-What do you expect of this new Hunting feature ?
My guess is that it is going to be kinda like Red Dead Redemption, but a little different.
-Will it have how many types of Animals ?
I think that a minimum of 5 (Bears, Deers, Elks, Wolves, Foxes). Don't know a maximum.
-How will it change aspects into the game, in Economic aspects and also gameplay aspects ?
Economic Aspects: Sell pelts for gold
Gameplay Aspects: Maybe be able to improve some kind of Weapon or armor with that kind of "loot"?
I think it would be really cool if we could have some kind of Alchemy/Herbalism into the game. Since Connor is half Native American, his knowledge of his environments should be vastly great, and so he should know how to make some deadly poisons with different kinds os Herbs.
Feel free to post your Expectations and/or more Questions.
This is one hell of a feature. A must have in-game. Imagine Traps along with the new gameplay mechanics of movement and parkour in Cliffs and Trees. I think AC3 is going to be more "freedom of choice" style, rather than what we had on Brotherhood and Revelations. Not saying i hated those 2 games, but this 2 games lacks alot in this aspect.
Different types of poison would be nice. I'd always enjoyed the idea of poisoning someone's drink as an assassination method, maybe we could create one for that. And if bombs return, a poisonous smoke bomb would be nice. If poison comes back at all, it should have a more clear and definite role in gameplay. Something interesting you can use it for other than a really slow, easy to escape kill.
Setting traps...nuff said.
Oh yes. Traps ! Indeed, forgot to mention that.
Traps are amazing !
Oh yes. Traps ! Indeed, forgot to mention that.Traps are amazing !
You do know that the word 'trap' has a second meaning, don't you?
It depends... What are you trying to say ?
The traps would probably be similar to the bombs that were set on the ground. When an animal or guard walked near it, it will spring up. However, this worked only with Ezio's Eagle Senses.
Not sure if it would work in ACIII...