there are a few sites detailing how to find the glyphs and other stuff, but i haven't found any that deal with solving them.
i've done 5 or 6 so far, but they are so fricking hard
If you need help with any of them, just post here and we'll help you out.
Actually, Here's a great site I found that shows how to solve most of them. Finding the order to rotate the picture circles is still left up to you, though.
The picture circles are the easiest ones. I've only done two, a picture circle and the first one where you had to find the paintings with apples in them.
The picture circles are the easiest ones. I've only done two, a picture circle and the first one where you had to find the paintings with apples in them.
Dont make that claim about the picture circles prematurely. Just wait until the later ones.
SBIzokronus wrote:
The picture circles are the easiest ones. I've only done two, a picture circle and the first one where you had to find the paintings with apples in them.Dont make that claim about the picture circles prematurely. Just wait until the later ones.
oh please dont remind me of that hell in Venice
oh please dont remind me of that hell in Venice
Just unlocked the whole truth video today.
Some of those puzzles were cleverly put together and all together very entriguing
i haven't finished the Truth yet, got 3 left, but i don't understand what's supposed to be special about it. so far it's just 2 people running around
EDIT: never mind, i just checked it on youtube. it seems like when you haven't done the whole thing yet the order of the clips are scrambled
And you don't get sound until you unlock all of them, right?
I got 2 more today. but I got the picture scanning kind, where you try and find the pieces of eden hidden in historical pictures. I don't understand the point behind the puzzles, really. They feel uninspired, but maybe that's only because I've only done a few.
And you don't get sound until you unlock all of them, right?I got 2 more today. but I got the picture scanning kind, where you try and find the pieces of eden hidden in historical pictures. I don't understand the point behind the puzzles, really. They feel uninspired, but maybe that's only because I've only done a few.
Keep going youll understand it very soon
true that
and to me it was a true blue mind ****
I've found all but about 3 glyphs I think but 3 I can't solve yet. I think one was a puzzle one with symbols and two were the pictures ones. One with the keyword, 'cut' and I can't recall the other one. So far, I'm not looking for anymore hints then the game gives me because I'm not quite ready to give up but I foresee frustration and curiousity outweighing my patience
would you like help?
Enjoy the red keywords while you still have them. The last ones don't even give you keywords.
the last picture circle is a bitch to get through.
i'm always one step away on the last one but it can only move two places at a time
the last picture circle is a bitch to get through.
i'm always one step away on the last one but it can only move two places at a time
I had this exact problem. I fought with it for a good 15 minutes. Then I figured out what I might have been doing wrong and got it on my first try after that.
Did you notice how it kind of looks like you have to lean the picture at an angle, that the two people can't be standing straight up? I had them leaning to the right and couldn't get the center piece to line up, then I tried swapped the outer rings around to get them leaning to the left and the center one went right into place and it completed the puzzle. Try that.
the last picture circle is a bitch to get through.
i'm always one step away on the last one but it can only move two places at a time
Here's a tip to help, look really closely at the very middle that cant be moved. That should give you an idea for the picture.
ROB_88 wrote:
the last picture circle is a bitch to get through.Here's a tip to help, look really closely at the very middle that cant be moved. That should give you an idea for the picture.
Actually it can, and it's moved only while simultaneously moving one of two outer rings.
Maybe you're thinking of a different one?
Greyjeth wrote:
ROB_88 wrote:
the last picture circle is a bitch to get through.Here's a tip to help, look really closely at the very middle that cant be moved. That should give you an idea for the picture.
Actually it can, and it's moved only while simultaneously moving one of two outer rings.
Maybe you're thinking of a different one?
No im talking about the very very middle thing. Even before that small circle.
No im talking about the very very middle thing. Even before that small circle.
Sorry. You said "look at the very middle" so I figured you meant the middle of the circle.
That said, even that ring can be moved. All of them can be. I had the entire picture (except for the central-most piece) lined up, but then I had to rotate all rings two slots to the left and that allowed the central-most piece to slide in with a single move.
Greyjeth wrote:
No im talking about the very very middle thing. Even before that small circle.Sorry. You said "look at the very middle" so I figured you meant the middle of the circle.
That said, even that ring can be moved. All of them can be. I had the entire picture (except for the central-most piece) lined up, but then I had to rotate all rings two slots to the left and that allowed the central-most piece to slide in with a single move.
ahhhh ok
Enjoy the red keywords while you still have them. The last ones don't even give you keywords.
Yeah I know That's another one I can't solve yet. The symbol ones with the number wheels are hard too. I think I solved one or two of those but one is still giving me trouble. As for the picture wheels, those were easy once I got the hang of the order of the rings. I've learned to put the picture together in my head with the missing pieces typically working from the most outside ring inwards. (Being a drafting major, it's easier for me to see that way then some). But sucking at math and symbols, those number wheels are really rough for me.
ROB_88 wrote:
the last picture circle is a bitch to get through.
i'm always one step away on the last one but it can only move two places at a timeHere's a tip to help, look really closely at the very middle that cant be moved. That should give you an idea for the picture.
The very center circle is immovable as you say. It's the place to start for sure. I appreciate your offer for help, but I'm going to give them a few more shots first before I call in the towel. I haven't even found them all yet and I've played through twice already and started a third.
The very center circle is immovable as you say. It's the place to start for sure. I appreciate your offer for help, but I'm going to give them a few more shots first before I call in the towel. I haven't even found them all yet and I've played through twice already and started a third.
If it's immovable, it's not the final one. I was stuck on it for quite a while and remember it very clearly.
Oh, so your saying Asaic that a later pic will come along where the very center circle is moveable too? Oh wee fun..guess I haven't found that glyph yet.
Oh, so your saying Asaic that a later pic will come along where the very center circle is moveable too? Oh wee fun..guess I haven't found that glyph yet.
The very last glyph puzzle, yes. You can move all of the rings including the center piece, and only one of the rings can be moved by itself. The others work in overlapping pairs. What a pain!
Just to help avoid any possible confusion, the glyph puzzles will always come in the same order, regardless of the order you scan the glyphs. The puzzles are not specific to location, but rather to the order in which you find them. eg: Puzzle #20 will always be the last puzzle you get, regardless of which landmark's glyph you scan last.
lilkody wrote:
Oh, so your saying Asaic that a later pic will come along where the very center circle is moveable too? Oh wee fun..guess I haven't found that glyph yet.The very last glyph puzzle, yes. You can move all of the rings including the center piece, and only one of the rings can be moved by itself. The others work in overlapping pairs. What a pain!
Just to help avoid any possible confusion, the glyph puzzles will always come in the same order, regardless of the order you scan the glyphs. The puzzles are not specific to location, but rather to the order in which you find them. eg: Puzzle #20 will always be the last puzzle you get, regardless of which landmark's glyph you scan last.
Right, I realized that when I played the second time and no matter which glyph I found, it was the same order of puzzles, getting progressively harder as you go it seems.
lilkody wrote:
The very center circle is immovable as you say. It's the place to start for sure. I appreciate your offer for help, but I'm going to give them a few more shots first before I call in the towel. I haven't even found them all yet and I've played through twice already and started a third.If it's immovable, it's not the final one.
I was stuck on it for quite a while and remember it very clearly.
Ok, I have all twenty...and I think there is confusion here. The center 'circle' never moves..not from glyph 'whatever number these picture puzzles start at' to the final one. The center circle does not move. But yes, the rings move. Number 20 was the worst and took me a good 15 minutes to solve
But no, in all the puzzles I did, the center CIRCLE did not move but yes the RINGS do and in pairs and alternate pairs later on (which drove me nuts at first till I figured the pattern out)
I'm surprised no one on here has been complaining about the code wheels. The penultimate one had me pulling my hair out until I couldn't take it anymore and had to use that source Yurkle posted.
All of them are so annoying because the answers are right in front of you but you have to find where they are and then apply them to the code wheel. I almost screamed on the "<4" one.
Did anyone else flip a sh*t on the code wheels?
I didn't really have an issue with them. Then again, I did similar puzzles a lot during my school days, just for fun.
Actually the wheel puzzles are typically not my thing and if it had been presented to me in, say, a magazine, I would have given up in 5 minutes. But these puzzles? Awesome! I sat down with pen and paper when need be and figured out every one. It was fun. It's the first time I trully tested myself in many years and I found out I'm not as stupid as I thought I was (for puzzles I mean).
Man the last puzzle was the HARDEST one.
I'm talking the last part of the last puzzle.
Where Nothing is True, Everything is permitted is shown.
It took me 4 days to figure that out
lol really? I got that straight away.
I was being sarcastic
It's the easiest thing in the whole game, and you feel kind of "Whoah... nothing is true... *click*.. everything is permitted..*solved*
The hardest one is easily the Mesopotamian math code wheel. I gave up and sought help on the internet after about 45 minutes of attempting to decode.