Well hey everyone. New here.
For awhile I troll- I mean browsed the Ubisoft AC: B multiplayer forums, then joined a clan, now that clan is fail. Heard this was a cool place for some AC:B action, so I decided to sign up.
So, what's good everyone?
Hello, Mr.Skeletonface DefiantDiety. This is a great place for the ac games, although many people were disappointed in Brotherhood because there isn't much room for creativity. Oh well.
Not too sure what's good right now, we seriously need to make more topics.
Hello and welcome!
Hey, welcome to the forums. Don't troll, or stabguy might pay a visit and he likes to get...stabby.
Welcome to the forums. The only thing good recently is the mulitplayer videos, there aren't any actual gameplay threads on here at all for brotherhood.
O hai!
I try to keep it active by bombarding it with multiplayer videos, but there are always good topics out there to bitch away at the games many disappointments. Hope you enjoy the site
Hey, welcome to the forums. Don't troll, or stabguy might pay a visit and he likes to get...stabby.
Yea... really suggest you don't trolll...
Anyways welcome!
ThreeLetterSyndrom wrote:
Hey, welcome to the forums. Don't troll, or stabguy might pay a visit and he likes to get...stabby.Yea... really suggest you don't trolll...
Anyways welcome!
Haha. Draco's right, you know. He speaks from experience. You DO NOT want to receive one of those blood soaked feathers...
hi defiantdeity! sin city, nv? just out of curiousity what do you do there?
Hi Ian, long time no feather...
Hi Ian, long time no feather...
Laughed. +1
Wait, what do you mean +1??
Wait, what do you mean +1??
+1 is an expression that signifies that you have earned one internet or something of the kind for the comment. In other words, I thought it was great comment, so I gave it +1 (think of it as a 'like'-button)
See most forums have karma points. you do good things, you get karma. you make a guide, you get karma.
For example, i made a 50,000 charecter guide for the M4 in mw2. the guide was so big, the admin had to make the size of charecters in each post allowed higher... All the work into that guide gave me like 20 karma.
This forum should have karma too.
Nah, karma leads to a lot of friction between various members of the forums in my experience. I wouldn't add it.
Hmm, yea. Someone once stole my guide and got a lot more karma than I did. He took my guide and posted it in another forum, so yea... then I flamed him and got like a month ban. The guy who stole my guide got a month ban aswell. Pretty retarded mods imo
Karma's a bitch.
Welcome to the forums!
That happened months before i joined this forum. Karmas mainly a bitch because whatever I do leads to me suffering
hi defiantdeity! sin city, nv? just out of curiousity what do you do there?
It's a dry spell as far as jobs go. I'm currently unemployed and still looking since, despite all the construction, I can't seem to find any sort of job out here. So, mainly I just play AC:B and other games competitively while doing under-the-table jobs at bars and such.