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Featured Member: EzioAltair17

stabguy's picture

When EzioAltair17 joined The Hidden Blade last year, I must admit that I was skeptical whether it would work out. Few people know that he briefly closed his account, proclaiming "This site isn't for me." Fortunately he changed his mind and quickly synchronized with our community. In just six months he has become one of our most prolific members. Look at how many interesting topics he has created, always in the appropriate forum. Now he has become the youngest member to be featured in our monthly interview:

Tell me about the first time you played AC.

Well my friend mentioned ACII at lunch once. I stopped listening when he said it was a history game. Then on my birthday I was taken to GameStop to pick out some games. I saw ACII and thought I would try it out. The funny thing was I bought it a day before the release of Brotherhood. It took me a while to beat ACII because at the time I was going through things at home, which affected my grades and ended in me being grounded...ALOT. Anyway, I LOVED THE GAME. I'd talk about it all day at school. The friend who told me about the game soon got annoyed. Then about a month later I bought AC1. I didn't like as much as I liked ACII but it did make me like the AC franchise more, seeing how much improvement they had done. Then in mid-2011 I played ACB. The gameplay was great. The story was the sucky part.

What do you like most about the games?

The thing I like most.... Is "everything" an acceptable answer LOL. But if I had to choose, the plot. I've always been interested in secret societies.

What AC accomplishment are you most proud of?

Pretty small but whatever: Coming in first place in multiplayer, twice. LMAO

What is your favorite quote from the games?

"Hey wassa-matta-you, Altaïr?"

What would you like to change about AC?

I'd like to get rid of minstrels.....hate those guys....

Which Assassin's Creed game is your favorite? Why?

ACII. When I play a game or watch a movie with a character that starts off young, I like to see character development as the story progresses and ACII does just that. I would also say Revelations but the whole love story felt like a teeny girl movie set in the 1600's.

Who is your favorite Assassin's Creed character (main or secondary)?

Main: Ezio. OK, yeah, I know Altair is the original o.g. but I feel more connected to Ezio. Why? Because you're with Ezio from his birth to his death.

Secondary: Yusuf. He is a very funny character and

Spoiler: Highlight to view
to see him killed at the end made me very sad.

What time and place would you like the animus to go to in AC3?

To be honest, I really hope that they lay off the animus for the next game. But if we are still in the animus, China. I don't care what time period... I just want China.

When you're not playing Assassin's Creed, what other games or activities do you enjoy?

Well as far games, Batman Arkham City. As for other activities, drawing and writing. I want to be a comic artist when I grow older. That is why I draw. I try to write from time to time but with my horrible spelling, I'm gonna stick to drawing.

What question would you like me to ask the next featured member?

Do you think AC should become an animated series?

And here is a question from the last featured member, Vesferatu:
How did you find this forum?

To be honest, I don't remember. Well, I was looking at Assassin's Creed forums and this one looked the best.

LisaMurphy's picture
Joined: 03/20/2010

YAY, EA! It's great to get to know you better.

I'm really glad that you came back, because it's fun to have you around. I've learned quite a lot from you (like which youtube videos to look at LOL).

Big smile

ETA: Also, Vesferatu: great question!

"Now you shall get an earful of my beloved sword! Behold, Pillow Talk! Let's rock, baby!"

GopherBlaine's picture
Check your 6.
Joined: 01/21/2011

Congrats EA17. I agree with Stabby that I'm impressed in how you've evolved since joining. Hope you continue to keep things interesting and add your own little touch here.

The Templars were framed.

JoeyFogey's picture
Indianapolis, IN
Joined: 02/16/2010
EzioAltair17 wrote:
...the whole love story felt like a teeny girl movie set in the 1600's.

I don't mind some romance in games and movies with badass characters as long as they are executed well. Revelations' needed work. When I'm a legendary killer, I don't want to be bringing flowers to love interest. I want all romance to be in the cutscenes and all gameplay to involve killing, stealing, maneuvering, and investigating.

EzioAltair17 wrote:
To be honest, I really hope that they lay off the animus for the next game.

PSN: JoeyFogey

Steam: JoeyFogey

Instagram: thatsketchyhero

EzioAltair17's picture
Joined: 05/31/2011

Thanks ian, stab SOO MUUCH!!!

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which