Alright, so I have a really strong feeling that theres going to be a new Hidden blade allowing new moves in Assassins Creed 3.
This is Altair's Hidden Blade Schematics
Ezio's Hidden Blade Schematics editted by Da Vinci
Assassins Creed 3? Idk, But I'm sure it will allow a lot more possibilities
A new blade seems likely and I really hope there is a new design
It's pretty difficult to imagine how they might change it but it better be cool
I hope it is only a single blade, and the other wrist has a silenced gun and pellet shooter (smoke pellets) and the poison dart shooter. The actual blade, though? It would be cool if it could split apart like opening scissors when the blade was extended, which could make for brutal assasination animations and allow it to act as a grappling hook if they want to go that way. (contrary to what people say, I think that a grappling hook could work if it didn't have a very long range and could not be used unless standing on a flat surface or in the air, (only if there is a beam in front of you if in the air.) a good control for it could be Lb. Gonna start a topic for this, thanks for the idea dude!
Ummm ok? I don't see how that's a whole new idea... but you know...
Idea: JUST CAUSE CREED 3! Lol, no grappling hooks. That would ruin free-running.
Unless you gain the ability to punch through drywall and assassinate through there, there's not much further you can go with the hidden blade. Whatever imaginary mechanics Da Vinci and Altair had in their designs don't matter.
I didn't think it was a new Idea, I just started the topic for general weapons.
AC3 should have a bit of exposition where an Assassin weapon-maker explains how the bloody things work! I see no visible mechanism being triggered, Ezio just spasms his hands.
Yeah, AC2's blade is bollocks. AC's works with a ring on Altaïr's pinky.
I'm guessing spasming your hands in a certain way pulls on a trigger connected to the bracer. It seems like it would be tricky to not trigger during freerunning. If it's strapped to your arm, however, it should be easy to stretch a trigger.
I realize I may be behind in posting this but: If you read some of the novels that run parallel with the games, it mentions that Ezio flexes the muscles in his forearms in a way that triggers the Hidden Blades mechanism to extend and retract. Hence why his arms "spasm". He's tightening the muscles.
There's a little pressure switch that is always touching his wrist/forearm. The removal of the obvious ring-based mechanism was brought about by Altair to prevent Templars from easily discovering Assassins.
Since this is a thread about hidden blades...
Also, do we get 2 blades now or only 1? Some people say 1, some people say 2.
2. One of the Boston demo playthroughs shows Connor doing the two-blade idle animation.
I heard once that we get two hidden blades to compensate for the dual-wielding, but I haven't heard any legitimate source say yes or no to that.
I really wish you could only have 1 HB. Just like it was in AC1, not for fighting, only countering. I wish the HB was more of a sneaky-assassination-only weapon (it already is, but in the AC1 way).
I read somewhere that it's both 1 and 2 hidden blades... I think it's a choice to put on your other hand or carry a difference weapon... I could be completely misremembering everything by now though...
one of the devs confirmed 2 hidden blades but you can choose to have 1 he mentions it during the psp ac3 game *she will have 2 hidden blades just like connor*
2. One of the Boston demo playthroughs shows Connor doing the two-blade idle animation.
All the character animations are changed though, so they may not mean what they have meant in previous games.
Connor will indeed get two hidden blades.
Wookey, it appears from what we've seen that the blades cannot be used in open combat (unless you count using the left handed one as a dagger) so they are indeed a stealth weapon only as far as we know. As for only having one... I don't see how that makes it more stealthy, or indeed practical. It would be useful to have a blade on either hand irregardless of if you were going for two targets or not. More points of contact = more reliable death.
It would be useful to have a blade on either hand irregardless of if you were going for two targets or not.
Grammar nazi senses, tingling.
I see no problem with my usage.
You're using wikipedia as a valid source? Well, at least even that says that it's incorrect.
There's a reason I don't study a language. It's words like irregardless that just make no sense. I don't care about double negatives, I use them all the time. But at least they should have a logical meaning.
... It means regardless. It's slang, yeah, but I just like the sound of it, and I like to vary my usage of words. Many authors use it, and old timey slang sounds just as inyteresting as real words. Wikipedia was the first result, and as a wise man once said: "It can be accurate if you look up stuff nobody cares about.". And I obviously did not learn it from there.
IRRegardless, this does not seem to be all that crucial to the discussion at hand.