--- promoted to front page by Ian ---
Well, I didn't even completed the game, but I liked this mission and I decided to make my first Assassination Variety Pack of ACR!
Stunt Assassination: This stunt was easy to perform, I found a way to climb on top of the wall and then I waited that the target was aligned to the direction of my jump. Unfortunately the jump was too high, and this made the stunt not very accurate.
Eagle Strike: Maybe the first Eagle Strike of Revelations ( ) ... It was hard here to find a good place for an Eagle Strike, because the target don't leave the middle of the arena (not even with dead bodies), so i had to set it up using one of the two central buildings. I did many attempts because with so many guards was hard to kill the right one xD
Turkey Shoot: If you approach Tarik directly, will start a fight in a circle of guards. The turkey shoot works basically in the same way as it was for AC2 and ACB: you have to throw a smoke bomb and then grab the target until you return anonymous, so he'll become unresponsive. After that you can kill him any way you like.
"Out of the ring": This exploit consists to break the fight circle by "aerial killing" two guards near the target. During the cutscene he'll notice the dead bodies and push you off the fight area! After that you can walk around and kill everyone you want, the guards will not see you
Thanks to this exploit I managed to move Tarik in good place to improvise an Eagle Strike, but it resulted a bit slow because of the camera angle... I could have made it better, but I was too bored to replay the memory again
Enjoy ^^
And if you move him to one side of arena (if there are stairs) and then run to the other side? Minimum distance for TINS with stairs in Revelations seems to be 90 metres.
There is no spoon. Go far away so the object under Tarik is no longer modelled, which makes him fall through the ground and into the water that is under every map. He will then most likely drown.
There is no spoon.Go far away so the object under Tarik is no longer modelled, which makes him fall through the ground and into the water that is under every map. He will then most likely drown.
Ahh.. yes i tried it, but after running about 50-60 meters away there are white barriers that make you desynchronize
pc version....COME QUICK
Yeah, it's sufficient.
ive added spoiler to the title. i havent gotten to this part of the game, so can someone else tell me whether this is sufficient?
Dude, spoiler much? I've finished the game, but it's a spoiler nonetheless.
Other than that, great work on the Turkey shoot and the ring exploit! Though I'm not a fan of the first eagle strike, I must admit. Have you tried TINS'ing him, or is there a distance restriction?
Have you tried TINS'ing him, or is there a distance restriction?
Ehm... what do you mean for "TINS'ing" ?
You've been gone for some time, Altair92. It's time to teach you some of the new lingo.
Go far away so the object under Tarik is no longer modelled, which makes him fall through the ground and into the water that is under every map.
Yeah every map since AC2 has water underneath. Well except for...
I was just looking today for a way to climb up that wall. Frontpage please.