Hi, my name is Dhia and I'm a student in Finance.
I'm not a hardcore player, my rate is about three games a year (even less). Actually, I only play open world games and preferably non linear ones.
Surprisingly, I wasn't a fan of the series. I got bored rather quickly from the first opus (loved the story, though). The repetition of actions was too much for me, go to a viewpoint, locate someone to overhear, than kill somebody, do this a bunch of times and then kill a bunch of people protecting a boss. To be honest, it was a little bit difficult for me. And the beggars... Man I'd like to torture one of them right now.
So anyway, a couple of months ago my girlfriend bought me AC2 for my birthday, and I started playing it about two weeks ago and the change IS AMAZING.
Total respect for Ubisoft for changing so many things and making the experience totally different and rich.
Even though, I still find it hard for the average player that I am, I just spend hours collecting feathers, looting, and assassinating patrols between mission tries.
Now I'm stuck in something, that I am gonna post in the appropriate forum.
Thanks for this website, I think it's gonna be of much help to me.
Welcome, homespun-bleach! My game experiences are eerily similar to yours.
I'd love to hear more about Tunisia. It seems like a very beautiful country.
I hope you'll like being a member of our community!
Thanks for the reply Lisa.
Yes I loved solving the glyphs in AC II. I miss Tomb Raider (the first games) and monkey's island. So the truth sequences are a treat. Especially the creepy side of the mysteries and the glitchy audio introduction.
Things are starting to calm down in Tunisia, after three months of riots (we kicked a 23 years ruling dictator) and people got crazy. Conservative muslims burning down stuff, tourism shutting down, etc...
Now it's better, and people start to chill out.
I already love the website. Cheers to you all.
Hello and welcome!
I read this post earlier but for some reason didn't think to post as I normally do, so apologies for that Once again, a belated welcome
Welcome bleach! hope you enjoy the site
Thanks everybody!