Hi everyone, you may know I'm preparing a speedrun for Assassin's Creed Revelations, and I wonder how to kill this guy as fast as possible.
It's in sequence 7 memory 3, and you can't use any bomb/knife/bullet. So, according to me now, the best way to do this is : a first counter attack, then begin a kill streak and finish him with 2 other "counter attacks".
If you have another mean to kill him faster, let us know! I tried with fists but he doesn't react as a janissary, you have to punch him many times, and his friends attack before you can finish.
Countersteal to execution is the fastest way. Scripting will most likely prevent an early death, which would be very, very hard to pull off (I've tried).
You mean countersteal then attack right after it?
Oh and, what do you mean by "scripting"?
Yeah, that's what I mean. By 'scripting' I mean that Shahkulu isn't marked as a target before you kill all the archers around there. If you kill Shahkulu before that and manage to get away undetected (I still believe this is possible), you won't have saved any time.
Then scripting should be possible by poisoning one of the archers.
But, I tried to countersteal-attack : after the countersteal, Shahkulu is without defense, waiting for you to attack. That's what I did, and the result was... quite bad. Ezio does not make combos, and the target keeps going backwards, and you can't kill him before his friends attack. What am I doing wrong? Could you explain to me?
The next target is so ridiculous, just instant kill with the hidden gun...
No, what I mean by scripting is that the game forces you to perform certain actions in a set order. You don't have any choice as to what you can do. That's why the Shahkulu assassination is such a pain in the behind. Can't you use smokebomb?
No, as I said you can't use any bomb or knife or bullet. I tried the poison but... no.
Could you tell me exactly how to perform the countersteal-execution move? As I said I tried but the result was quite bad.
I'm not sure whether it would work on Shahkulu. Vanitas set him up for a punching bag assassination that way, but called it 'thief bash'. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9p227XZAXgE&t=115s
Yes, that's what happened, even with the dagger.
In fact, when you choose fists against a janissary, Ezio starts a combo and the ennemy dies quickly. But Shahkulu doesn't have this behaviour. You have to keep attacking (without combo, as if Ezio was attacking the air) a very long time until he dies. That's why I think 3 counter-attacks are faster...
3 counter attacks are much faster Thief Bash dose not work on him for some unknown reason u can also try the hidden gun but i haven't tested that myself.
You can't use the hidden gun. Even then, it would require 3 bullets.
My next video will show two ways of killing him fast.
Well, I'll have to watch it carefully ^^