My absolutely favourite series ever (AC is second )
Anyone else?
i used to read it years ago.
i got as far as book 4 and none other had been released yet, so while i waited i started another series "Wheel of Time" while i waited. at that time i didn't realise it was a freaking huge series that took a few years for me to finish what was out at the time.
and i never touched a HP book ever again.
still waiting for that last 14th book though, it's gonna be awesome
I got finished with 1-5, and couldnt find the 6th at that time (I have to do things in order). At least the crazy fans in America, at least, aren't as bad as the Twilight freaks. Lol
Hmmm... never heard of Wheel of Time but it looks pretty cool
The last HP film comes out next week so I'm very excited. of course, the books are 100 times better but I love anyhting Harry Potter based
Hmmm... never heard of Wheel of Time but it looks pretty cool![]()
i'm not gonna try and make you read it (that's never worked in the past) but i highly recommend that you and anyone else who likes fantasy read it.
anyway, HP. i've been thinking of maybe picking it back up soon, if only for the sake of completion. but i'm not sure i remember it all.
i know the big plotpoints, but not the details. will i need to re-read it in order to understand the rest or is it enough to just know the gist of it?
oh, and i never watched the movies past 4 either, you know incase i ever got back in to it. spoilers and all
I think you could get away with picking it up were you left off. It gets a little complicated towards the end of the series but the first 4 were more simple so you'll be okay
I started the Wheel of Time series but never got past the fourth or fifth chapter; It was slow and I became interested in a different book.
Harry Potter is a solid series, but I wouldn't say it was fantastic. By the fifth book, I was sick of telling harry to just shut-up and listen to Hermione. Also, the final battle and ending of Deathly Hallows left a bit to be desired (hopefully the movie will fix that without it becoming too over the top). I am excited about the movie, though.
I have to say as far as books, I have to say my favorites are the Riordan mythology series's (Percy Jackson and the Olympians (Movie butchered it, I can go on for hours about how they ruined it [I really can, don't go there]) and Kane Chronicles) and Ranger's Apprentice is pretty good (being made into a movie currently, but hit some financial difficulties last I heard).
I read the first three HP books, decided that I didn't really like the writing style (and the story, to me, wasn't anything special) and quit. I have since watched about half the films (including the Deathly Hollows one from last year) and played the Lego Harry Potter game.
Still don't think it's all that great.
Wheel of Time is probably my favorite fantasy series. Yeah, it's got its problems (a LOT of filler and complaining from the female characters) but once you get past the rather generic first book (the first 100 pages of the first book, in particular, were even said by the author to be him emulating Tolkien), it becomes its own story and has some excellent characters and some amazing Crowning Moments of Awesome.
I love Harry Potter a lot as well, Patrick. My mom and dad brought the first 2 books back from England when my daughters were pretty small (probably about 6 and and we devoured them, including waiting impatiently for the new ones. I've really enjoyed them and re-read several times.
I like the story a lot, even though I think they could have been better written.
Lately, I've been re-visiting the "His Dark Materials" trilogy by Philip Pullman. The 3 books are "The Golden Compass" ("Northern Lights" in Europe), "The Subtle Knife" and "The Amber Spyglass". Quite interesting; a lot of stuff going on with alternate worlds and things like that.
EDIT: Don't know how that cool guy got in there. I meant when my kids were about 6 and 8.
It's okay, Lisa. I'm still going through the awesome stage of life between 6 and .
I'm past . Currently in
I read the HP books several times. I've got all of them on the shelf. Got the final two in English because I didn't want to wait for the translations.
I once finished book 2 every saturday afternoon for three weeks straight. XD
I enjoyed the His Dark Materials series too, Lisa but nothing compares to Harry Potter, for me The Lord of the Rings trilogy is a favourite too though.
The HP series is clearly popular all over the world but here in the UK it's just ridiculous - so many people love it. They aren't the most incredibly well-written books ever (although I still think they're pretty well done) but JK Rowling's brilliant imagination is what I love. The whole HP universe is very intricate and the storyline is quite unusual. I like the combination of humour, exciting and fun fantasy, and dark magic.
I love the Harry Potter series. I always thought they were kids books until my wife talked my into picking them up. They're great. I've read them all a couple of times. The last couple of books are by far the best. The movies are good, but leave out some very interesting points in the books.
Yeah that's a major flaw of the films, especially the last few. They're complex enough that people who haven't read the books may not understand them completely, but they leave out key points that people who have read the books will get annoyed at Still not bad though.
I must have read each book about 7 or 8 times
finally people ho have read the books i hate it when people say ooh the film´s are so great and that the books sucks because they have read the first page and didn´t like it, i have read all books 2 times in dutch. i´m a big fan of everything like harry potter like Ranger's Apprentice and eragon
btw if you like harry potter you must read Ranger's Apprentice
Most people I know prefer the books really - true Potter fans
The Eragon series is great too. Fantasy is definitely my favourite fiction genre (although of course it covers a wide base). The Edge Chronicles are a great series to have a look at if you like HP, Eragon etc. Even just the front covers are bizarre and exciting:
can´t wait until hp 7.2 comes in theater also eragon 4 but it comes nov in England so i must wait a half year more because it´s need to get translated
finally people ho have read the books i hate it when people say ooh the film´s are so great and that the books sucks because they have read the first page and didn´t like it, i have read all books 2 times in dutch. i´m a big fan of everything like harry potter like Ranger's Apprentice and eragonbtw if you like harry potter you must read Ranger's Apprentice
Can't wait for Brotherband Chronicles coming out in November (the week before Inheritance), huh? If you don't know what that is, it is Flanagan's new series that follows a Skandian character for a bit before he makes the final Ranger's Apprentice book (which will be a full circle of Will having an apprentice).
Can't wait for Inheritance, also. Not as excited about it as some of the other books coming out this fall, but it should be pretty good. I thought Paolini grew as a writer between Eldest and Brisingr, so I hope that continues to blossom.
Also, I agree with you Deneney, they did leave out a few key pieces in Half-Blood Prince. It drove me slightly mad. But I'm a purist stickler like that.
without any spoilers for ho hasn't read hp7 didn´t the ending suck i saw in trailers that they improved that in the movie
below is the ending of hp7 don´t look if you haven´t read or watcht harry potter 7.2
i hated the ending you see in six books how stong voldermort is and he is killed by his own spell i mean commone in the film it´s at least a battle but how is he killed so easy his wand isn´t the same as harry anymore so the whole idea of the spell coll aching is dumb
if you read it and didn´t know the ending sorry but you were warned
Draco Malfoy became master of the Elder Wand (unknowingly) when he disarmed Dumbledore in The Half-Blood Prince. Voldemort thought Snape was the wand's master because he killed Dumbledore (hence why Voldemort killed Snape), but in fact Malfoy disarmed him and that was all that was needed to make him master.
Harry them disarmed Malfoy of his normal wand while escaping from Malfoy Manor, making him master of the Elder Wand (beating the master of any wand in a duel makes you the master).
When Voldemort took the Elder Wand from Dumbledore's tomb to fight Harry he was bringing about his own death. He used the wand against it's own master so the spell rebounded, protecting Harry and killing Voldemort.
Simple. See?
Davinci, Dumbledore is called Perkamentus in the Dutch version.
ja hoe weet je dat that means yes how do you know guess this name loena leeflang and an easy hermelien
I'm Dutch as well.
welke provincie i´m not alone no just kidding i don´t have anything against englisch peoples:8-)
welke provincie i´m not alone no just kidding i don´t have anything against englisch peoples:8-)
Noord-Brabant, jongen!
I read the last three books in English. Loena Leeflang is Luna Lovegood, Hermelien is Hermione, Minerva Anderling is Minerva McGonagall et cetera.
Sorry, davinci. I have to disagree with you.
However, if you want to complain about the Epilogue, I'll be right there with you.
i now will stop complaine
Haha. The Dutch names are really cool. I think the part where Harry pulls Voldemort off the bridge is just for extra dramatic effect in the film. It isn't in the books but it does look pretty impressive
als je uit brabant komt moet jij ook weten hoe irritant het is dat wij hier geen gamestop hebben en dat wij niet all die extra´s krijgenSpoiler: Highlight to viewin the trailer he jumps of a bridge with voldermort where is that in the booki liked the part with snape so i hope that it won´t be just one scene also the end was quite vague
i now will stop complaine
they both jump off the bridge credits start to role
LOL. If they ended it like that I would laugh. And then promptly kill myself.
Of je pre-ordert gewoon even de collector's edition bij Free Record Shop of en krijgt alle extra's van GameStop plus nog wat meer.
That would be a very shitty ending.
then on the news
1.TWIGHLIGHT :boring dumbsh!t: 20000,00000,000000,000,000,000 ( instead of breaking dawn)
2. SMURFS : 3000,0000,0000
3. CAPTIN AMERICA 200,000,000,
4.HARRY POTTER: 12.00 ( due to refunds)
ja heb ik gedaan maar toch ik wil een gamestop in nederland
i would be like common and would cry until nov 15
What's with the random stuff about Gamestop and the Collector's Edition?
i´m saying how mad i am that there's no gamestop in the netherlands so we need to buy the collectors edition to get extra stuff
We get waaaaay more stuff than people in the US, so I'm not complaining.
i am the same happned with acb and cod black ops pre order and you get this i do it and i get nothing
You have to look for the collector's edition. It usually costs 90 euros.
i´m 15 how do i can get so much money
Work? I mean, a months work working 8 hours every saturday will give you enough money to buy the collector's edition.
i´m 15 how do i can get so much money
Sell a kidney.
i´m working my ass of in the vacation now but i can´t get a job and i´m saving for something
Work? I mean, a months work working 8 hours every saturday will give you enough money to buy the collector's edition.
nice i want to sing to you an insprational song for your hard work but i can't do that so here is one .....
You have an unhealthly love affair with YouTube EA17.
naw i think i've become a little crazy
yeah a little
how im laughing right about now
I've preordered the Animus Edition at a cool £74.99. Then they dropped the price to £69.99 - bastards! I might order a couple and sell one or two
i preorderd the collecters edition it is the regular price as the regular game $60.00