This is a huge list which compiles everything we know so far about Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood. I took this almost directly from a post on the official Ubi forums. There's a lot of information you probably already know, but it has a lot of interesting tidbits that I wasn't aware of.
For easier skimming, I underlined the parts that I hadn't heard before (but you might not have, so if you have time to kill, read the whole thing )
Single Player Updated 9/27
Here, you must sneak in without being seen by the 'outnumbering Papal Guards'. You will have to climb and use free running to inflitrate the castle walls and reach the higher grounds to save Caterina. Once you save her, you must protect her and fight mobs of enemies. 'Ezio must use his arsenal of weapons and his new moves, such as the ability to use the gun in combination with his srowd, to survive against all odds as well as his stealth skills'
(I haven't seen much stealth in the single player demonstration so I'll have to base this section on Multiplayer footage)
Secret Locations
The Brotherhood
Fight Club
In the fight club, 'based in the Mercenary HQ, Ezio can bet on fights and enter into the tournament. Challenged in a duel and encircled by an enthusiastic crowd, players will be challenged in different combat where quick reflexes and strategic thinking are your only allies to victory...'
There are different combats like unarmed and no counter, and the number of enemies you choose to verse, will increas ethe amount of money you gain if you succeed!
Multiplayer Updated 9/27
Game Modes
More modes are to come as they're revealed.
Prowler (aka Hunter)
Smoke Bomb
Hidden Gun
Throwing Knives
Speed Boost
Kill Types SB's note: Yes I was somehow unaware of all of the information in this entire section...
These two aren't kills but they're still a way to earn bonus points so I'll include them here
# Step 1 : you pre order the game
# Step 2 : the retailer gives you a Ubisoft code
# Step 3 : you enter your code on the following page
# Step 4 : you got confirmation that your code has been accepted
# Step 5 : you receive your official PSN code a few days before the Beta starts
# Step 6 : you enter your code online, download the beta and in the end, you can play! has run of of beta codes, so you may want to preorder from a local retail store instead, if you're in the UK
-For North America
Fans looking to get into the Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood multiplayer beta next month will have to pre-order the game at GameStop. The beta begins on September 13. If you've already pre-ordered the game, you can take your receipt to GameStop starting on August 9 to receive a beta token.
Excellent work!
Whew, to make it more readable, I went and bullet pointed the whole thing. Jeez, that took forever. Glad you like it Joe.
I updated a lot of the multiplayer information today, especially about the characters, so be sure to check that out.
Impressive! Thank you very much. You deserve one of these unless you're not legal yet in which case enjoy a refreshing soda beverage after a hard day's work!
Yeah I'm not legal yet, so a soda it is...
Today I added new screens and added that Secret Locations are back, since it's hard to see changes by looking at the whole thing.
By the way, the following still hasn't been confirmed yet, and thus hasn't been included in the list, but seems incredibly likely:
Secondly, we can draw from real history. According to Wikipedia:
In 1502 Leonardo entered the service of Cesare Borgia, the son of Pope Alexander VI, acting as a military architect and engineer and travelling throughout Italy with his patron. Leonardo created a map of Cesare Borgia’s stronghold, a town plan of Imola in order to win his patronage. Maps were extremely rare at the time and it would have seemed like a new concept; upon seeing it, Cesare hired Leonardo as his chief military engineer and architect.
So either Ezio sent him to spy on the Borgias and had to win their confidence by designing weapons for them OR Leonardo abandons Ezio and works for the Borgias because he needs money .
Today I added new screens and added that Secret Locations are back, since it's hard to see changes by looking at the whole thing.By the way, the following still hasn't been confirmed yet, and thus hasn't been included in the list, but seems incredibly likely:
So either Ezio sent him to spy on the Borgias and had to win their confidence by designing weapons for them OR Leonardo abandons Ezio and works for the Borgias because he needs money
I really hope Leonardo doesn't abandon him. That would just be annoying and to me it doesn't seem to fit in with Leonardo's relationship with Ezio. Having him work undercover could be cool though
Well, people will do a lot of things for money. But yeah, I agree, I don't really want Leonardo to abandon Ezio's side. Maybe he's being forced to work for them.
what a great compilation of information SB. thx for putting this together!
I gotta say, I really hope Leonardo DOES abandon Ezio to begin work for Cesare. For a couple reasons.
1. What has Ezio done for Leonardo? Leonardo sticks his neck out [several times] for Ezio, gives Ezio virtually every invention he has, and gets what? A test dummy and a hug in return? I feel like we know Ezio and Leonardo are friends, but we don't see it.
2. It'd a layer of depth to AC:B's story - here's Leonardo, Ezio's oldest friend, making rifles and who knows what else for his new biggest enemy. How is Ezio going to fix this?
3. Ezio'll get his toys regardless, why not make him work for them?
I never really liked Leonardo as a character in this game anyway. I still think he was the smartest person who has ever lived, but I got fed up with him after entering his house the fifth time and hearing, "EZIO? YOU'RE ALIVE! OMG WTF LOL!"
I wonder if the Leonardo in AC:B will look like the old Leonardo who everyone's familier with from history. It's funny how during the whole course of AC2 he never ages, in 1499 he looks he looks the same as when you first meet him in 1476(i know they couldn't change him too much but it would've made sense to give him a beard like Ezio has).
Well Claudia never changes either. She starts out as 15 years old, and at the end of the game, 20 years later, she's still 15.
But anyway, has anyone looked at the Blacksmith multiplayer character?!! He looks like fricking Gimli!
Yeah, they'd better take advantage of AC:B to really age Leonardo. I'd be unable to take the entire game seriously if Leonardo still looks like a waifish twenty-something less than ten years before he draws himself as bald, bearded, and ancient.
Also, what does everyone think of the addition of parachutes? I'm not a big fan of the idea myself...
Also, what does everyone think of the addition of parachutes? I'm not a big fan of the idea myself...
It's not a big issue for me. I assume it's just ment as a way to dismount the flying machine and return to the ground safely. Maybe the "paracute" is just a batman-like cape that lets Ezio glide for short distances.
I'm curious what the new and improved flying machine will look like and if it has it's own method of propulsion.
I'm curious what the new and improved flying machine will look like and if it has it's own method of propulsion.
Da vinci screw helicopter pl0x?
Yes please
Da Vinci also had designs for a parachute, so I'm guessing this is what Ezio will be using.
Parachuting down from viewpoints should be fun, the Leap of Faith was getting kind of stale anyway.
I can imagine a cutscene with Ezio going "THERE'S NO HAY BALES IN ROME WTF!?" and then he gets a parachute.
All right, I was looking at some multiplayer screens, and I noticed some characters I didn't recognize. Here's some images of them:
In this picture we see what appears to be a female Harlequin (circled in red), and Hunters that have golden cloaks rather than the normal gray ones (in green)
I have no idea how to describe the thing in the hat, looks kind of freaky from the back. It also appears female, but I'm not sure.
(I didn't put this into the main post because it's pure speculation)
That's wierd.
Maybe they will have the option to choose gender or color scheme?
'Cause that would be awesome.
It would be cool to have diversity, gives your character a bit more personal feel to it rather then it being standard... =D
Here's hoping this happens... x3
But if each character was unique, then it would be way easier to track them down... The idea is to blend in, so I doubt that's the case. I think those are actually new characters.
Poison darts could be used as a long distance poison blade. You could shoot it at a guard if you wanted him to attack surrounding guards without compromising yourself.
Also, I read on the ACB wiki that there will be a mode called "Hunter." This sounds like a legit mode of play, but I can't confirm, since it's the only place I've heard about it. If you want a shortcut to the page, click here:
I didn't add the Hunter mode because the wiki describes it to be exactly the same as Wanted.
But if each character was unique, then it would be way easier to track them down... The idea is to blend in, so I doubt that's the case. I think those are actually new characters.
Whoops, your right on that...!
Also, how many characters do you guys think will be in game in total...?
Seems they just keep growing... xD;
The Hunter mode actually seemed fairly different. It was 1 player against many. Like hide and seek, but if the seekers can't find the hider in time, the hider will kill a target. That's what I read.
"In Hunter mode, one player will take the role of an assassin while other players play as guards...the radar will show him the area where his target is located and the number of enemy players that are searching for him."
The Hunter will go after 1 target while other players are guarding the target.
Oh, I see. Well, I'm going to need a back up source, so if I find anything, I'll be sure to add it.
This is the only place I've seen it, so yeah, we'll all look more into it. I hope it's real. This could make for an interesting game mode.
I think the name "hunter" is just a mix up, though, look at this article:
It describes Wanted exactly, but calls it Hunter. The info from the Wiki seems like pure speculation.
Don't blame me! haha. I guess I just noticed small details...? We'll know if it's real in the coming months.
All right everyone, I'm back. What did I miss?
The Beta was released today for PSN+ users on the Euro Store...! =D
I'm downloading it now~ x3
The Beta was released today for PSN+ users on the Euro Store...! =DI'm downloading it now~ x3
Could you make videos for us? i will really enjoy to see a cool gameplay.
Sadly I'm not that well versed in making videos, plus my own play isn't something I'd call worth watching... xD;
OK but maybe you can help us understand the alliance game mode better, we don't know much.
Alliance seems to be not available for us now, i think it'll be when everyone has access to the Beta... =/
One thing that bugs me is the Counter system AKA the humiliation, it's not that good really...
It's a bit slow to respond and it only seems to work on the ground so if your on a roof running would your best bet... xD;
(I'm quickly noticing who are my pursuer but sadly the counter system had failed on me so many times it's sad... =/)
Another thing, I'm not sure if this is common knowledge(Been a while since I cached up with the news) but you start with one skill...
I'm not sure if it's random what you start with but I got Morph when I started at Level 1, at Level 3 or 4 I got the Dash skill...
I'll update more on what I get as I level up... =)
I was wrong a bit, here's the list for the skills apparnetly:
Format for rank list:
XP needed to unlock rank
Rank 1
Rank 2
Ability: Disguise, Profile Set 1 (custom classes so to speak)
Rank 3
Ability: Sprint Boost
Rank 4
Loss Streak: Extra Sensitivity, Streak slot 1
Rank 5
Kill Streak: Streak Bonus +100, Streak slot 2
Rank 6
Rank 7
Profile Set 2
Rank 8
Ability: Smoke bomb
Rank 9
Rank 10
Ability Slot 2
Rank 11
Ability: Hidden Gun
Rank 12
Loss Streak: Reset Cooldowns
Rank 13
Kill Streak: Streak Bonus +300
Rank 14
Ability: Morph
Rank 15
Perk: Enhanced Autobash (see above about kill counters), Perk slot 1
Rank 16
Rank 17
Persona: The Smuggler
Rank 18
Profile Set 3 (all P. Sets unlocked at this point)
Rank 19
Perk: Blender
Rank 20
Ability: Poison
One thing I quickly learned while playing this is to RUN THE HELL AWAY when you do a kill...! >=P
10 out of 9 times, your pursuers(I got 4 following me once and it wasn't pretty) will be right behind you...
Hiding isn't as effective, cause a lot of times I catch people doing so when I'm the roof's which by that time have two thirds of the players on it as the game of cat and mouse goes on... xD
I also hate when you get your kill stolen, you sometimes would stay target less for nearly 30 seconds until the game gives you another, more then enough time for your pursuer to catch you... =/
That's what I have to say about the game, I only been playing for 4 hours but that's what I can assess from it all... =)
Dash Skill
I thought I saw some move in the new Smuggler trailer that looked like some quick speed boost.
Has everyone seen the xbox live (I'm sure PSN has it too) avatar outfits? I can't get the Harlequin outfit! I looked on a few other forums on the xbox site and it seems to be a similar problem with other players. I'm just gonna switch the connection when I come home from school tomorrow. See if that helps. Anyone else have this issue?
I was thinking of getting the Brotherhood version of Ezio, but the colours look really washed out.
HA! Finally got the Harlequin outfit (it works, because I preordered from Gamestop)
you guys need to check this out new video for AC 2 brotherwood
you guys need to check this out new video for AC 2 brotherwood
I see you didn't check the video thread, eh...? ^^;
WatDaDuck wrote:
you guys need to check this out new video for AC 2 brotherwood
I see you didn't check the video thread, eh...? ^^;
We fail at posting "new" videos.
oops posted in wrong thread, sorry
Hey requirements on the community unlock are posted on the official forums. The sienna map will be unlocked when we hit 5 million kills. It also says Alliance will be unlocked, but it didnt say when, they might have different requirements
Not sure if this was posted before but I just ran into it so i might as well post it... =P
A PDF guide for the Multiplayer, with all the info concerning the Beta... xD;
Sorry for the double post, but it's been confirmed that to get Alliance mode, abilities must be used 5 million times and we're close to that...! =D