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The Ghost of the Doge's Palace

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JoeyFogey's picture
Indianapolis, IN
Joined: 02/16/2010

Not that it's legitimate, I like to refer to the technique (where the player cannot be seen, even with yellow bars) as the "Ghost" method.

Now, the only similarity between this and "Silent Landing" video is the beginning. Other than that, it's a whole new strategy. (If you know how to deal with the first few archers from ianxo4's video, skip ahead to the following 3rd paragraph)

When you start off, you'll be on the roof. If you look to the right, you see 3 archers. Sprint towards the closest archer, but make sure the "chimney" is in the line of sight of both of you. Climb up and hang from the edge. Once you see that you are out of eyesight of his peripherals (just keep the camera straight behind you and let him walk out from behind the chimney, into the camera's eyesight) quickly climb to the top and assassinate him.

Continue to sprint towards the next archer, using the same strategy. He takes a longer pace, so be patient a few more seconds than the last one.

Again, sprint towards the next guard, but you don't have to climb onto the chimney. (This is where it starts to get different!) Once you get close to the side of the next chimney, jump in the archer's direction. You won't be heard when you land right behind him. You can either do this, or keep TAPPING the "High Profile" button (R1 on PS3/RT on Xbox 360) in order to jog without being noticed and you'll get to him faster. Quietly assassinate him.

At this point, you should be able to see along the "untouched" side of the roof of the palace. Don't waste time, sprint straight down, and at the end of it, you should see the tip of a ladder. Drop down onto or next to it. Immediately air assassinate the patrolling guard on the steps.

Run back up the wall to where you just jumped from. Circle back around to the opposite side of the palace. Drop down to the foliage-covered platform with the ladder on it. Hang down and wait for the 2 walking guards to pass the right-most column (YOUR right) in the center of the palace. Press the "Assassinate" button, and you should just let go of the platform and eliminate the lone guard below. Climb straight up to the same platform. You'll have to use the "jump-grab" move to reach the awning. Hang down again.

Wait for the guards to circle back to check on the fallen guard. As soon as one of them is investigating the body the other should be right next to him. Just press the "Assassinate" button again, and you should be able to eliminate both of them at once. Climb straight back up again to the roof.

Circle back to the 3rd archer you killed on the roof (his body should still be there.) Pick him up, jog all the way to the end of that side (the former "untouched" side) and drop his body on the left side of the steps near the story checkpoint. There is a guard underneath a beam.

Don't delay when you drop the body. Immediately drop down, fall and grasp edges in order to attain an "assassination point" for the guard. Once you're at a comfortable spot, assassinate him.

Climb back up towards the roof and circle around to the inner western corner. You should be able to look inside very easily. If you are in the right place, you can see the patrolling guard on the second floor across from you, and poles you can swing from in order to get down to his level. Wait until he is directly in front of you.

He will turn to his right and continue the patrol in that direction. Once you see him turn his head, dive off the edge and swing from both poles, landing on a platform. Immediately jump to the right, over the guardrail. Hide behind the corner. (You can actually step right inside the corner, and he won't notice you. This makes it easier to kill him when you can.) Once he returns to his former post (nearest to you, now) walk around the corner and quietly assassinate him.

Jump out to the platform and get to a position in which you can air assassinate the middle guard at the center of the southern wall. Kill him. There are still two guards on both sides of the man you just killed. You can easily creep behind both of them and eliminate them with the hidden blade. It doesn't matter which one you kill first or second.

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

IanXO4's picture
Joined: 10/08/2009

Thanks for taking the time to detail your strategy! As discussed, I'll try this out sometime and record it. If it works out, I'll post to Youtube and credit you.

How robust is the strategy? How often do you succeed vs fail?

Giga's picture
Joined: 11/11/2009

Wow, I came back a good time, eh? Awesome work here Joey Big smile

La verit' e' scritta con il sangue
JoeyFogey's picture
Indianapolis, IN
Joined: 02/16/2010

Alright, that would be amazing, man. Big smile

Personally, I failed more than I succeeded. The ONLY reason for that is because I was trying to figure the strategy out before I finally got it. I kept re-trying it a few more times, and got the hang of it. Once you get used to the timing, it's a breeze.

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

You should see my video: Assassin's Creed 2 Challenge infiltrate the Doge's palace while still in blend. It shows a way to kill all the guards in there stealthfully, but it probably can't be done while you are doing the assassination mission there. It even shows my own way of getting in there.

stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009
aurllcooljay wrote:
You should see my video: Assassin's Creed 2 Challenge infiltrate the Doge's palace while still in blend.

Ian created a topic on The Hidden Blade about your video, aurllcooljay. Joey has seen it and replicated your method. Lisa had some questions that only you can answer.

You won't even feel the blade.