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The Levitation Glitch & Flying Glitch

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MAGLX's picture
Taipei, Taiwan
Joined: 10/02/2013

Some days ago, I had the levitation glitch once, but I didn't find out how to make it happen. Then I saw the glitch in Ector's video:( That's how I found the levitation glitch.

First, if you go inside the hideout from 1F and go to use the tunnel but don't fast travel to anywhere, then you got the levitation glitch. It can makes you landing slowly and also let you jump little bit farther, but it seems doesn't helps to get somewhere that we usually can not reach. When I tried to do something else to make it useful, I found the flying glitch.

After you get the levitation glitch and try to air tackle someone who isn't standing on the ground, then you can fly. I guess, maybe we can use it to go somewhere. For example, get into Castel Sant'Angelo in early sequence, to climb the viewpoint without repair the aqueduct, etc. Have you guys any idea to use it?

Double McStab with Cheese's picture
Double McStab w...
San Diego, CA
Joined: 03/29/2012

I remember getting the flying glitch in Brotherhood. Never thought to investigate how it occurred. That said, mine had me flying straight up in the air until I was above the whole map and I couldn't do anything to get down... Puzzled

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

MAGLX's picture
Taipei, Taiwan
Joined: 10/02/2013
Double McStab with Cheese wrote:
I remember getting the flying glitch in Brotherhood. Never thought to investigate how it occurred. That said, mine had me flying straight up in the air until I was above the whole map and I couldn't do anything to get down... Puzzled

You can fly anytime now, so where's you want to go? Smile

Leo K's picture
Leo K
Toronto, Canada
Joined: 12/30/2009

Assassins breaking The Matrix again. Shock Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

JoeyFogey's picture
Indianapolis, IN
Joined: 02/16/2010

The same thing happened to me (tried air tackling some guards and was flying for a bit). I also didn't think about investigating it much further.

God, the quality was so bad back then.

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

Fed981's picture
Joined: 04/12/2011

Very nice find, unfortunately there's no way to stop it consistently...

Also, I tried to trigger it another way, and all you have to do is to get through a door (from either side of it) and then watch the tunnels menu. For example, it works with Rosa in Fiore door/tunnel, and the barracks too.

Last but not least, I definitely think there's no use for this glitch. It gets destroyed by the start of a memory (and a loading time quite obviously). When inside a memory, I don't see any door that we can get through, and we can't even try to use the tunnels anyway...

MAGLX's picture
Taipei, Taiwan
Joined: 10/02/2013
DarkAlphabetZoup wrote:
Assassins breaking The Matrix again. Shock Nothing is true, everything is permitted.

Yeah, our creed. Unfortunately, the creed is almost no longer in these new AC games. Puzzled

JoeyFogey wrote:
The same thing happened to me (tried air tackling some guards and was flying for a bit). I also didn't think about investigating it much further.

Me too. I was tried so hard to find how this glitch work. So let me say thanks to Ector again!

Fed981 wrote:
Very nice find, unfortunately there's no way to stop it consistently...

Well, that's why I didn't say anything about speedrun in this video. I just found it yesterday, so there's many things we have to try, so, I'm not sure what can we do yet. And also, I've watched your vod (Thanks for more info.), you didn't do the right actions to use it, that's why you were so hard to control the direction.

Anyway, this is a total hack job, so we might need some of professional hackers to test it. Fortunately, we have a best hacker on THB. Smile

MAGLX's picture
Taipei, Taiwan
Joined: 10/02/2013

BTW, this is the way to use flying glitch to get up the viewpoint. So, if you want to synchronize all the viewpoint, and also you don't want to burn down any of Borgia tower for some reason, maybe the flying glitch could helps you.