When you hide from a templar, it respawns at its place and the original one usually disappears. Unless it doesn't, and you have a templar that you can kill without losing it.
In this video I show three templars that can be thus duplicated most of the time, if you use the right hiding spot.
Wow.... etc. etc, etc' etc- Nice vid... also in good quality
That's funny. I've had an unpublished video called "Fun With Templar Cloning" sitting on my computer for the last two years. It's the same concept as this video with emphasis on what you showed in the last 5 seconds - fighting multiple copies of the same Templar. My goal was 10 but I only managed about 4. After that the clones started disappearing. Good job getting 5 at one time!
FYI, the Templar in my video was Jerusalem Rich #1 and my hiding spot was the roof garden just west of the church. I considered publishing the video several times (once while my Xbox was being repaired) but I was never satisfied with the editing.
You have an unpublished stabguy original sitting in your drawer that's a sequel to my video? That's amazing!
When you say you're not satisfied with the editing, do you mean that you get badly owned by the templars in the video? You don't have to be ashamed of that!
Yeah, Stabby should upload it. (we haven't seen a video from him for some time anyway). And nice work, al-Assas. I liked the shock and awe battle: Templar throws Altair, Altair retaliates with a counter, a few guys also go down, and the last receives no mercy.
We should start a petition to force, um, I mean persuade Stabby to upload that video. If anyone wants him to upload it put a smiley, any smiley.
videos, stabby should put it up. Haven't been any AC1 videos in a LOONG TIME.
When you say you're not satisfied with the editing, do you mean that you get badly owned by the templars in the video?
No, not at all. I mean the video is too long and I couldn't find a good way to shorten it while maintaining continuity.
I want to show how you go from 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 Templars. Each step takes a couple of minutes. It isn't necessary to show every detail but there are some amusing sequences that happen along the way, such as when two Templar clones go into church together. It's hard to strike a balance between entertaining and comprehensive.
Two templars going to church together, hehe
Obviously I'd love to see you publish it, Stabguy, because your Assassin's Creed videos are classics, and they have been inspirational for me, and also because it would add to the legitimacy of playing Assassin's Creed and making Assassin's Creed videos as opposed to ACII and AC:B, which I don't care for that very much at all. What I mean is that Assassin's Creed feels to be somewhat marginalized on this site and in general, in favor of ACII and AC:B, for some reason.
But if you don't feel like doing it, there's no obligation. It's only fun if you want it too...
That would be a good video to see. I can see why Stabby is reluctant to upload it though (a few of my videos embarrass me, and I deleted one of them because it had my voice in it). But sometimes we need to man up and not care what other people might think (oh dear, I just told him to man up, I'm never going to hear the end of this).
Yeah, templar respawning issues have occured often whilst I templar hunt around damascus, or any other city for that matter. I kill the templar in open combat, but the game does not recorgnise it as an offical templar death (aka no pop up screen) So I just plan a careful air>assassinate If anyone is templar hunting in the kingdom (this may work in either of the 3 cities aswell, you can change the appearence of the Templar. Simply get him in you sights (not to close obviously) and then hit pause on the respective controllers. Wait for about 3 minutes, then unpause and you should have a different templar infront of you. Or maybe he just has a change of clothes underneath, should such a situation arise.
And we are still waiting for Stabby to upload his "fun with templar cloning" video...
If anyone asks I'm not obsessed with that (Just upload it already! Please.
And we are still waiting for Stabby to upload his "fun with templar cloning" video.
I am planning to do that, Aurel. I'm currently working on the flag, feather and rift collection videos for Brotherhood. When the set is complete they will be accessible directly from our map pages. After that I plan to get back to fun videos such as Templar cloning.
But I said please! Oh wait, you ARE going to upload it the video?
Well, can't wait to see it. I thought you said you already had it edited, so all you have to do is click on the upload button on youtube and select the video. But I guess we'll have to wait (and remember, people, he's uploading it because of my
bribes blakmails interrogations persuasion).
This is what always happens when a new AC title comes out. I go off and do the collectibles videos and it appears to the world that I have retired or something. For Brotherhood we need 14 videos to cover all the flags, feathers, rifts and artifacts. I produce about one video per week.
The Templar Cloning video hasn't been edited at all. I now have some ideas about what to do with it. Hopefully the result will be entertaining.
I am looking foward to your latest work, stabguy. I am sure the result will be great.
lol? at me or Stabguy? Oh I see, haha you like my quote
Is noone taking on the challenge?
While we're waiting for Stabguy's fun with templar cloning video, here's ten templars, I kill eight, one falls, the tenth wins.
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Can anyone do better? Like actually killing them? Or not getting hurt?
Are nine of these Templars clones of Jerusalem Rich #2? If so, that was my goal... 10 Templars. I never came close. Congratulations.
Are nine of these Templars clones of Jerusalem Rich #2? If so, that was my goal... 10 Templars. I never came close. Congratulations.
Yea, rich #2. The same as in the free templars video, above.
I noticed that the pursuers disappear less at higher ranks. This later video is at rank seven, for example.
Twelve templars, and this time I win!
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Nice vid. Your fighting has greatly improved.
The dodge-attack combo looks really smooth, but you could've used grab break a bit more.
Well, thank you.
Of course a counter grab is ten points, but it usually leaves Altair surrounded, while going with the grab and throw can position him in a more marginal position where it's possible to start an attack without getting hit in the back. So I tend to use grab break with moderation. It can break the dinamics of the fight.
But this video is just about showing off the presence of twelve templars, the fight is not that stellar. Maybe I should have run around a bit, like in the previous one, to have them fill the combat space better, but whatever.
Templar farming!
All of them were really well done - especially the Twelve Templars - and very fun to watch!
Templar cloning is looking great If I may suggest some combat advice for yourself, al-Assas. Maybe it would be better to find one large open area to fight the templars in, rather than running around which will mean you will have to constantly look around for other guards/commanders etc. Also, your combat is really impressive but what sprang to my mind whilst watching the these videos is you could have attempted a wall run>air assassinate. Target a Templar, begin a wall run then at the height of the run press attack. It may have been more effective to use the short blade/throwing knifes as I think it's possible to (as you land a counter attack with the short blade) to immediately throw a knife which I think is an instant kill.
You seem to be the king of utilizing the counter dodge move
Good work.
Templars are completely immune to Throwing Knives. al-Assas himself proved this.
Thanks for the correction stabguy