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How to Get the World Record for Stealth Hidden Blade

aurllcooljay's picture
[Front-paged - stabguy]

As you all may know the purpose of Stealth Hidden Blade in VR training is to kill the targets with the hidden blade only. However... that is not entirely true. Besides being able to use fists and pick up weapons from dead enemies you can also loot them for ammo. And that is how you can get the highest record. How much ammo you get or if you get any at all is based on chance. The highest amount of ammo you can get at one time is three throwing knives and two bullets, and you need exactly that much ammo to save the most amount of time. Since getting that much ammo is based on luck you have to keep trying again and again for it.

I also include the route I took: Start off by jumping at the first target and performing a high profile moving kill to take him down fast (I killed him from behind instead of from in front because Ezio pulls the hidden blade out faster, which saves about a second). Then I run to the corner of the platform and kill two targets with throwing knives. I then jump from the corner to a beam and then to the target on the ground. If you aim the jumps carefully you can kill that target right after you're done rolling on the ground. Then I run up the free running platform on the right and climb up the wall to the next target. I use a high profile ledge assassination for a fast kill. Then I jump to the edge of the platform and take out the target below with a throwing knife. I jump onto the beam and when I reach the end I jump forward and take out a target with the hidden gun. Then I jump onto another beam to take out the last target. I'm thinking that if I was in the right spot I could have immediately jumped to the last beam after taking out the second to last target. And as you may have noticed my practice route was a little faster than my world record so it can be beaten!

Jack-Reacher's picture
Joined: 02/07/2010

Nice work, I might post my new exploit for Flawless Combat, All Weapons. It is better than the taunt glitch, good enough for all of us to get on the top 10

stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009
Jack-Reacher wrote:
Nice work, I might post my new exploit for Flawless Combat, All Weapons. It is better than the taunt glitch, good enough for all of us to get on the top 10

If you want to limit your audience to viewers of The Hidden Blade, set the video to "Unlisted" on YouTube and embed it here. That will give THB members the first shot at it and delay distribution to others.

You won't even feel the blade.

161803398874989's picture
Joined: 12/13/2010

There's currently 47 zombies online, Aurel. And this is on the frontpage.

We're going have to bring our best game.


"Betraying the Assassins is never good for one's health."
"Well, neither is drinking liquor, but I'm drawn to its dangers all the same."

Altair92's picture
Joined: 08/01/2010

Well done Aurel, you almost followed exactly my same route. Knowing you, I expected that you also would have found this exploit, but damn... you had to keep it secret! XD
However, gratz for the new record... maybe i'll try it again in future Laughing out loud

@ stabguy: I was already thinking to change my gamertag adding "THB" ... but if i'm not wrong i need 800 MP to change it. Soon i'll renew my Gold subscription, and i'll also change the gamertag Wink

For the other questions, the frontal high-profile assassination takes less seconds in this situation, because in a low-profile assassination (wich is faster) ezio takes too much time to lay down the enemy on the floor before looting the dead body.

While you're in the Weapon selector, the timer is freezed.

stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009
Altair92 wrote:
If i'm not wrong i need 800 MP to change it.

That's correct. I recently spent 800 points to change my gamertag to "THB stabguy".

Soon i'll renew my Gold subscription, and i'll also change the gamertag Wink

Party Yay! I prefer to see a space after the THB as in "THB stabguy" and "THB JoeyFogey". Something to consider.

You won't even feel the blade.

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

I was wondering if you did the same route. And I knew you had found out the exploit when you beat my record and were unwilling the say how you did it. If you hadn't found out I would have kept this a secret much longer (and I'll probably regret this anyway). But everyone deserves a fair chance and I didn't want anyone to think that I cheated or anything. I think on PS3 and PC some people have similar records, so they might have also discovered this. Can anyone confirm what their world records are?

161803398874989's picture
Joined: 12/13/2010

Really nice work, Aurel.

Not really in the spirit of the VR missions, though. I'm a bit averse to using exploits when it comes to competitive gaming. It's like cheaters in multiplayer.


"Betraying the Assassins is never good for one's health."
"Well, neither is drinking liquor, but I'm drawn to its dangers all the same."

stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009

Great job. Thanks for sharing your secret. Just a few questions:

  • Do you kill the first target in high profile because it makes looting the body faster? Usually low profile is preferred because you can leave sooner.
  • Does the clock stand still while you're changing weapons?
  • Can you convince D4NY92 to change his gamertag to THBAltair92? The leaderboard would look so much better that way. Wink

You won't even feel the blade.

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010
161803398874989 wrote:
I'm a bit averse to using exploits when it comes to competitive gaming. It's like cheaters in multiplayer.

You do have a point, but I like to think of it as cheating within the rules of the game. Ubisoft just overlooked the fact that you can still obtain weapons when you are reduced down to one or two. It's kind of like the Robert de Sable blitz, Ubi didn't consider that you could lock out of battle and equip the hidden blade to kill him superfast. Wink

stabguy wrote:
Great job. Thanks for sharing your secret. Just a few questions:
  • Do you kill the first target in high profile because it makes looting the body faster? Usually low profile is preferred because you can leave sooner.
  • Does the clock stand still while you're changing weapons?
  • Can you convince D4NY92 to change his gamertag to THBAltair92? The leaderboard would look so much better that way. Wink

1. Yes, the body will slowly fall if I did low profile, which takes away time. I used to kill using fists but decided high profile moving assassination was faster (especially when done from the back because the hidden blade is pulled out a little faster).
2. The clock does stand still when the weapon wheel is brought up. And thank goodness, because I would have to think fast if it didn't. Some gamers just hotkey the weapons they use and I'm not sure why.
3. Well I can try, but I'm not sure what Altair92's thoughts are on that (if your reading this, Altair92, we hope you will consider changing your gamertag Smile ). The whole purpose of this video was so that the first page of the leaderboards could be filled up with members of thehiddenblade. Cool Crown Sexy So you guys can consider that an assignment. Lets see if we can turn Ubi's head and make them wonder about us.