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The False Oracle - Stylish Overpower Kill

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aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

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[Front-paged. -stabguy]

For the first assassination mission in the game (The False Oracle, target Medunamun) I decided to test out the overpower attack using a perk that allows you to have full adrenaline at the start of combat.

How Adrenaline and Overpower Abilities Work
During combat you build adrenaline. When it gets full you can use an overpower ability by pressing the buttons for light attack and heavy attack at the same time (PS3 R1 button/PS3 R2 button or Xbox right bumper/Xbox right trigger). Depending on what type of weapon Bayek is holding there are two overpower abilities: a devastating attack that does massive damage; or fury mode, which enhances Bayek's combat.

Stylish Overpower Kill
Climb to the top of the temple and wait for Medunamun and his two goons to head for the entrance. The route he takes is random, but I've found that when he heads to the main building, he'll also take that route at least the next few times you restart the checkpoint. Think his route might depend on what time of the day it is.

Now for taking him and his goons out with little opposition. I start out with an air takedown on the guy in the front, followed by the overpower attack on the target (and since he's right behind the first guy, I'm just about guaranteed he'll be the one it's performed on since the ability targets the closest enemy). I actually had to upgrade my current weapon the fan ax to wipe out the target's health in one hit.

Lastly I chose to whip out my bow and quick-shoot the third guy to death, which didn't work too good because he had a shield, but oh well. I didn't anticipate a fourth guard walking around that area at the time, but it turned out with him running to ring the bell, which left me with enough time to confirm the kill.

This was my second attempt at this. First time around the target was backing away during my overpower charge attack so that Bayek missed. That is one of the things about the ability, you charge to where the enemy was when you activated the devastating attack, so if he's moving you'll attack midair.

stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009

I only had a chance to play this memory once, due to Xbox One limitations. As in this video I sneaked to the top of the temple without killing any guards. By the time I got there, Medunamun and his two goons were already inside so I went to that rectangular hole in the roof and air assassinated Medunamun directly. I must have confirmed the kill quickly because the two goons never had a chance to attack.

Then there was a very long memory corridor sequence with multiple cutscenes. As the sequence ended I was expecting to face the two goons and escape but no. That was sort of a let down.

You won't even feel the blade.

stabguy's picture
Honolulu, HI USA
Joined: 09/15/2009

I didn't mean to imply that my first attempt was anywhere near as stylish as your video! It's just that the game mechanics are a bit odd in that the two bodyguards are gone after the memory corridor.

You won't even feel the blade.