I just pre-oredered Mass Effect 2 hehe anyone do the same or play the first game?
I've done both! I preordered it from Play.Com where you get a special armour for pre-ordering. I've been playing it again but i'm really annoyed as I accidently overwrote my old save from the end of the game and if you want to import your character from MC1, you have to keep the save, so right now im in the middle of playing it again, trying to re-do the same decisions I made the first time I played, Im glad you can start again with your levels and armour though, it is making it a lot quicker.
Also, have you seen the Mass Effect 2 cinematic trailer? I really hope the Krogan there is Wrex, he seems like such a badass, though he lacks the distinctive facial scars and he has different colouring so it seems unlikely.
I've done both! I preordered it from Play.Com where you get a special armour for pre-ordering. I've been playing it again but i'm really annoyed as I accidently overwrote my old save from the end of the game and if you want to import your character from MC1, you have to keep the save, so right now im in the middle of playing it again, trying to re-do the same decisions I made the first time I played, Im glad you can start again with your levels and armour though, it is making it a lot quicker.
Lol i know about the save files ive made my soldier carry over and im working on my adept then ill worki on engineer but only those three
Also, have you seen the Mass Effect 2 cinematic trailer? I really hope the Krogan there is Wrex, he seems like such a badass, though he lacks the distinctive facial scars and he has different colouring so it seems unlikely.
It's not Wrex As far as I read in Game Informer, none of your old crew except Joker is there.
joecool280 wrote:
Also, have you seen the Mass Effect 2 cinematic trailer? I really hope the Krogan there is Wrex, he seems like such a badass, though he lacks the distinctive facial scars and he has different colouring so it seems unlikely.It's not Wrex
As far as I read in Game Informer, none of your old crew except Joker is there.
not entirely true Tali is back!
The quarian? I didn't really like her, she just seemed...bland I guess. I've only used her a couple of times offworld anyway.
i liked her a lot to be honest
She had some nice tech skills but I didn't use her that often either.
I just pre-ordered a few hours ago, will I get the hang of it even if I haven't played the first one? Also, I heard about this in-game network that they are launching, do you need to have gold to use it?
i dont think so james no 360 game has been like that
What do you mean? The story or the network?
oh sorry i mustve been thinking gold account for xbox live i dont think itll cost anything for the network idea theyll do it for PC also and im thinking if they do it for free on the PC it might be the same for xbox360 less coding problems or something along those lines
I read on Gamespot.com that they will give free codes to download the network add-on on each new copy of the game. Those who buy a used copy will have to buy it, they didn't specify the price. What I meant was gold for using it, because any online experience requires the use of a gold account, for example, even to enter the ForzaTV network on Forza 2 you must have a gold account.
it might be that sorry i really cannot give a good answer
I just pre-ordered a few hours ago, will I get the hang of it even if I haven't played the first one? Also, I heard about this in-game network that they are launching, do you need to have gold to use it?
About the story, I don't know, i've been avoiding story spoilers, but I don't think so, as when they were talking about importing characters, they mentioned that it wasn't required as everyone would be starting at level 1 and it wasn't required to have played the previous game, so I presume there will be some form of recap of the first game. Also, you will probably know more about the story than I will, as I won't be playing it till about a fortnight or so, when the prelims have finished.
ah well they give you like a recap of the story hehe also i think if you import a level 60 character you get some sort of bonus or something
Also, you will probably know more about the story than I will, as I won't be playing it till about a fortnight or so, when the prelims have finished.
Actually I won't, because I don't have my trusty elite with me. I'm visiting in Canada so if I'm lucky I will be able to play it maybe 1 week later than when I get it, if I can get a 360 over here. If not, wait 4 weeks to go back to Panama.
joecool280 wrote:
Also, you will probably know more about the story than I will, as I won't be playing it till about a fortnight or so, when the prelims have finished.Actually I won't, because I don't have my trusty elite with me. I'm visiting in Canada so if I'm lucky I will be able to play it maybe 1 week later than when I get it, if I can get a 360 over here. If not, wait 4 weeks to go back to Panama.
Ouch sorry to hear that james
Ok I went to pick it up 30 minutes ago, hmmm, why does it have two discs? Also, it has a 10 on Gr.com!! Which really surprises me.
That explains the two discs. Fortunetly, it sounds like you don't have to do it often, only about twice during the entire game, but still, that seems like a step backwards to me, more reminiscent of the PS1 days of Final Fantasy 8.
Edit: I just realised what a silly thing that was to gripe about, I should be thankful that ME2 is so large it needs two discs. Really, we are getting twice the gameplay value of the first game for a similar price.
Edit2: Did I just have an argument with myself? o.0
Well i've had a good chance to play it, and so far, I think it's great! On the downside, I have noticed a number of small clipping glitches which I hope are sorted soon, but otherwise its a really great game. Anyone else a paranoid saver like me though? It's been quite useful for seeing the different reactions provoked by performing Paragon and Renegade actions.
Mass Effect 1 MADE me a paranoid saver. Damn, that game never autosaved, and I really hated having done a sidequest and some exploring on a random planet only to die and have to do it all again >.<
Totally agree with you on the awesome part. I'm about 12-15 hours in now, and it exceeds the first game in every aspect. The game both feels bigger and more accessible. But then again, who ever doubted Bioware when it comes to RPGs?
Hah, anyone else noticed that you can get spam messages? Like i've had one from the Salarian merchant in the first game, trying to sell me an alien version of Viagra, and last night, I had a "batarian scam", where a batarian, in exactly the same format as a 419 scam, sent a message to "Sir or Madam" about my interest in prothean technology and how he doesn't wish to go through offical citadel channels, asking for the mere sum of 20,000 credits .
very true this game is very kickass and im happy it needs 2 discs
I've played through it twice already, and I went out and bought ME1 (rented it the first 4 times I played it) just so I could switch up my profiles if need be. I love this game and I will play it again....and again. I did notice it tends to randomize your ME1 profile though. For instance, when I played ME1 last time, I let the council and Ashley die. When I played ME2 the first time, it got that profile right. But when I played ME2 a second time, it killed killed Aidan (sp?) but I still was left with a dead council. Weird hunh?
I am a ME addict!
Hah, anyone else noticed that you can get spam messages? Like i've had one from the Salarian merchant in the first game, trying to sell me an alien version of Viagra, and last night, I had a "batarian scam", where a batarian, in exactly the same format as a 419 scam, sent a message to "Sir or Madam" about my interest in prothean technology and how he doesn't wish to go through offical citadel channels, asking for the mere sum of 20,000 credits.
Haha yeah. I rofl'd over those.
i just got the game, and now that i got a couple of days off i even have time to play till i drop.
i just got the game, and now that i got a couple of days off i even have time to play till i drop.
Again...lost connection with chat..but I know you'll not be around for many days playing Rob...have fun!
so has anyone played the Shadow broker DLC yet?
i'm not a huge fan of DLC at all but if it has Liara i might get it cause she's awesome.
Yes! It's great, its my favorite DLC for it now, one of my characters had romanced her last game, but hes a renegade so I had him have sex with Jack at one point, so Liara was upset when I saw her again, but..by the end of the DLC, all was right again .
Theres a cool bit where you get to partake in a "car" chase in Ilium, in a scene that is very reminiscent of Attack of the Clones, but better, and some very funny banter between Shepard and Liara.
Kinda disappointed about the identity of the shadow broker though, since I played the first game, I'd had a small list of suspects, none of whom turned out to be correct. Otherwise, it's a solid piece of DLC.
currently downloading the Shadow Broker DLC, but i think only one of my characters is gonna play it, the one who romanced her and stayed faithful. the other character is more of a "what if i did it differently?" thing
Kinda disappointed about the identity of the shadow broker though, since I played the first game, I'd had a small list of suspects, none of whom turned out to be correct. Otherwise, it's a solid piece of DLC.
So did i, however i'm glad Bioware went the route they did rather than have the SB be an already established character. I think it makes the story more exciting this way.
It was fun catching up with Liara and i hope they do some similar DLC that involves Kaiden/Ashley. My main dude romanced Ashley but dumped her for Jack, i'm interested to see what kind of tension that creates.
played the Arrival DLC recently. it was okay. not great but ok.
huge plotpoints in it.
and when they said that it would be the missing link between ME2 and ME3 they really ment it. i expect ME3 to pick up right after Arrival ended
Interesting you speak of the Arrival DLC Rob, I have it but haven't played it yet since I loaned ME2 out to a friend. I'm getting it back tomorrow and looking forward to seeing what it's about.
Hahaha! I giggle so hard to read this history of Mass effect! How much I am still addicted to the game. Now ME3 has come and gone yet I still play it over and over. And I still return to ME1 and 2 to change outcomes of ME3 ect....yes....I am an absolute addict of the series....I was shocked this old post is still here and tbh? Giddy about it as well.
Hahaha! I giggle so hard to read this history of Mass effect! How much I am still addicted to the game. Now ME3 has come and gone yet I still play it over and over. And I still return to ME1 and 2 to change outcomes of ME3 ect....yes....I am an absolute addict of the series....I was shocked this old post is still here and tbh? Giddy about it as well.