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On Ghost of Tsushima

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ZekeDunbar51-11's picture
Joined: 05/30/2019

Let's be honest with ourselves, Ghost of Tsushima is miles better than AC Odyssey or Valhalla but it has way more than just Assassin's Creed in it's framework. There's a lot of Shadow of Mordor and Batman Arkham inspired elements in the game too, down to terrifying your enemies and the more direct approach for using your tools as well as what's basically Fear Takedowns with the Chain Assassinations (or technically the multi takedowns from Splinter Cell Blacklist which did it first but no one likes that game). The combat at the beginning on hard really captures that same feeling in the early AC games of not knowing what to really do and having to get aquainted with the game for a while before it's really an option.

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

With games like Ghost of Tsushima and Sekiro Shadows Die Twice, there's no need for Ubisoft to make an AC game set in Japan.

JoeyFogey's picture
Indianapolis, IN
Joined: 02/16/2010
ZekeDunbar51-11 wrote:
Let's be honest with ourselves, Ghost of Tsushima is miles better than AC Odyssey or Valhalla but it has way more than just Assassin's Creed in it's framework. There's a lot of Shadow of Mordor and Batman Arkham inspired elements in the game too, down to terrifying your enemies and the more direct approach for using your tools as well as what's basically Fear Takedowns with the Chain Assassinations (or technically the multi takedowns from Splinter Cell Blacklist which did it first but no one likes that game). The combat at the beginning on hard really captures that same feeling in the early AC games of not knowing what to really do and having to get aquainted with the game for a while before it's really an option.

Yes, Ghost of Tsushima has a classic AC feel to it. Something was bound to come along and reignite that spark in a different way. You can tell that the GoT played a lot of the best open world third-person games and made a love letter.

Also, I liked Blacklist...and it was Conviction that did it before that.

aurllcooljay wrote:
With games like Ghost of Tsushima and Sekiro Shadows Die Twice, there's no need for Ubisoft to make an AC game set in Japan.

Pretty much this. Japan is done a lot in various media, that it would feel as redundant as Valhalla was after God of War and Hellblade came out.

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero