I need help from you. I'm currently attempting the segment where S3M3 occurs. But the fight against the cento occhi gets so annoying... I hadn't any attempt (over more than 100) with a good battle.
So, if anyone has a consistent, fast and safe way to kill them with 5 knives and 2 bullets, please tell me. My current method would be: get near the pillar, throw 3 knives, then 2 knives, shoot 1 bullet, move near the exit, and shoot 1 other bullet.
What can go wrong: wasted knives because of no ennemies in sight, hidden gun reloading, their annoying attack combo succeeding, the nearby patrol getting involved in the battle, running thieves putting Ezio on the floor, ... Please help!
Have you tried poison punch?
Have you tried poison punch?
I will not use any poison in the game since it's either too slow or too expensive. In this case it's very slow comparing to knives and bullets.
Double post but: good news & bad news.
Good news:
Bad news:
Poison punch is, after low-profile assassination, the fastest way to get rid of an enemy in the game. You can find the description in the advanced techniques summary.
I believe knives and bullets are faster for several ennemies, moreover if they're away. And I don't want to change something in the planning. It would be so frustrating
Thanks anyway ^^