I don't know if this is a bug or not but i was curious if anyone else had it happen aswell. It seems that there is a group of guards near the south gate in Forli that ALWAYS expose me, even when i'm Incognito and haven't done anything to provoke them. It seems to happen whenever i run past that same group of guards.
Anyone else notice this?
I'm gonna try this out today. I'll try it with different capes and social statuses just in case there's something you're missing. It's probably some glitch. I'll let you know ASAP.
I'm playing it now. I haven't found anything. Can you narrow down their location? There seems to be several guards in that general area.
Is it the group of guards that are guarding a room (maybe with a codex page, I can't remember)? Because if it is and you free run above them, they will engage you. I dunno why but the location you mentioned matches and it's the only thing I can think of.
Is it the group of guards that are guarding a room (maybe with a codex page, I can't remember)? Because if it is and you free run above them, they will engage you. I dunno why but the location you mentioned matches and it's the only thing I can think of.
That's it exactly! Everytime i run past them they become alerted even if i didn't do anything to warrent them attacking me(ie. bumping into them, killing civilians, etc.).
If all the gaurds gaurding Codex pages are supposed to be Templars then i suppose it makes sense they'd attack you on site but it's only that group. When i run past other Codex rooms they don't even turn their head at me.
If you're in high profile and too close to them (eg. behind them, like if you fail to air assassinate them for some reason) they get pissed off (as I'm sure you know). It kind of makes sense that they don't like it when you run above them but it is also a little annoying and stupid. I just avoid doing it now though. I hope they fix the player-guard interactions in ACB. Today I remember tossing a dead guard 15m from some live ones to lure them away from their precious codex (if they are even aware that that's what they're guarding) and they didn't even notice. Then as I go to find another guard to toss in front of them they attack. lame.
yea it always happens to me too
Yeah, I have had this happen to me aswell. Very strange... I think s1lv3r4554551n can offer a much clearer explanation.