i see that flags and feathers show up as an icon on the map.
but i don't really see as many as i think i should.
and i started collecting those i come across without making note of it, not knowing if that will cause problems later or not
so are they all on the map sooner or later and easy to see?
They show up on the map if you get within a certain proximity of them (pretty sure that height and line-of-sight are also factors). Despite popular opinion, I can confirm that Eagle Vision is not necessary.
Once you've collected 25 flags, you are able to purchase flag and feather maps from the art merchants.
To answer your main question, no, there's nothing wrong with collecting them as you find them.
I can confirm that Eagle Vision is not necessary.
Uh oh. I have a confirmed case where Eagle Vision made all the difference in getting a flag added to the in-game map:
I believe it was the second northernmost flag in Centro, the one near the glyph. It's on a beam in a narrow alley. Anyway, I spotted it and moved down to an adjacent beam for a closer look. Ezio was eye to eye with the flag and it still wasn't on the mini-map. I checked the big map... nothing. Then I zapped it with Eagle Vision. The "saving game" icon appeared in the lower right corner as the flag icon was added to the mini-map. Checking the big map again showed that the flag had indeed been added.
I agree, I will be right in front of the flag and nothing will be on the minimap, the second I put EV on it saves and its on the map.
Happens for me too. I always said that Eagle Vision was necessary. I didn't think anyone believed me
Its not, I assure you. I don't know what the other conditions are to set them off, but I had my first few flags at the beginning of the Rome gameplay show up on the map having never once used Eagle Vision in the game. I hate Eagle Vision and only use it when missions force me to, so it's not like I was running around with it on and didn't realize it.
Furthermore, the very first time I entered Campagna and hit up a viewpoint (always do this prior to missions), several flags were on my map in sections I had never physically been present (even beyond the EV spotting range).
Eagle Vision guarantees that the collectible shows up on the map, but it's not the only way to make it show up.
Its not, I assure you.I don't know what the other conditions are to set them off, but I had my first few flags at the beginning of the Rome gameplay show up on the map having never once used Eagle Vision in the game. I hate Eagle Vision and only use it when missions force me to, so it's not like I was running around with it on and didn't realize it.
Furthermore, the very first time I entered Campagna and hit up a viewpoint (always do this prior to missions), several flags were on my map in sections I had never physically been present (even beyond the EV spotting range).
Eagle Vision guarantees that the collectible shows up on the map, but it's not the only way to make it show up.
How very strange.. how very strange indeed.
Can anyone else trigger flags to get on the map without scanning them with Eagle Vision?
How very strange.. how very strange indeed.
Can anyone else trigger flags to get on the map without scanning them with Eagle Vision?
A number of people on the GameFAQs forums have also confirmed this, though GameFAQs is hardly a reliable source.
Once you've collected 25 flags, you are able to purchase flag and feather maps from the art merchants.
I thought the maps became available after completing the story. Atleast that's when i noticed em, i didn't much flag hunting before that.
It's both, actually. 25 flags or complete the story, whichever you do first.
Has anyone else OTHER than Asaic ON THIS SITE been able to log flags on the map without EV?
Has anyone else OTHER than Asaic ON THIS SITE been able to log flags on the map without EV?
Me. They showed up ip on the map after a synched with a nearby viewpoint, yet other flags that were closer to the viewpoint but out of my line of sight didn't synched until I used EV on them. I think I noticed that when you pass up on a flag it doesn't synchs sometimes, yet, when you come later, it will show up on the minimap
Weird. I've been synching with viewpoints all game, they're always the first things I do the most of in ANY AC game.
Maybe my game is messed up? When I EV scanned, every flag hit with EV showed up.