I think we all got some fav dyes!
I like the dyes in Monterggioni, (the green and the ocher one), and the Florence mahogany and crimson.
for all of them
Wetland Ebony
Crimson, it's the official dye of Eagle's blood because Ezio's robes are soaked in the blood of his enemies
Wetlands ebony by far. It gives Ezio the sneaky assassin look.
Assassin White. But I've always been a fan of original character design. I hate palette swaps. I always use the original colors in Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat too.
I wish there was a real white dye in this game. Make the outfit truly white instead of light gray and get rid of those red stripes on the shoulders. Then Ezio might look something like the original art.
I agree with you Asaic, there's no real white dye like the Altair-white. Have you already gotten the Altair costume from U-play? The white looks awesome in the Italian sun.
The Altair is like a bone white, still looks awesome.
Bone white is just perfect