Wow. Playing LBP2 beta' all week long.
Man O man I just can't get enough of this game!! It's absolutely stunning and Brilliant.
Media Module "You perhaps are one of the few devolopers out there who truly innovates console games."
First I've played all story levels like "Pipe Dreams." which has neat music.
Then going to the community... of course anxious to see what MM picks were out there (chosen top pick levels) It just amazing to see "such good work from imagination", thats all I got to say.
I wish I had a cam or fraps to record some of the 200 levels I've played. Maybe I'll use my Flip video recorder or my iPhone?
The community is so polite and hard working to make awesome games. Finally Entered into a positive online community for once this year.
Of course the purpose of the beta is to report as many glitches/bugs as you can. So lately I've been on LittleBigLand forums.
I'm somewhat bad at english because I actually speak "Danish" I'm from Amsterdam, Netherlands. so sorry...
Anyways feel free to discuss about LBP in this thread. Personally if you have a PS3 then you MUST get LittleBigPlanet 2 in 2011. Guarantee you'll this creative game.
I'll be sure to pick it up, I forgot LBP2 was even coming out.
Currently I'm creating a level based on the VR missions in Brotherhood.. First I'll start with S16's file. Make it a platformer'
Level based On this^^^^^
Oh my' the possibilities with sackbots also soo much more game mechanics with LBP2... In lbp1 I just made lots of art galleries
Now with LBP2 its all about game mechanics not cardboard boxes
EDIT: this is the type of fun I've been having playing the beta'
this is the type of fun I've been having playing the beta'
^ Epic. It almost makes me regret I bought an Xbox when my PS2 when to console heaven. But then, I wouldn't have had Mass Effect. At least the first.