Sorry i know I've created a E3 2011 thread. And deleted it.
So, what do you want to see at E3 other than the obvious Assassin'sCreed III.
Me personally
WWE'13 - it looks pretty promising. They are focusing on the Attitude era ; it comes out the same day as ACIII.... the sales will be horrible for the game. Really bad release day for a wrestling game.
Dishonored- It looks f*cking amazing to say the least. I'm sure a lot of AC fans will most likely enjoy it. And of course...DAT art style.
right, for the first time since i started really getting into gaming, there is not a single thig i'm hyped for.
off course, there are some things i keep an eye on, like Bioshck and mayb AC3, ut it's gonna take a lot to gte me back into that. but i'm not excited for anything, maybe if they announce some new thing
halo 4 and black ops 2
Sleeping Dogs and a mere chance that there will be a new Star Wars Battlefront game announced by LucasArts. Other than that, the new DC Universe fighting game made by NetherRealm that was just announced today seems like an interesting idea.
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Dishonored, Dead Space 3, Assassin Creed 3, Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Dragon Age III, ZOE III, Resident Evil 6 plus a bunch more I'll probably forgot but will remember when I see 'em shown at E3... xP
Some trailers coming from E3 already....
Got to admit. This reboot looks amazing, Uncharted with a woman is the only thing i can this of at this point.I'm liking the hole survival tone I got watching the trailer.
What...what was that.
GoME was just silly, though Tomb Raider(I knew I forgot to add something on my list... xP) and LEGO LoTR was awesome~ x3
The Last Guardian, fer crap's sake. It's been like 5 years already.
The Last Guardian, fer crap's sake. It's been like 5 years already.
It'll be the next Diablo 3 and take a decade.
Still waiting for Final Fantasy Versus XIII