Hello All (well, all of you who read this, that is),
Just a brief hello as I do have a tendency to go on as Ian will attest from my comments on YouTube (as lee_somerset).
I've been subscribed to Ian and Rick's channels on YT for some time now and every new video makes my jaw drop and makes me realise how utterly without class I am as I rampage my way through the AC games. So thanks, Chaps, for all your innovation and marvellous ideas that have made me replay the Creeds with a tad more finesse and oodles more fun.
I look forward to seeing many more and to blending with my fellow virtual assassins on the site.
Toodle pip,
Love reading your English lingo. So much different than American. Welcome to THB!
Greetings! You should check out the videos here, things are always being found out.
Welcome, LoreTime!
I, too, look forward to you entering our group of Assassins, hiding from the bad-mannered guards, and promptly severing some Templars' jugular veins.
TheHiddenBlade is happy to have you!
Hello to you as well, LoreTime. It's nice to meet you.
It is truly inspiring how all the video makers on here dream up such a variety of intriguing and dramatic ways to get things done.
I hope you enjoy yourself here.
You are, all of you, most welcoming. Thank you; I'm touched*.
Love reading your English lingo. So much different than American. Welcome to THB!
English lingo?! I will have you know, young Joe, that you are referring to my language! But because you are being so complimentary, I shall forgive you. And because you have such impeccable music taste, not least the Zep (I have spoken to Robert Plant - he says hi), the D, Carlos, and the Irons!
Interestingly, you're right about the difference; my beloved Chambers Dictionary has the following to say about 'different than':
RECOMMENDATION: use different from or different to; avoid different than, which is common in American English.
Anyway, thanks for your welcome and kind words. Most people just see me as an overly wordy gobshite.
Greetings! You should check out the videos here, things are always being found out.
Thanks, Aurel. The real innovators and magicians on here never fail to astound me with their awe-inspiring ingenuity.
Welcome, LoreTime!
I, too, look forward to you entering our group of Assassins, hiding from the bad-mannered guards, and promptly severing some Templars' jugular veins.TheHiddenBlade is happy to have you!
Thanks, DAZ. You must leave me a secret Codex of who to look out for. Like Hannibal Lecter, I hate rudeness. Bad manners are unforgivable; insults should be delivered with class and style and without people realising until later that you've been very rude indeed.
Hello to you as well, LoreTime. It's nice to meet you.It is truly inspiring how all the video makers on here dream up such a variety of intriguing and dramatic ways to get things done.
I hope you enjoy yourself here.
Lisa. Thank you. I like girls who drink pints and who are gamers. I know you're the latter and maybe do the former, but no matter as you are a rare and shimmery gem amidst the murky gloop. And you quote Bill, which makes you marvellous.
Tut, I have done a thousand dreadful things
As willingly as one would kill a fly,
And nothing grieves me heartily indeed
But that I cannot do ten thousand more.
Not true, of course, but chewy and delicious words nonetheless.
Cheers folks.
*Many have said as much, but I'm not sure they meant it in quite the same way as I did above.
Lisa. Thank you. I like girls who drink pints and who are gamers. I know you're the latter and maybe do the former, but no matter as you are a rare and shimmery gem amidst the murky gloop. And you quote Bill, which makes you marvellous.
Oh man. You NEED to see this LoreTime: Ezio has 30 cups of coffee.
EDIT: You already have. Wow, I fail at keeping track of stuff.
Hello and welcome! Your lengthy and poetic posts mean I like you already
Oh boy. I don't know if I should thank you or hate you LoreTime. Your way of talking will deffinately give me a hard time, but it is more interesting as well... poetical even. Any, I'm glad that you joined our little congregation of murderers and anarchists. Hope the enjoy the the site!
Oh man. You NEED to see this LoreTime: Ezio has 30 cups of coffee.EDIT: You already have. Wow, I fail at keeping track of stuff.
Keep up, man!
Hello and welcome! Your lengthy and poetic posts mean I like you already
You're too kind, Patrick. Many years ago, in what feels like the Second Age of Middle-earth, I worked in Solihull. I'm a Brummy. Are the Silhillians still irked by being told they're from Birmingham, despite Solihull having a Birmingham postcode and definitely being a suburb of the Wicked Metropolis? (Assume Evil Grin here.)
Oh boy. I don't know if I should thank you or hate you LoreTime. Your way of talking will deffinately give me a hard time, but it is more interesting as well... poetical even. Any, I'm glad that you joined our little congregation of murderers and anarchists. Hope the enjoy the the site!
Haha! To misquote Johnny Depp in The Libertine, James: 'if there is not some controversy when people pass through my orbit, then I am not the malicious planet I had hoped'.
It'd be boring to not stir opinion, wouldn't it. I thank you for your Creed-like, warm welcome and kind words. In the common parlance, I'm already lovin' the site...
Greetings loretime! i love reading your stuff. hope you find yourself at home here.
This site just keeps getting better and better, welcome to the site. Now we just need Draco in a topic with this guy and things should get real interesting
Greetings loretime! i love reading your stuff. hope you find yourself at home here.
Ah, hello Maestro. Thanks for your flattering words and joyful welcome; I can only reciprocate by saying that I await every new video from you with bated breath and won't watch them until I have a cup of strong coffee or glass of single malt in my quivering hand. I already feel at home here, thank you - they're a fine Brotherhood aren't they.
This site just keeps getting better and better, welcome to the site. Now we just need Draco in a topic with this guy and things should get real interesting
I raise my glass to you Jack and to your videos which I've been taking some inspiration from.
With regard to Draco, do you mean he's be a formidable foe or that we should do a kind of tag team thingy?!
PatrickDPS3 wrote:
Hello and welcome! Your lengthy and poetic posts mean I like you alreadyYou're too kind, Patrick. Many years ago, in what feels like the Second Age of Middle-earth, I worked in Solihull. I'm a Brummy. Are the Silhillians still irked by being told they're from Birmingham, despite Solihull having a Birmingham postcode and definitely being a suburb of the Wicked Metropolis? (Assume Evil Grin here.)
I am one of the aforementioned Silhillians and in keeping with tradition I dislike being told I'm from Birmigham
If anybody asks where I'm from I always say "Solihull", and if a quizzical look follows I continue with, "near Birmigham" But I always insist that I'm from Solihull. True, we have a Birmingham postcode, true we are a suburb of the "Wicked Metropolis", but we have our own Metropolitan Borough Council!
In truth, I don't mind the Brummies. After all, technically my sister is a Brummie (born in Good Hope)
Thanks for one of the answers to your sister's online banking security questions, Patrick.
My oldest friend, Brummy that he is, works for your Metropolitan Borough Council, so all is well and I wasn't being disparaging about the old place. I liked working there; fewer chavs (before we coined the term for tracksuit-wearing plebeians - Ancient Rome's word for 'a member of the lower social classes', appropriately enough).
I know what you mean about having to explain your location to people. I now live in a village miles from nowhere. Most of its inhabitants (inmates?) haven't ever crossed the village border and the graveyard has dozens of tombstones all with the same surname on them. I work near Bath which is 16 miles from home and an unheard of and vast distance to commute for those who only walk or take a tractor. Most of them don't know where Bath is, FFS!
Haha. You'd never guess her first name, never mind her security question answers! But, to be on the safe side, any further talk of my sister shall now cease.
I'm always surprised that quite a lot of people have actually heard of Solihull as I don't think of it as large town but I suppose it is quite well-known especially since Touchwood (shopping centre) was built It's also well-known for being "the posh part of Birmingham" as you touched upon
I find it funny when people who go to my school/other schools near mine think they're really hard
"You're from Solihull FGS!"
Haha. You'd never guess her first name, never mind her security question answers! But, to be on the safe side, any further talk of my sister shall now cease.
I'm guessing her name is PatriciaDPS3. But as you said, no more talking of sisters. It's against our code of honor. Although we would consider them not to be rules, but guidelines.(quoting from Pirates of the Caribbean)
Damn, that's her name! How did you guess...?
Damn, that's her name! How did you guess...?
He didn't guess. I told him.
Anyway, you're right gentlemen; it's not only a rule and a guideline, but also a rather unchivalrous thing to do to discuss a chap's sister.
At least it is when that chap can read the discussion.
Ummm. What was I going to say? Ah, yes, Patrick …
I'm always surprised that quite a lot of people have actually heard of Solihull as I don't think of it as large town but I suppose it is quite well-known especially since Touchwood (shopping centre) was builtIt's also well-known for being "the posh part of Birmingham" as you touched upon
I find it funny when people who go to my school/other schools near mine think they're really hard
"You're from Solihull FGS!"
So, Torchwood built a 'shopping centre' in Solihull did they? I would be highly dubious about going within a mile of it if I were you; it could be masking a humongous rift in the space time continuum. Beware, young man. Beware.
I assume from your message that you are, indeed, young, unless you're a teacher at what you refer to as your school? I was at school so long ago that it now seems like a halcyon time when the sun always shone, Mars Bars were 12p, Tizer tasted of something, the ridiculously named Snickers bars were called Marathons, Led Zeppelin were just breaking up, and fornication was not only safe but expected by wanton ladies. Nostalgia, eh. It's not what it used to be.
I need to go kill some Italians...
Indeed they did. Touchwood seems a nice place, with multiple restaurants and eateries, a Cineworld, various shopping outlets and even a Greggs 9to go with the one already on the High Street ), and I spend much of my time there. However, as you said, I'm sure there is a sinister purpose behind the "innovative design" which is "seamlessly woven into Solihull's existing town centre".
Correct again, my friend. I am 16 years old, although don't let that put you off. We're not all bad...
And Mars bars for 12p! Hell, even a Freddo costs 17p, yes that's 17p, these days!
I work near Bath which is 16 miles from home
Hey, I've been to Bath. The architecture is fascinating. Here's a photo I took of the city at sunset:
(More Bath photos here.)
stabgal and I stayed in Salisbury and took day trips to Stonehenge, Bath and Longleat in Wiltshire. In hindsight we should have stayed in Bath.
I've been subscribed to Ian and Rick's channels on YT for some time now
Please, call me stabguy (or just stab or stabby). Glad you could join us on The Hidden Blade, LoreTime!
stabgal haha love it
Indeed they did. Touchwood seems a nice place, with multiple restaurants and eateries, a Cineworld, various shopping outlets and even a Greggs 9to go with the one already on the High Street), and I spend much of my time there. However, as you said, I'm sure there is a sinister purpose behind the "innovative design" which is "seamlessly woven into Solihull's existing town centre".
Correct again, my friend. I am 16 years old, although don't let that put you off. We're not all bad...
And Mars bars for 12p! Hell, even a Freddo costs 17p, yes that's 17p, these days!
I think you may have missed the Torchwood reference, Patrick. But despite the reference to programmes that are an anagram of Doctor Who, the Touchwood Centre sounds even more sinister and full of things to lure unexpected mortals to their doom and the emptying of their wallets. I have spent too much of my time in Greggs, I must say; and I have the waistline to prove it. Stay away, young fella!
I know you're not all bad and, believe it or not, I was once 16 (going on 60), twenty-something years ago. Damn it. This is in no way meant to be patronising Patrick, but your maturity (not to mention literacy, which is a rare skill these days) belies your age. You are a fine upstanding gentleman.
I'll stop now, lest I burst into tears.
What the hell is a Freddo?!
Hey, I've been to Bath. The architecture is fascinating. Here's a photo I took of the city at sunset:
(More Bath photos here.)stabgal and I stayed in Salisbury and took day trips to Stonehenge, Bath and Longleat in Wiltshire. In hindsight we should have stayed in Bath.
I've been subscribed to Ian and Rick's channels on YT for some time nowPlease, call me stabguy (or just stab or stabby). Glad you could join us on The Hidden Blade, LoreTime!
stab. The pleasure is all mine, my friend. Your photo is superb. I have a similar panorama taken right across the valley, but not taken in such beautiful light. Your other shots show a keen eye, too. Is there no end to your talents? It is indeed a fascinating and gorgeous city. It's all a façade, though, you know; the whole place is built on a what was effectively a swamp, the honey-stoned Georgian frontages mask buildings that are falling to pieces, and the dip in which it sits is one of the most polluted areas of Britain. [© Bath Tourist Board. No part of this dazzling description may be duplicated without prior permission.]
Having said that, I do love the evocative place and spend many happy hours staggering from remarkable old pub to … ummm … other remarkable old pubs.
I live near here too:
Next time you're over, you must let me drag you and stabgal* to the Tor and around Bath's narrow and disorientating streets. As long as you promise not to actually, y'know, stab anyone. Or start swinging on beams. Oh, and I'll take you to a proper Stone Circle at Avebury. Stonehenge is rubbish, frankly, and might as well be a pile of painted polystyrene lumps with its rampant commercialism that destroys any atmosphere it might be clinging onto.
* I'm with Arrrogance - love it
A freddo is ridiculously small chocolate bar in the shape of a frog! I know, bizarre!
I got the torchwood reference (I used to love it and doctor who) but realised I never acknowledged it in my response so to confirm, I did appreciate the reference
Why thank you. I don't consider that patronising at all, rather, it's a compliment.
LOL I'm 16, about to be 17 in a month.
I doubt I'm as awesome or literate as Patrick though..
If i had the chance to start swinging on beams, i'd go for it!