Consider the following dialogue from Interlude 5.
Desmond: They're using me to find this Templar treasure? What do they call it, the Piece of Eden?
Lucy: Yes.
Desmond: Well, it's looking like it's at Masyaf. So I don't know why they're wasting all this time with me. Why don't they just send their people to pick it up?
Lucy: They can't. It's not that simple. The artifact from Masyaf - they had it. It was destroyed in the accident.
So all this time I've been saying that the Apple of Eden was destroyed in Denver. Now if you following the bouncing ball (SPOILERS from AC2 and Brotherhood):
How do we resolve these differing accounts of the Apple of Eden? I checked Assassin's Creed Wiki. The discrepancy is only mentioned on a talk page. Our own Jedted weighs in with, "I guess we can just write this off as Lucy was confused about which Apple belonged to Altair." Does anybody have another opinion?
Another thing I noticed on AC Wiki is that they say the box in Solomon's Temple actually was the Ark of the Covenant. We had this discussion on AC-maps and concluded that it wasn't. On second thought, the Ark of the Covenant containing a Piece of Eden makes sense. The Israelites would carry it into battle to secure victory. Also, the Ark of the Covenant was located in Solomon's Temple at one time but was probably removed in 586 BC.
There are different Apples of Eden. More than 1. I think there are like 6 of them. Still, that wouldn't help to explain it. The theory that Lucy just got mixed up makes sense.
I believe the Apple of Eden in question was in the hands of Leonardo Da Vinci for a while, after Cesare. According to the novel, however, Leonardo was under heavy watch while he worked with it, so perhaps it doesn't count?
Perhaps the Templars only thought they had Altair's Piece - since they had never seen Altair's memories before, or any of Ezio's post-Sequence 13.
Hew, your statement confuses me. The templars have never seen Altair's memories? It was the templars that constructed the plan for Desmond to relive Altair's memories so they could get the map to the pieces of eden.
Perhaps i am understanding ur statement wrong? Enlighten me
He means before they had Desmond.
Ah, of course. Apologies
I think the common theory on the AC Wiki is that Ubisoft retconned that line with AC:B. We know that their are multiple Apples of Eden and that one of them was destroyed at Denver but it apparently wasn't the one Altair possessed.
There's really no evidence to prove that Abstergo's lost Apple was same one that belonged to Altair and Ezio, we just assumed that from what Lucy said in AC1. Maybe when she said "They had IT..." she was speaking of "The Artifact" in general(she did say there's more of em) and not nessicarilly the on from Masyf.