here is the link 4 times hehe
really, you must see this new video, it's AWESOME like this guy -->
I like how it's more like the feeling of AC1 in this trailer. The second's hype was too cinematic, like a movie.
I like that now we can throw spears. That's definitely a huge plus.
Other than that it's really just Ezio being Ezio, but he looks like a much more fluid killer.
I like all the new animations and mix of weapons (i.e. hidden gun after stabbing) and the ability to jump on a higher level to assassinate a mounted guard. So amazing. I think this will be what we'll be playing instead of AC2 now. It's no more...until we get nostalgic.
I like that now we can throw spears. That's definitely a huge plus.Other than that it's really just Ezio being Ezio, but he looks like a much more fluid killer.
I think the same..
One thing that i loved to much is the new weapons, I LOVE THE CROSSBOW, i guess i'm going to use the pistol just when in combat and the crossbow as a stealth ranged weapon and stuff like that.
The other one is that I'M GOING TO CREATE MY OWN BROTHERHOOD! YAY! i loved the way that my badass recruits killed the guards with airstrike [ arrows shower ] and then air assassinate the other 4...then when Ezio is pointing his crossbow to the priest, or pope i don't know, WELL, when he is pointing his crossbow to the guy, the other assassins recruits, stay looking like's awesome.
I don't think I'll be disappointed when this comes out and my internet connection will be gone. I'll play through the entire singleplayer experience before I even touch the multiplayer. Chances are, my connection WILL be lacking, but I won't mind.
This looked great! I liked the glimpses of another two big epic moments, the horse chase with cannons, and the assassin on the boat attacking the other boat with cannons.
I don't think I'll be disappointed when this comes out and my internet connection will be gone. I'll play through the entire singleplayer experience before I even touch the multiplayer. Chances are, my connection WILL be lacking, but I won't mind.
All multiplayer games i've ever played, i ALWAYS played the single-player first, than i go to the multiplayer. Laughing out loud
I like how it's more like the feeling of AC1 in this trailer.
It should, know why? The song in this trailer is called "Burn My Shadow Away," and it's written by Unkle. Name sound familiar? It should, because their song "Lonely Soul" was in the first gameplay trailer for AC1.
I knew that! ...I was just seeing if anyone would get!
JoeyFogey wrote:
I like how it's more like the feeling of AC1 in this trailer.It should, know why? The song in this trailer is called "Burn My Shadow Away," and it's written by Unkle. Name sound familiar? It should, because their song "Lonely Soul" was in the first gameplay trailer for AC1.
The video is great, but the music... meh, AC2's music was better. Justice by Genesis or something? Or was it Genesis by Justice? Either way, it was better than Burn my Shadow Away...
The video is great, but the music... meh, AC2's music was better. Justice by Genesis or something? Or was it Genesis by Justice? Either way, it was better than Burn my Shadow Away...
I don't know. This smooth kind of music made the first game attain a certain type of atmosphere. I feel it every time I play it. AC2 seems to have a different feel. You know it's an AC game, but they're both very different. To me, it was because of the presentation and musical hype. Now I feel like they're going back to their roots.
I hope so, I hope so.
Yea one thing I like about Ac1 was the music, it gives a nice mystical feeling about the area, sometimes I when searching for flags I would stop around the Kingdom and just look at the landscape listening to the music
Yea one thing I like about Ac1 was the music, it gives a nice mystical feeling about the area, sometimes I when searching for flags I would stop around the Kingdom and just look at the landscape listening to the music
Haha same!
And in AC2 i hate the Venice music, a woman singing an opera, it hurts my ears...
In AC1 i loved the soundtrack and i hope in ACBrotherhood the music will be like in AC1, because of the "ancient" things like the Coliseum and the city in ruins and things like that.
I like this trailer's music more. While it was pretty cool to have French techno in an ACII trailer, this feels a bit more...mature.
I like this trailer's music more. While it was pretty cool to have French techno in an ACII trailer, this feels a bit more...mature.
Yep, I think the same..
Man i can't wait more for this game! dammit
Man i can't wait more for this game! dammit
It's almost here! Just 2 more months! ...wait, that's forever...
Danpii14 wrote:
Man i can't wait more for this game! dammitIt's almost here! Just 2 more months! ...wait, that's forever...
Wait for this game it's like wait forever, because we want it so bad then it appears to take longer to be released...
Its best to just stop visiting this part of the board and try and forget about it, time flies by faster
Its best to just stop visiting this part of the board and try and forget about it, time flies by faster
Yep, but is difficult. hehe.
Thanks for the link, Danpii14. You were right; it was exactly as awesome as this guy --> !
Thanks for the link, Danpii14. You were right; it was exactly as awesome as this guy -->!
You're Welcome.
But nobody is more awesome than Ezio, even this guy -->