We can set our timezone in our profile, but there is no option to have it account for daylight savings time like most other forums have. Is it possible to add this? I had to change my profile to a different timezone to make the post timestamps correct.
I installed a more robust timezone module that automatically does daylight saving. Can you give it a test and report back here?
Unfortunately, I think it defaults everyone to GMT. To set your timezone, click "My account" > "Edit" and scroll down to "Locale settings". If it's too disruptive, I can always uninstall it and everyone's old timezone choices will be restored.
Set my timezone to the correct one and it now works perfectly. Thanks for the timely and efficient fix!
BTW. speaking of daylight savings. does every country make the switch at the same time?
No, I don't believe so. Some countries don't even follow Daylight savings time, but I think that it would change by time zone.
no. the US recently changed the start and end dates of daylight savings, making it fall out of sync with other countries.
Hawaii and most of Arizona don't observe daylight saving. Note that the parts of Australia that do observe it (which includes New South Wales and Victoria) adjust in the opposite direction as the northern hemisphere, effecting a two hour swing in the time difference.