I only ask because I had a fun little sequence happen to me this weekend where I began by doing something we've all done, which is to push the joystick in the wrong direction while attempting a Leap of Faith off a viewpoint and jumped to my death.
Upon re-spawning, all of the location's information (chests, fragments, shanties, etc.) popped up on the screen, but I was immediately attacked by a jaguar, and couldn't see what sequence of buttons to push to fend it off, so I died again. The time elapsed between the two deaths couldn't have been more than about five seconds and I was wondering if we might be able to figure out how to die the fastest after re-spawning in this series.
Aurel, consider this a challenge.
Funny you should mention it, only a little while ago I stumbled onto something that may rival that. In AC3 I was on a mission where detection caused desyncronization. I got detected right before starting a scene then skipped cinematics, hoping it would save me from desynching. After the scene it immediately desynched. When I respawned it immediately desynched again and again until I just quit the memory.
I'll have to remember to record that when I have the chance.
EDIT: Almost forgot about this.
Here it is.
does that happen with any "desynching while loading a cutscene" mission, or is a memory specific glitch?
This is the only time I did this, so I'm not sure.
Lol, that's really weird
Nice find!