I really don't know how, but we need to somehow (rhyme) get THB more views. why? because people here rarely post that much anymore. so....
oh and lol look. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bEhd1v4BHro
My attempt of getting it more views. hahah
My frontpaged video survived the destruction of the hiddenblade.com! (and all other embedded videos, of course) I put an annotation for thehiddenblade.com on all my videos that were frontpaged to get the site more views, but most of the people who see those videos see it on thehiddenblade.com anyway.
Haha. Nice. Glad to see the videos survived.
On a serious note, it's a shame that as I write this there are 2 users (me and Jedted) online along with 17 guests! I hope they read this and register as members. The worst/best I've seen (depending on how you look at it) is about 30 guests. Even if just a few of them (who are big AC fans) join, the site could be so much better!
Don't get me wrong, it's a damn good site but the problem is not the number of views, but the number of contributions being made to the various and interesting conversations about the AC Series
Haha. Nice. Glad to see the videos survived.On a serious note, it's a shame that as I write this there are 2 users (me and Jedted) online along with 17 guests! I hope they read this and register as members. The worst/best I've seen (depending on how you look at it) is about 30 guests. Even if just a few of them (who are big AC fans) join, the site could be so much better!
Don't get me wrong, it's a damn good site but the problem is not the number of views, but the number of contributions being made to the various and interesting conversations about the AC Series
Fine joined. Happy? One less guest. Although don't expect me to be talking about Brotherhood much as PC version was delayed to February.
P.S. Nice video. Reminds me of Asteroids, or whatever that 80's game was called.
Yeah every time I log on there are way more guests than members
But tbh I dont mind, in my experience the larger the community the bigger chance you have of letting in little kids who just troll
Yeah every time I log on there are way more guests than membersBut tbh I dont mind, in my experience the larger the community the bigger chance you have of letting in little kids who just troll
Yep, your dead right, if people are happy being lurkers, then thats fine with me, some people may just be browsing before work etc, and i've lurked on here before during lunchtimes at my college, partly out of privacy concerns of public computers.
Fair enough I guess but at least I encouraged one new member
4 Users and 28 guests...
Draco, it's not a bad thing. What matters is that the material gets seen and that our community doesn't degrade into a trollfest.
To me, THB seems better as it is now: whatever this topic is whining about. We don't seem to be about being obnoxiously famous. Just well-known, but no one really knows about us, like the Assassins brotherhood.
Yeah our current advertising ( in our videos) seems to be attracting the right type of members. This is one of the few forums where there isnt an insane amount of immature posters just posting stuff to piss each other off
Yeah I guess. i just don't like lurks
Way to offend a few (lurkers) and decrease our site views, Patrick
Hello to all 18 guests (lurkers) currently online. I love you and in no way hate you... at all.
Hello to all 25 guests (lurkerz) currently online. I hate you and in no way love you... at all
Ahem...Hello to all 25 guests (lurkerz) currently online. I hate you and in no way love you... at all
Please realize that many of the "lurkers" are only here to use the maps. Over 50% of our pageviews are related to finding feathers. Those folks count as guests even if they never look at the front page or forums. Also there are approximately two bots (Google, Yahoo, etc.) prowling the site at any given time - two more guests.
Please realize that many of the "lurkers" are only here to use the maps. Over 50% of our pageviews are related to finding feathers. Those folks count as guests even if they never look at the front page or forums. Also there are approximately two bots (Google, Yahoo, etc.) prowling the site at any given time - two more guests.
Ah, fair enough. TBH, I think I prefer the community the way it is. It's more personal like this
Yeah main reason I stumble upon forum sites has nothing to do with actual forums. Like gamefaqs, I only stumbled upon it looking for GTA Cheats, and AC maps well, for flag maps
Make them register to see the feathers.
.....no you missed the point
Lol, irony when you are sarcastic; wait sarcasm is verbal irony. No i didn't miss the point. I ate it
Sorry but what the hell are you on about? Really?
Sorry but what the hell are you on about? Really?
you guys make me laugh
I joined AC-Maps specifically for the maps of the flags.
I'm dedicated to making Ian laugh. I'm sure he's cracking up when he sends me messages