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Needle In A Haystack Variety Pack

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Jack-Reacher's picture
Joined: 02/07/2010

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In this assassination contract the target can spawn in 5 locations ( maybe more?). Decided to show a clip on how to clear the area while notorious and not get alerted. During the trials of this video to get a shot of all the positions he can spawn in, I discovered the way you enter the green search area triggers which spawn he will appear at. I would enter from one way 10 times in a row and get him spawning at 2 locations, and enter another way and he will spawn at another 2 set points in those 10 times. I didnt get time to film this though, so theres always a reason for someone to make a better video

I havent annotated it yet, but the clip where I kill him with the Brutes axe shows his location on the map at the start of the clip. I always like finding ways to kill them from above with heavy weapons, as you can only use ladders and free running is restricted a lot. I dont really like the spear shot, I had a much better one before but for some reason he wouldnt jump down

Oh I forgot to add, if you are seen by the enemy you can kill certain civillians in the spawn areas without penalty. Also in the clip with the Axe wtf were the civiliians doing, climbing over the wall? I sometimes see them leave the spawn area, but since the exit was guarded the decided to climb around

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

This is pretty good as a guide to the contract and strategies. Party And about the climbing civilians characters can climb and free run to some degree, but are programmed not to unless they are caused to by some glitch or sometimes while fleeing. And other things I noticed. At 2:11 with the double assassination one of the guards is on the ground so you basically did a momentum assassination, and at 4:07 did you do a superjump? (basically a failed air assassination or air tackle)

Jack-Reacher's picture
Joined: 02/07/2010

Yeah in my practice runs I get him but while filming I landed on the ledge, took me by surprise so I just kept it

Fed981's picture
Joined: 04/12/2011

I have the feeling I figured out how it really works. Here's my theory : the place where the guy spawns is the last of the five possible from which you had the ability to see it.
Having the ability to see being : no element (buildings, guards, civilians) bewteen Ezio and the place + less than 20 meters between them + the place being in the front half-space of Ezio. The eagle vision is not required at all.

I'm sorry to bump this old thread and I hope I've been clear enough. Smile