A Downloadable game from Ubisoft.
It will be available on Xbox Live, June 27th
PC & PSN are still in TBA.
(most likely this summer)
Some footage...
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8oQMg740ps Breathe Lava
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NojgdcEAETM&feature=relmfu Sandstorm
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Y8l8kEI354 Regular Gameplay
The point in this particular game is that you are god who can pick up Sand, Water, Lava and drop it any where. You're job is to protect defenseless villagers from the forces of mother-nature. (Volcanos, Tsunamis, Earthquakes etc.) However the landscape changes dramatically throughout the playthrough.
The villagers lost all knowledge on how to control nature, your job is to guide the villagers safely to recover Ancestral objects/sacred areas to gain the knowledge that was once useful to survive.
It's supposedly a 15-hour game which is Awesome.
Anyone getting this game? The developers also made populous (early 90's) a while back...
Looks really cool ! It's sad that the game isn't avaible for PS3 yet...
Looks to be in the same vein as Pocket God for iOS hardware, although more complex of course
so...it's a map editor?
i don't get it
You're trying to keep this tribe of dudes safe, and you can change the environment to do so.
Yeah, agreed Calvar.
You are techncially God. You will change the environment to save the people and help them.
Think of it as playing Darwinia+ with the powers of nature.
Yeah, agreed Calvar.
You are techncially God.
Now that's a bold claim!!
Lol you got it wrong !
I'm not saying that Calvar is god, i'm saying that you are technically god IN THE GAME ! Loool
Hey, I saw my opportunity and I took it! lol
Lol !