FLAE recently mentioned this game in the other topic
I just read some more Halo: Reach reviews for the BETA that drops May 3rd, and apparently the multiplayer is almost as good as Battlefield's and maybe even better than Modern Warfare's. Seriously, they've completely revamped the series, and for the better. It's apparently so good, in fact, that it's turned the head of gr's most notorious Halo-Hater, so you know it has to be awesome. Here's two articles about the BETA:http://www.gamesradar.com/xbox360/halo-reach/preview/halo-reach-a-halo-h...
I was never really a Halo fan, but this game deffinately looks awesome. Just imagine, around 60 elements, NPC´s, vehicles and/or players in a single map with such a high definition.
GR.com had a game with the Bungie team recently, and they uploaded a video with Luke Smith, one of the designers of the game, and is simply brilliant. Check it out:
When you first came here, you HATED GR. Now you're referencing our videos
I have been playing the Beta continuously, it was seriously good. I loved the Invasion game type, where you are either a Spartan trying to stop the elites taking the navigation core, or, of course, the Elites trying to take it. As the game wore on, the teams gained progressively better hardware, starting off with enclosed firefights and assassinations, culminating in epic battles between Wraiths and Scorpions.
I was thinking of pre-ordering at gamestop.com to get the Recon and other permutations they are offering, still don't now if I should go for it or saves some more for Brotherhood. Any recomendation?
I think that you should get FALLOUT NEW VEGAS!...jk. But it depends, if you like FPS games, get reach. And plus Reach is gonna be the best Halo yet, but Brotherhood has multiplayer...that isn't guaranteed to be good. It could be like Saint's Row 2's where it is just plain horrible. Honestly, I'm going for Reach and Fable III, but Brotherhood is gonna be third in line if I can scrap up the money.
Ok forget the multiplayer I want it for something else now. I initially disiked the beta and wasn't planning on picking it up but after watching a recent video regarding the map editor I couldn't believe my eyes. Every problem that I had with forge has been solved, and now I'm trying to cope with having to wait another month and a half. Watch this video, it'll blow your mind:
My prayers have been answered!!
They finally added a snap function!
Thank God!! Bungie really are pulling out the stops to make their last Halo game the best it can be. Forge mode now is similar to the editors in Spore:Galactic adventures, non-clipping pieces before placing them etc.
Lol who knew 7/11 was actually useful for something.
I picked up Halo: Reach YESTERDAY from a 7/11 out in the suburbs. The game is unbelievable. I took the day off from work today just to play in Forge World and do a few campaign missions. If you don't pick this up you'll be shooting yourself in the foot, guaranteed.
Hey FLAE! Haven't seen you as often.
Yes I'm sorry I took the Member of the Month award and ran with it... actually I've just been pretty damn busy except for today but don't worry I'm sure I'll be back once ACB drops.
But let me restate this once again: If you pass up on Halo Reach it will be one of the biggest gaming mistakes you will ever make in your life. I kid you not. Forge World actually might be the greatest thing ever created in a video game, there are just so many options for customization, so much space, so much potential, it's just unparalleled by anything else I've ever played in my life, and that includes the first time I played Assassins Creed three years ago.
Campaign isn't the greatest but there are still plenty of OH WOW moments. Just don't get your expectations too high, it's essentially a much better version of Halo: ODST. The only flaw with it though, although this is an extremely large flaw, is that it doesn't really feel like you're playing with a team of Spartans. They don't do much more than the Marines did in Halo 3 (I had hoped they would at least be on the same level as the Elites) and the only times they ever use their armor abilities are when you're about to run them over with a warthog, and that's only because they automatically armor lock whenever a vehicle gets too close. So campaign isn't better than Halo 3s, but I didn't have high expectations for it anyway, so I'm alright with it. Multiplayer is where the action is.
Multiplayer in this game is just a bottomless pit of fun. Essentially, the whole system is about what you want. You control what you look like, what game you play, your weapons, your abilities, you can even control who you play with based on player preferences that Bungie has filtered. The community is still the best in the world of gaming, and already there have been so many file share maps I've looked at and seen, but there's still so much more. This game alone has the power to tide you over for years to come, and I believe that dismissing it would be stupid as hell.
...looks like I'm putting Halo: Reach next on my Gamefly Q.
Oh...the dilemma.. I'm saving up for driving lessons atm and I only get a small amount of money in my college bursary, I don't have a job, so I'm only going to buy one game over the next couple of months, and that will be ACB, ill probably ask to get Halo: Reach for Christmas though. I'm still not decided though, hence the dilemma, as the other year I got AC2 for christmas and I felt a bit left out as you guys got to play it a couple of months before me though, I don't want to miss out on that this time.
I have Halo: Reach in my hands.
I'm looking at my Xbox 360 with the RROD.
I almost know how you feel! My xbox is so screwed up right now. I has the open tray error where it wont read game discs, so it's basically useless. I can get it to work sometimes if I pop the disc in enough times. (ACII doesn't even do that anymore!!
But it's just torture with Halo Reach! I think it also scratches my discs so now it wont let me play campaign or install it all the way; just says: failure to load content!! I don't have a warranty either to try and get it fixed either.
I'm about ready to pop the sucker open and fix it myself if I can. Problem is, if I can't, then I can't sell back for a new one either!!
Mine has been acting up every once in a while too. I'm thinking of sending it in to be fixed but I don't think that it has it's warranty either.
Well I got it fixed about a week ago.
Had to go with a random electronic because there is no Microsoft customer support over Panama (stupid mexican call center guy, made me feel hopeless and like an idiot for not knowinng that). Anyway, it will never be the same. The console works pretty good but builds up heat rather quickly, making me have to change the entire multimedia station to a more ventilated side of the room, thus making me have to buy some new furniture and reducing the expectations of beating my 16 hours of continuos gameplay record (yeah I was that addicted to Portal ).
Now to Reach.
I just hit Captain Grade 3 yesterday and find the game fantastic in almost every aspect, thou I wish the campaing has lasted a bit longer.
Spoiler: Highlight to viewbtw, did anyone else said or thought "just jump into the friggin pelican!" on the last part of "the pillar of autumn"?
The survival part was also rough, because the whole time I knew this was just a firefight game that I would inevitably lose. And that's exactly what happened, but in extremely glorious fashion. I'm just glad I got to kill about 200 elites with the machine gun before finally getting sliced. How long did you last?
Halo Reach was awesome i liked it better than ODST because in reach you can sprint,dodge,and roll in the previous halo games you can't do those things i hope to see HALO 4 and the remake of HALO COMBAT EVOLVED to be better
Too much of a good thing can be bad in this type of format. I'm not much of a Halo player, but if I was, I'd probably be one of those people who liked the main Halo games, not the spin-offs.
I loved Reach, it stands on the same spot as Halo 3 to me, but I will always prefer CE over all else.
As to ODST, I thought it was a good game, but it wasn't really great, and could be considered a piece of shit next to the other Halo games (even Halo Wars, which was great). The thing that made me like ODST was mostly the soundtrack and the introduction of Buck to the franchise, apart from that, Firefight wasn't really that great, and the campaign was sub-standard in terms of epicness next to the other titles.
That's when Reach comes in and fine-tunes almost every aspect of the franchise. Matchmaking, Forge and even Firefight were perfect, and felt like what the Halo games were finally leading up to, even if Reach is technically a prequel. Don't take it wrong, Halo 3 still had basically a perfect MP and the Campaign was sublime, but Reach managed to make it even better, although for some reason, will never feel the same as Halo 3.
And about Halo 4, I don't like the idea. I mean, yes more Halo its not a bad idea, but you don't finish the fight to start it again a few years later! (I think somebody hear said that last bit). 343 will have to really prove themselves.
i never played halo and i have a xbox LMFAO
i didn't like HALO WARS i agree james firefight and MP wasn't good on ODST i didn't really like the franchice of but the firefight and MP on reach was much better i never played the origanal HALO CE but i compared the old graphics and the new graphics the remake look better saw the trailer of HALO 4 it looks amazing it is a sequel to HALO 3 can't believe you can get a grenade launching pistol but the pistol is the magnum
Sometimes I want to take a Sharpie and put periods in posts like that. Yes, I know it would be on my screen. It hurts my eyes. DX