In one of my many moments of sudden curiosity, I felt like brushing up on the proper use of the semicolon. (Man, Asaic, you're boring!)
The first hit on Google is the Wikipedia entry. One of the contributors is clearly an AC fan, as one of the examples given was "Nothing is true; everything is permitted."
Not a big deal, I just thought it was great to see the reference. And of all places to find it!
Ah well, I thought that sentence only had a comma, not a semicolon, shows what I know. Anyway, nice find. did I. Then again the semicolon's totally different in my language. In Arabic, you wouldn't use one in that sentence, because neither part causes the other. Nothing is true, and everything is permitted. So if you want to go by the original language, a comma works fine.
(EDIT): Look at my signature. No semicolon.
Yeah it isn't completely necessary as one doesn't directly result in the other bit. But a semi-colon is acceptable, in English at least, because Nothing is True is certainly linked to Everything is Permitted. It doesn't obviously cause it but because "nothing is true" (meaning only laws/rules are in our heads and human society) "everything is permitted" for people like the assassins as they show disregard for corrupt laws to make things better. In that way the 2 are linked. Nice reference as well
True enough. I'm still annoyed there's no Arabic version of AC1. I want to experience it more realistically. I set the spoken language of AC2 to Italian on my second playthrough and it was awesome, but neither game has an Arabic option. Then again, Altair's Arabic in the English version makes my ears bleed. He just mumbles a few words and hopes they sound right lol.
It could be used between two phrases, in which the first phrase causes the second.
Example: "He played much; so, his clothes became dirty". (Arabic: لقد لعب كثيرًا؛ فاتسخت ملابسه.)
What's so "lolwut" about that?
Does the example amuse you? What amuses me about it is that it barely makes sense. Surely the whole idea of the semi-colon in that example is that a connective is not needed. The 'so' is effectively pointless there as the semi-colon covers the link between the two Failure of an example IMO.
Also, 'he played much'? Is that really modern English?
Sorry. I'm a bit of a grammar Nazi
That's not modern English. It's a literal translation from Arabic lol. A lot of people make that kind of mistake. That part of the article is specifically talking about it's use in Arabic. Lol I have my big "native speaker" ego showing strong XD.
Pretty much like in spanish, a normal comma would be used. Only if both phrases showed a more complex similarity between each other. Maybe its a more semantical understanding, something that would recquire to know what the speaker is talking about, which we do.
And as to the literal translation, I get what you mean, conjugation is more complex in spanish as well, which is kind of why I like english, no need to modify a word 15 times; now the pronouciation is kind of a bitch.
Sorry. Suppose it makes sense in context in the article. As a literal translation its fine then As normal English, its technically correct but very strangely worded. Guess thats why its literal Thanks for clearing that up.
A semicolon is used like "Nothing is true; Everything is permitted."
Basically, it indicates that both statements on either side of the semicolon can be used as its own sentence. "Nothing is true." "Everything is permitted." If you want to just say a point but don't want to use the word "and", then you may use a semicolon as well. "Nothing is true and everything is permitted."
My dad owned a bookstore and I'm big on grammar. Don't judge me. lol
It may seem quite shallow but I often judge people on there use of grammar. On the internet I find you need a way to gauge a person so I use how they write to judge this. I prefer to speak to those with good grammar than those whose language is broken up and annoying
*prays everything in this post is grammatically correct*
I often judge people on there use of grammar.
nononononnonononnononono!!!!!!!!!!!!!! classic schoolboy error D: but then I am a schoolboy technically so you can let me off
the whole there they're their thing is one of the worst grammatical errors though. I sincerely apologise for my mistake
Ah well, I thought that sentence only had a comma, not a semicolon, shows what I know. Anyway, nice find.
Hold the bus! joecool280's signiture is like my username. That's a great signiture all the same
Haha Patrick, I am relatively the same way (Aside from laughing, as in "lol") but we're human. Mis-takes happen.