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Easy Way to do French Crown Jewels Mission in Paris Stories

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aurllcooljay's picture
At Where else?
Joined: 06/13/2010

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So I was playing this Paris Story side mission and thought, why not make a video.

French Crown Jewels

The objective in this mission is to retrieve some stolen jewels. After talking to someone you learn the thieves' whereabouts. The first guy is tricky because he runs when you get close enough, regardless of whether you're in his line of sight, and blending doesn't help either (those detection skills would make him a great addition to the city guard, that's for sure).

Once I tried a smoke bomb, but that did nothing to stop his running. A stun grenade might work, but I didn't buy that skill. The game developers decided to spawn him close by when Arno's talking to the informer, allowing you to reach his spawn point ahead of time. No guards directly nearby to detect you looting.

The next two guys walk inside an area filled with guards. Starting from a spawn point on a roof. To avoid a big fight I take out two guards on one side and wait for the thieves to come around there. I didn't have much time to practice this route and ended up stalking the last guy, but it turned out good. I left the rest of the mission in the video to keep it from being too short.

Another thing. There doesn't seem to be a replay option for these side missions.

Double McStab with Cheese's picture
Double McStab w...
San Diego, CA
Joined: 03/29/2012
aurllcooljay wrote:
Another thing. There doesn't seem to be a replay option for these side missions.

(sorry for the rambling on your topic, but this is terrible at this point)

Glad to see Ubisoft learned nothing from AC3/AC4/Watch_Dogs when it comes to replaying side content... at least Watch_Dogs eventually got a side content patch. Maybe that will be in Unity patch lucky number 7?

If they're borrowing from RPGs with skill points and upgrades tied to gear... why don't they also borrow unlimited random generated side content like in Skyrim? Use the barkeeps in 4/Rogue (and their equivalent in Unity) to constantly give new missions... find out about a corrupt banker you have to kill, find out about a priest molesting children you have to kill, find out about a new gang leader on the other side of town and you have to sabotage his armory... I dunno... it shouldn't be that hard to come up with randomly generated side content that goes forever.... that's one thing that AC gets dead wrong - once you accomplish your goal and take out a person of power, you've freed those people in that area for good, when really, there should be a power vacuum and you'll have to do it again, maybe differently, without needing a menu to replay things... at the end of the campaign, you shouldn't be thrust into a utopia that you've created (looking at AC3 here, where everything was good after the colonists won), but should still fight the fight to suppress rising threats, indefinitely.


Back on topic, I did enjoy you knocking the guy out right on his spawn, haha.

I'm disheartened that the Unity version of "blending" is still unchanged from AC2... Arno stands statically in a group of dynamic NPCs. Terrible. In the build up to AC3, we were told Connor would actually try to blend in to groups adopting his mannerisms. And he did... about 10% of the time. Why is this so hard of a concept to grasp or implement for the game designers?

“Force has no place where there is need of skill." Herodotus

gerund's picture
The Netherlands
Joined: 10/29/2012

I would love unlimited generated side content. Just keep the player busy with randomized mission formats and variables. It worked in Skyrim, although even those generated missions got repetetive after a while.

"...and if I had no self-awareness, I think I'd know."

Leo K's picture
Leo K
Toronto, Canada
Joined: 12/30/2009
gerund wrote:
I would love unlimited generated side content. Just keep the player busy with randomized mission formats and variables. It worked in Skyrim, although even those generated missions got repetetive after a while.

I'd love it too, and it'd be way more fun than randomly spawning "Guys To Murder or Guys To Chase Down" (Calvar, THB)

I would still like it if they also allowed us to create User-Generated Content similar to what inFAMOUS 2 tried out.
Sure it was just a gimmick, but it was legitimately super fun. Especially since the community can Rate missions out of 5 Stars (WHICH BY THE WAY IS SOMETHING AC ALREADY LETS US DO!!!!!!) and you can easily find the coolest missions.

Really. I can't wait for the day when we get an Assassin's Creed simple Editor. TheHiddenBlade maps will be crazy good, crazy challenging and just incredibly awesome.

... Even if the idea is just a hopeless dream. Tongue

gerund's picture
The Netherlands
Joined: 10/29/2012
DarkAlphabetZoup wrote:
... Even if the idea is just a hopeless dream. Tongue

A dream we share, brother. I said it before. We'll have it one day. And it will be glorious.

"...and if I had no self-awareness, I think I'd know."