All that for the low low price of $800!
Just kidding. I didn't get it.
It would be cool if they sold that art book separately. Back to the original point: $800 is insane for a video game. Is everything laced with gold? Do I win a trip to Egypt? Can I get a replica of the shield Bayek carries? Throw those in, and you can justify a $500 price tag (maybe).
The sad thing is, people actually have money to spend for things like this, and that behavior contributes to more ridiculous offers.
All that for the low low price of $800!
Is everything laced with gold?.
I was just about to ask if the game case was made of solid gold, haha.
All 999 copies of this are now officially sold-out. Holy crap.
Damnit. I got sucked in. For the first time since ACIII, I have preordered a video game.
The Gold Steelbook edition is only $88 For Amazon Prime members, which is less than the standard + season pass later... oh well. Now I wait.
I also got Oliver Bowden's origins prequel novel coming this week to temporarlily quench my thirst. He wrote the Hayhtham-centric novel Forsaken.
Yeah, same, it was legitimately just too good of a deal to pass by. Reading Desert Oath right now, it's really cool! There's not much Assassin-y stuff in it, for obvious reasons, but there are plenty of little hints that you'll read and be like "ohh I know exactly what that means~"