one thing i want to say is WTH ARE LOW GRAFICHS JUST LOOK AT ALTAIR AT 0:40
And now it's been blocked by Ubisoft
And now it's been blocked by Ubisoft
its up now here
I like how they took some inspiration from the "Beautiful Lies" trailer. Looks totally amazing. Constantinople is beautiful.
Very nice. Hamps should get royalties though - his transitions in Beautiful Lies are actually better than this.
That falling part looks cool - it also reminds me of HPatDH Pt 2
Looks like there are lots of new scaffolds and beams making the Masyaf fortress more climbable than in AC1. I already know what I'll be doing for 50% of the game.
I think the Transitions they used in the trailer were less smooth, yes, but I think that was just to fit the music. I like both of them.
i loved the transitions between ezio and altair and desmond ( once ) kinda reminded me of the gamers video
Dubstep FTW!
Seriously fuck you ubi, you had awesome fitting music for the first trailer and now THIS SHIT?
Fuck wubstep. And fuck you cawadooty kids. And fuck gamer gurls.
anyone else seen this comment
Phi won't like what you said about his precious Dubstep...
And what about gamer gurls? Now I must watch this...
That was ok. I do think they should keep with the smoother music like they have in the past. Music with hard beats and heavy bass make it look even more about KILL KILL EXPLOSIONS!!! than stealth or strategy.
also anyone notice desmonds facial hair ???
also anyone notice desmonds facial hair ???
I thought I saw something like that, but it was too quick, I couldn't tell. I've always wondered how and where they bathed in the Sanctuary in the first place, but now he's
Ok, the worst possible thing happened to me about a month ago, and has dragged on since. Only a few hours ago did it end in a very horrible fashion. And I've been depressed all day. I got on the internets to make me happy and it seemed hopeless. Not even Tobuscus' videos could make me chuckle. Then I saw this video:
I couldn't help but smile. UbiGabe is one of the most awkward people I've ever seen read cue cards, but when he's doing ad-lib interviews with random people about Assassin's Creed, he really cheers me up. Not sure why. This video seems idiotic in hindsight, but I guess it depended on this particular moment.
lol i just saw that a minute ago also and arent weapons not allowed at comic-con??? cause when you make a real hiddenblade you have to use like metal for the blade and that thing was sharpend.
This music was totally fitting. And notice how all that action happened with no explosions at all? This trailer was about the athleticism, combat, and action. The music fit very well. And Dubstep is not at all bad. Sure, a lot of the more popular artists only have like two good songs, but that's true for almost every genre of music.
The artist in particular who did that song is a good example of a truly talented musician.
Dubstep, or electronic music in general is often dismissed by people as not being "real music", however it's as real as classical music. You compose the music, it's just the things that play it are machines instead of an orchestra.
On the subject of the trailer looking fan-made, the best fan-made videos of AC have been better than the normal gameplay trailers. See "Beautiful Lies", or "Kraddy - Android Porn". But I would have to say that this is one of the most professional gameplay trailers for AC yet. It's not easy to make something work when it's showing fast-paced and tense clips set to said music. often the action doesn't live up to the sound. Of course, the reason this works is largely due to the improved graphics and animations. The animations for Revelations are looking so much better than any we've had before.
While it's not gameplay, I gotta say that the original E3 trailer for Assassin's Creed is still the franchise's best.
It was the best CGI depiction of an assassination that they've done, definately.
i really liked the revelations one the most
While it's not gameplay, I gotta say that the original E3 trailer for Assassin's Creed is still the franchise's best.
It's just a shame it wasn't actually in the game and very little of it was accurate It was cool though