How are you supposed to win at ANY of the games when EVERYTIME the person you play against ALWAYS WINS? I see NO WAY to possibly win at any of the games inside the game. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Does anyone know how to win at Six man Morris at the Inn in the Homestead? I can't seem to win at all, no matter what I do. PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!
I think for me to win at six man morris, i ultimately looked up online tutorials on strategy. when that failed, i cheated... I played against an expert computer online and went first. i let the game go first. i put the games moves into the expert computer game as my moves. i then took the computer's moves and put them into the game. i really didn't think too much on how to ultimately win on my own. haha
I ended up looking up a strategy video on Youtube. Apparently the computer is somewhat scripted to your moves if you do the proper pattern. I'm trying to find that video, but it's been a few years. I'll update if I can.
I went with the strategy that McStab provided. Beat the computer by having another, better computer compete.
This reminds me of a passage from UNSCRIPTED: Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Entrepreneurship by MJ DeMarco:
During a sleepless night in 2015, I finally downloaded Words with Friends, the famous Scrabble-like game played by millions. After suffering crushing loss after loss, something smelled rotten. My opponents seemed to be fluent in genetics, molecular biology, and PhD-level horticulture. Played against me were words like “amitoses,” “auxins,” and “zoea”. After a quick search online, I found the stink’s source: the game is filled with cheaters.Turns out, there are multiple hacks giving *players,* and I use that term loosely, the best word to play given all options. After uncovering the scheme, I could only shake my head in disgust at my fellow humans.
Take a look at the reviews for the cheating app allowing fixed-mindset types to flee from difficulty:
I began using this app approximately one month ago and instantly became one of the top players in my lodge!
All my friends seem to pretty much beat the pants off me. So having this app, or anything I can use to even up the odds, is something that really makes me happy.Yeah, these are actual reviews for the cheating application. Makes me wonder how much these players received fixed praise as children. Mommy said you’re a genius. Teacher said you’re special! And now that the real world exposed the lie, hearty challenges are not worth effort, and instead, cheating becomes cool. Notice the words used as well: “top players” and “even up the odds.” Uh, no. You’re not the top player and you didn’t even up the odds—you fucking cheated.
I wouldn't feel so badly about using a computer to beat some drunk NPC at the Inn in the Homestead.
I wouldn't feel so badly about using a computer to beat some drunk NPC at the Inn in the Homestead.
Now that you say that, I realized how ridiculous it is that we're all being beat in logic and strategy by a 1700s peasant who's drunk off his ass and barely makes it through winter without starving or freezing to death. For some reason, they're idiot savants at that damn game.