpii, I will give someone else leadership for now and create a secondary clan that will be AUS/NZ, so i get to play with people I know more frequently
EDIT: It's working now
Actually I have decided to keep leadership, I will simply add those AUS/NZ guys and play with them when they are on, it will help boost my PLAYER score anyway. Hopefully you see me online, dont hesitate to send an invite
Well congratz to all those in the clan, we are now on Page 1 on the clan leaderboards ( not saying where though lol)
Once Sbiznokasomething accepts his invite we should have his points as well. I will be playing half player and half ranked, because I want to break the top 100 in Ranked for solo, and I have a feeling there will be an option to view the rankings in RANKED score in the future, as my rank score is almost a million and is more than most clan members combined in other clans
I'm completely confident that I can best assist the THB teams by staying firmly on the sidelines and cheering. So remember I'm cheering you on! From the sidelines.
We are now on Page 1 on the clan leaderboards
Same here. Asaic and James89 joined our Xbox clan and now we're on Page 1 under many categories. We still have three open slots! (Invitations are currently extended to JoeCool280, 1001Human and Vanitas.)
Invitations are currently extended to JoeCool280, 1001Human and Vanitas.
Vanitas has accepted. Invitations for the other two slots have been sent to Jedted and Altair92.
I advise everyone on the PS3 clan to forget the leaderboards for now. The PLAYER stats on the site are not updating at all, and I have a feeling once the site is fully operational and they start advertising it and such, then they might use RANKED stats for leaderboards, as that would make more sense...
I recommend you guys check the network as soon as you can, as you can see it has been updated recently including a community challenge to unlock NIGHT Rome for the multiplayer...!
wow thanks for the update, il check it out now
Uh can you please say where it is?
*Sigh* =P
Let me go through all the updates I can see...
If you check on the top right you can see they have added our Clan Rank(35... D:)
Also, if you look under PROFILE you can see that they added Assassins Creed 2 Tab which basically shows the statistics of your game in Assassins Creed 2...
In addition, you can share any of your stats on facebook via a tiny button in the bottom... xP
Click the EVENTS tab and it should show you the latest events, be it community or Clan related(Which is mentions it will start in January)...
The CLAN tab didn't change much, just cleaned up a bit
Though now the public pages shows everything about us...
Oh! The leaderboards for the VR missions is now available to view there...
Yeah I saw most of those, I wanted to know where the community challenge is lol, but il check it out later. I still wont use the site, reason we are ranked 35 is because it is still using PLAYER score instead of RANKED. my RANK score is like 1,900,000 now, PLAYER only 196,000, and worse it doesnt update
Yeah I saw most of those, I wanted to know where the community challenge is lol
Click the EVENTS tab and it should show you the latest events, be it community or Clan related(Which is mentions it will start in January)...
Check there... 8P
PSN is lordikris
Im good on manhunt and somewhat good on alliance, but im VERY bad at wanted.
PSN is Escaran, just like on this site. If any THB clan will have me, I'll gladly join .
Im probably going to leave it soon, this whole time I have never played with anyone in the clan, no one is on at the same time as me
no one is on at the same time as me
Worst part is, due to my job I'm pretty much on the same day/night schedule as NZ, but we're on different systems.
I've only played 2 or 3 times with any THB member in about 4 weeks.
I have joined a clan The Reckoners, but I dont think I will stay long. Its a huge clan covering both consoles, im not a fan of massive clans. I will probably start my own clan, I will probably advertise it on my latest video and see if any fans are willing to join. It will be level 45+, manhunt/alliance clan 8 players max
Why don't we try to agree on community playdates? Maybe some of the lurkers will show up apart from the usual posters. Tag a few gamertags and possibly a few people that can record their games in hope to see some of the best/worst shots of the game.
The stats were updated if anyone still cares... =P
Ive been having alot of good manhunt games recently. Sadly, my capcard doesn't work with my hdmi cable, just my standard 360 cables. If i use those, there is 'controller lag'. So i can't do good. So sadly no more videos from me
EDIT: And im not spending $150-200 on an hd capture card
I know what you mean, I get loads of comments from youtubers to get some fancy cap card costing over $100, saying it would be good for my "career"
It's just a hobby, if people don't wanna watch my videos because they aren't in top quality I owould rather they didn't watch them at all if thats all they are interested in