my names corey (carboy) from Georgia, love all AC games any topics, discussions, or questions, feel free to ask ill do my best to answer or help
Welcome to The Hidden Blade, carboy! I have a question for you: Did you find the site by Googling "manifesto of the instruments of the first will"?
Hey there, welcome!
What's your favourite AC game and why?
yes something like that maybe not word for word, my favorite as far as story wise was acII because I believe the second game always makes or breaks a game, while the gameplay still had glitches and dead spots since I don't have xbox live to update so I had to play it as is from factory and the games have been know for having troublesome glitches before the first update I still enjoyed it, but the story is what I like so much about it because they kept it the same while cutting loose ends, adding the small details for later games, as well as broadening the vision and outlook of the game, but brotherhood was my favorite as far as gameplay, AC3 was amazing in every aspect but in ACBH I love the fact that they kept everything secret until the player played it as well as changing basically the whole concept and plot slowly but nonetheless efficiently, but that's just my opinion of course how about yall?
My rating is as follows:
AC1 - Great game, a true classic, but had room for improvement (fingers sewn together, etc.)
AC2 - The best so far IMO, great story as you said, plenty of activity in the cities, but not overwhelming.
ACB - Wasn't bad, but still weaker than AC2. I loved Roma, the Templar battle in gameplay (Borgia towers), and the introduction of recruits. On the other hand, WAY to much economy.
ACR - I was genuinely disappointed when I finished it. I expected a lot more. It has little side activity, the story couldn't really interest me like the previous 3 stories could. Introduction of the hookblade and den defense was unnecessary, but bombcrafting was sort of fun.
AC3 - Introduced many new things (naval gameplay, freerun overhaul) but they didn't work them out the way I wanted. I didn't care much for the story and the main assassinations were dull. Assassination contracts were an abomination.
AC4BF - First game since AC2 to meet my expectations, really. The things introduced in AC3 were worked out much better here, plenty side activities, atmosphere that reminded me of AC2 (and AC1).
Welcome, carboy.
Thanks I agree COMPLETELY ACB tried wayyy to hard to increase either the playability or just simply adding on, not sure which but either way it was overwhelming to an irritating extent, but I was mistaken I AC3 was my favorite about the keeping it secret until it was in the players hands, but I agree completely about it was dull and what not but at the same time I give them credit considering the game went through some huge changes prior to the release as far as staff creators, etc but the only thing that I haven't thoroughly enjoyed is that no story as really just gripped me as much as previous games, yes given that
I have not played liberation since I don't have a psp, is there anyway someone could inform me of the story layout of the game if it is worth even discussing, Thanks
I haven't played it either, but Liberation is getting an HD remake for consoles very soon, so you and I still have a chance of playing it.
carboy wrote:
I have not played liberation since I don't have a psp, is there anyway someone could inform me of the story layout of the game if it is worth even discussing, ThanksI haven't played it either, but Liberation is getting an HD remake for consoles very soon, so you and I still have a chance of playing it.
You could read the plot on wiki.
I am very much looking forward to the HD remake...
I think it comes out next week, btw (at least on PSN, don't remember xbox)
Welcome to THB, carboy!
From your user pic I can tell you like conspiracy theories.
Thanks well I watched a video on desmond and they got really in depth about liberation for some reason so I kinda interpreted my version of the main idea but I would love to play it to find out by playing through but when I got black flag there was a paper in it talking about remastering liberation but I didn't know if it was referring to just a better verison for psp or remasterd for consoles but I would love it to come to xbox because I don't see how they could do that to us fans lol yeah not to many that I don't enjoy, guess that's why I like this series so much lol but wether I believe them or not I think there good reads since I don't enjoy reading lol but am still glad someone actually knows what they are lol
I feel so special now.
Finding the site by Googling Manifesto of the Instruments of the First Will would be touching.
Also, I'm pretty sure stabguy is more than a little proud of me now for Creating that Topic and spearheading discussion on it.
gerund wrote:
carboy wrote:
I have not played liberation since I don't have a psp, is there anyway someone could inform me of the story layout of the game if it is worth even discussing, ThanksI haven't played it either, but Liberation is getting an HD remake for consoles very soon, so you and I still have a chance of playing it.
You could read the plot on wiki.
I am very much looking forward to the HD remake...
I think it comes out next week, btw (at least on PSN, don't remember xbox)
It's now also available as an XBLA game.
I'm pretty sure stabguy is more than a little proud of me now for Creating that Topic and spearheading discussion on it.
You have a knack for writing articles that bring new visitors to the site, Daz. Some of our traffic comes from regulars who have THB bookmarked or something. A smaller percentage comes from links on social media or other sites like YouTube and GameFAQs. But most of our traffic comes organically from Google searches.
Over the last two months, the Google search that has brought more visitors to THB than any other was MOTIOTFW. If you Google it you will see that Daz's article is the first result. I'm trying not to repeat the phrase too many times here for fear that Google will get confused and direct searchers to carboy's introduction!
Once again, good job Daz. You've written something useful that has brought many visitors to THB and at least one quality new member.
if I could live I would have it but whenever I searched whatever I searched it was the first or second on google and that's how I first seen it lol
if I could live I would have itbut whenever I searched whatever I searched it was the first or second on google and that's how I first seen it lol
I'm happy we were able to help you out!
DarkAlphabetZoup wrote:
I'm pretty sure stabguy is more than a little proud of me now for Creating that Topic and spearheading discussion on it.You have a knack for writing articles that bring new visitors to the site, Daz. Some of our traffic comes from regulars who have THB bookmarked or something. A smaller percentage comes from links on social media or other sites like YouTube and GameFAQs. But most of our traffic comes organically from Google searches.
Over the last two months, the Google search that has brought more visitors to THB than any other was MOTIOTFW. If you Google it you will see that Daz's article is the first result. I'm trying not to repeat the phrase too many times here for fear that Google will get confused and direct searchers to carboy's introduction!
Once again, good job Daz. You've written something useful that has brought many visitors to THB and at least one quality new member.
Stabby, you have no idea how much this means to me. Writing has always been my favorite thing to do, and writing about my second favorite thing (Assassin's Creed) and actually helping out our community is immense for me. It's the same kind of joy I felt when I did that silly Summary of AC1-2's story, back before I knew there would be seven main games released so far ^_^
I love you all. Truly.