Bonus Points (But Not Necessary - Do These For More Fun, Don't Otherwise):
Game Drawn From: Prince of Persia (series) - Horizontal Wallrun
Targeted Game: Assassin's Creed (series)
Mechanic to Splice Into Targeted Game: Allow Assassins some manner of [horizontal wallrun]. It doesn't have to be a vast distance (the Prince/Thief's wallrun distances were absurd for a realistic Assassin) but I'd like the option. Traceurs (parkour practitioners) in real life can wallrun horizontally. Again, not a large distance, but they can do it and it's useful at times.
Unity seems to have given Arno some manner of horizontal wallrun on its own, used in conjunction with Ascend and Descend which I'm happy about. I wonder if we can do it without rising or falling, preferably also able to jump off the wall in the middle.
There are no mechanics I'd strip away from AC right now - since Unity seems to be doing a good job of removing what I didn't like.
Strip from: AC:R - Den Defense
Give to: I dunno... Spider-Man or some other game I won't ever play
This takes the worst part out of my favorite series and buries it somewhere I'll never see it.
But for real?
Splice from: AC series
Splice to: Dishonored
Mechanic: 3rd person POV
I think I might have liked Dishonored, maybe, but for the damn first person POV. (Okay, I didn't like the game for more reasons than that, but that was a major one). I'd like to see more scenery and more of what's right around me.
Strip from: AC:R - Den Defense
Give to: I dunno... Spider-Man or some other game I won't ever playThis takes the worst part out of my favorite series and buries it somewhere I'll never see it.
Wait, do you judge my wake up time by when I post on here? Motha f*cka, I was up since 9:30!
ha! still beat you up... I was at work at 930 ET this morning... but I live 3 time zones over. (not that it's a competition, but I win)
ha! still beat you up... I was at work at 930 ET this morning... but I live 3 time zones over.(not that it's a competition, but I win)
I was looking like this all night. I'm pretty sure I win.
What a great game we're playing here.
What a great game we're playing here.
eh, we're in the "Forum Games"
maybe you can get this one back on topic since i just went.
Game Drawn From: Shadow of Mordor
Targeted Game: Any superhero game
Mechanic to Splice Into Targeted Game: Nemesis System
I think I mentioned this before, but I'd still love to see a "create a hero/villain" game with randomized enemies like in SoM. As a hero, you'd probably just get knocked out, have a minigame to escape to fight again, or one of your perks is a healing factor (like Wolverine) that brings you back to respawn a few hours later. As a villain, you'd be imprisoned, with your respawn coming from breaking out (since that happens every f*cking day in comic books).
If you're a hero, any "grunt" from an established "villain" can get the final blow on you and get promoted to bodyguard, then betray and/or kill his superior to become a new villain. If you don't keep up good deeds (side quests), these villains gain a greater chance of coming back for revenge.
If you're a villain, any officer of the law or sidekick can be inspired to fight harder or become a new hero after defeating you. They rank up and get promoted to "Partner in Crime" to a hero or a higher ranked officer in the justice system. Your goal as a villain is to tarnish their name and/or defeat them yourself.
I think this would be amazing if done right. Even if you had flight, super speed, etc, your enemies could develop perks that counteracted your powers, making every fight in need of strategy and caution. One thing SoM lacked was there weren't enough variables to make the fighting hard enough after you bought certain abilities.
Game drawn from: The Last Guardian
Targeted game: The Last Guardian
Mechanic to splice: Don't care; I just want the damn game.
[@Lisa] I'm in agreement. It's been too long. There's a game you should take a look at called Rime. I think you'd like it. Related to that, The Last Guardian likely has some good chances of hitting soon - since PlayStation 4 is out now.
Game Drawn From: The Last of Us
Targeted Game: Assassin's Creed
Mechanic to Splice: Throwables/Distraction Items
I really enjoyed the use of Throwables (Bricks and Bottles) in The Last of Us to create a distraction. It's by no means the first game to have them, nor has Assassin's Creed ever been without (see; Revelations). However, Assassin's Creed fails to make Distracting enemies feel meaningful. I want that meaningful feeling, and I greatly adored the interplay of Bricks and Bottles in The Last of Us.
You can throw them as distractions.
You can hit an enemy in the head for a Stun -> Instant Kill Combo
You can hit an enemy in the head for a Stun -> Grab Takedown OR Human Shield/Hostage Combo
You can stealth approach a Clicker directly (Brick Only) and mash Square 3x to kill it without using a Shiv. It will alert nearby Clickers to your presence but they won't detect you immediately if you move away.
I wish AC could make its Item System in Unity feel as meaningful somehow. Also the ability to have simple throwables to distract enemies is great just as a general thing. They don't need to be fancy bombs or anything, they just need to be a fragile object tossed at a wall.
Game Drawn From: Portal
Targeted Game: NBA 2K#
Mechanic to Splice: Portals