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Featured Member: PatrickDeneny

stabguy's picture

PatrickDeneny is The Hidden Blade's featured member for August. Today marks the one year anniversary of the Featured Member column. At first there were naysayers who didn't believe we had enough "worthy" members to support a monthly spotlight. Looking back on the past year, I'm pleased with the caliber of our guests and with the effort they put into their interviews. There are many more distinguished members who we haven't gotten around to yet!

Today is about Patrick. We did something a little different this time. Most of the questions were submitted by former featured members:

Tell me about the first time you played AC.

I first played AC after buying the game off a friend who ended up with two copies (but that’s another long and uninteresting story). I bought it more out of convenience and as a favour to him, rather than with a view to really enjoying it but I fancied a new game so thought, ‘Why not?’ I struggled with the controls at first and kept making Altair drop off ledges or run aimlessly at seemingly-unclimbable walls.

Once I was out in the open, however, I started to find my feet. I still remember climbing my first viewpoint and synchronising, watching the Kingdom spread out in all directions below. That music, beautiful but strangely sad(?), still makes me shiver.

What do you like most about the games?

It seems obvious but I love the fact that they are open-world/sandbox, and even more so than other similar games. Unlike most single-city sandbox games, ACI and ACII allow you to explore multiple bustling and intricately detailed cities with a great deal of freedom. You aren’t limited to walking the streets but can clamber and run all over the rooftops and buildings, including many famous landmarks!

The freedom also extends to gameplay. Sometimes I’ll try to complete a mission as quickly as possible (usually making a hash of the assassination in the process) but other times I’ll just fancy wandering around the seemingly endless cities, going from district to district and absorbing the atmosphere, or killing a few guards. It’s this freedom to do what I please that draws me in.

What AC accomplishment are you most proud of?

This is rather shallow and boring but I’m rather proud of my ACII Platinum Trophy, especially seeing as I had to earn it twice! It isn’t exactly a difficult game to plat but it did take quite a while and I had to put a lot of work in to do it all again when my PS3 broke.

In terms of proper gameplay, I’m always quite proud when an assassination goes to plan (or when it works out by pure luck!) The first time I assassinated The Banker in AC:B, everything just went perfectly and I managed to assassinate him from a bench for 100% - that felt pretty good.

Fly Like An Eagle asks: Do you prefer Altair or Ezio? Why?

This is one of the most commonly asked questions when it comes to Assassin’s Creed and, IMO, one of the most difficult to answer. The air of mystery that surrounds Altair makes him a very interesting character and as the original Assassin I really like him. Ezio has been developed far more, both personality and gameplay-wise. We know a lot more about him, and all his gadgets enhance his natural flair and flamboyancy, making ACII+ gameplay ‘that word’ Wink

This really is a tough one but I’m going to go with Altair. I don’t feel like we know enough about him or have had enough opportunity to experience his life but that mystery and potential makes him much more intriguing. I’ve grown tired of Ezio now and ever since ACI have yearned to learn more about Altair. Here’s hoping that AC:R will provide that!

Jack-Reacher: What other games do you enjoy?

As I mentioned I enjoy other open-world/sandbox games like GTA IV, Just Cause 2, Fallout 3, RDR etc. I also like Call of Duty (particularly World at War), the odd racing game (Motorstorm, NFS: Shift, Burnout Paradise) and the Uncharted series. There isn’t one particular genre I like but if a sandbox/TPS/FPS/RPG/racing game is made well enough, I’m bound to enjoy it. Of course, games involving climbing definitely attract me with AC, PoP, Enslaved and Batman: AA being some of my favourites.

Hey, didn’t I just name pretty much every type of game…? Tongue

SBIzokronus: When you're not playing Assassin's Creed, what are your other interests?

I really enjoy football (playing with friends and watching) and support a little-known team by the name of Coventry City Tongue I read a lot of fantasy literature (Harry Potter, The Edge Chronicles, The Earthsea Quartet etc.) but also have a deep interest in science. I hope to study Chemistry at University and what started out as just a subject is becoming a real passion.

DarkAlphabetZoup: Have you attempted any of the actions shown in Assassin's Creed games (parkour, murder, etc.)? Where, why, and how?

Assassin’s Creed has really helped me hone my murdering skills. I joke, of course, but I would love to do some parkour/free-running. The closest I’ve got is leaping off my trampoline, climbing my old climbing frame and jumping down as many stairs as I possibly can in one go (7 is my record)

aurllcooljay: What is your favorite weapon, armor, dye color, target, or place in the game?

So many to choose from! I’ll pick one of each Wink
Weapon: The Double Hidden Blades
Armour: Helmschmied Drachen Armour
Dye Colour: Assassin White (Can’t beat the original)
Target: Abu’l Nuqoud (ACI)
Place: Florence (particularly the area around Santa Maria del Fiore and Giotto’s Campanile)

JoeyFogey: Who is your favorite Assassin's Creed character (main or secondary)?

As I’ve mentioned above I like Abu’l Nuqoud as a target. The story behind his character and the way you infiltrate his party to kill him are interesting and clever, respectively. The way he runs is, quite frankly remarkable, and his final words are very well scripted.

al-Assas: Have you ever stopped and waited while a courageous citizen looks around so that you're not too close to him and don't draw his attention?

Those courageous citizens (thugs) provided me with many, many throwing knives throughout ACI! Laughing out loud But in answer to your question, yes, I have done this quite a lot. Those guys might be easy enough to beat up but they’re rather big and very suspicious so I’d rather avoid a fight if I can! Tongue

Phi: How would you react if the information/assassination mission style of AC1 was brought back and how would you change it?

I’d be very pleased if this style of gameplay was reintroduced to future AC games. Like many others, I think the way it is implemented in ACI was a little repetitive and the information gained was largely unnecessary for the main assassinations, making it boring for some people.

I would only make slight changes so that there is more variety (at least 7 or 8 different types of mission) and so that the information gained enhances the assassinations/storyline more.

I liked the old style of 9 or 10 clear-cut assassinations of important targets. You knew exactly who you were killing and why in ACI, whereas the story in AC:B becomes very confusing at times, so this is something I would like to see brought back.

Calvar The Blade: What time period would you like the animus to go to in AC3?

My dream ever since ACII has been to see an AC game set in Ancient Egypt. I have been to Egypt on holiday and to be able to experience the ancient ruins as they used to be would be incredible. With Egyptian mythology, the pyramids, temples, and the River Nile, I think Egypt has great potential for an AC game but it doesn’t seem likely Sad

Is there anything else you'd like to add or promote?

I’d just like to express my surprise and pleasure at being Featured Member for August (and apologise if this interview has bored you)! I certainly don’t contribute as much as previous featured members (in the way of videos, exploits or ideas) but I like to think I can add to a conversation about the games with something useful and interesting once in a while.

I also want to get back into drawing again (and have 6 weeks off to do it) so any ideas/suggestions/requests, please let me know! Smile

What question would you like me to ask the next featured member?

If you could add anything to a previous or future AC game (weapon, assassination, technique, target, city/location etc.) what would it be?

JoeyFogey's picture
Indianapolis, IN
Joined: 02/16/2010

Is the "ask a question for the next member" part supposed to be in this article? I thought that was left out until the next person answered it! Am I crazy? I mean, more than usual?

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009

Sometimes in the past it has been omitted. I like to include it so that everyone can start thinking about how they would answer if selected next.

You won't even feel the blade.

Pty James's picture
Pty James
Panama City
Joined: 12/05/2009

Congrats Patrick Rob's applause Was a nice read.

JoeyFogey wrote:
ROB_88 wrote:
[On the meaning of BAMF]i figured it was something similar to a MILF

Babes Await My..............Flap-a-doodle Laughing out loud

LisaMurphy's picture
Joined: 03/20/2010

Well done, Patrick! A nice read. Rob's applause

"Now you shall get an earful of my beloved sword! Behold, Pillow Talk! Let's rock, baby!"

161803398874989's picture
Joined: 12/13/2010

Nice read, Patrick. Didn't bore me at all. Smile


"Betraying the Assassins is never good for one's health."
"Well, neither is drinking liquor, but I'm drawn to its dangers all the same."

sync's picture
Joined: 06/13/2011
PatrickDeneny wrote:
That music, beautiful but strangely sad(?), still makes me shiver.

Yes. When I heard the new viewpoint music in ACII instead of this beautiful piece I thought "No! Why? D: ". But it's good they changed it, this way AC1's music remains AC1's music. It does have a sad tone, kind of melancholic and nostalgic.

PatrickDeneny's picture
Joined: 05/24/2010

Ah, I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like this, hearing that music. It really is beautiful. The music in ACII is great too but you're right, this music remains ACI's Smile