Hi everyone, back after the entire ACII any% run, I completed a run of the DLC. It is 100% synch because it's faster this way... I've finally timed it with the character control time. I don't know what else to say for now, so here's the playlist of videos :
Of course, I will edit the playlist with the other videos, real titles, comments, etc.
At 0:50 in memory 1, is that luck manipulation with the arrow storm? Also, I really liked your solution in memory 3. That runner is a pain in the behind.
First of all, I think that my comments will answer all your questions.
But, about the arrow storm in memory 1, there's a part of luck because you have to see every ennemy properly so that they're all killed ; that's why I get backwards. Things are similar at the boat in memory 4 (uploading at the moment).
Also, as usual, I tried to use the fastest way to do things, and if possible, the easiest.
Yeah, but the mission with Lucrezia isn't much of a challenge. Nice job on the freerunning at the end, though. It's pretty difficult to make it with more than two minutes left on the clock.
All right, all details on the playlist and the videos are now modified. Enjoy!
So no one but Sir Golden Ratio wants to give his opinion? ^^
This isn't a speedrunning community. I'm thinking about doing a speedrun for AC1. I'll have to get a few extra cable to record first, though.
One minor nitpick, if you hold the Grab button at 3:56 you can catch the higher ledge to save time. It's faster than doing the climb leap which it looks like you stumbled with a bit.
Other than that, it was a good speed run. Whenever i try to go for speed in a mission that requires stealth i always tend to screw it up somehow.
One minor nitpick, if you hold the Grab buttonat 3:56 you can catch the higher ledge to save time. It's faster than doing the climb leap which it looks like you stumbled with a bit.
If you're speaking about memory 8, yeah, this little part was a bit sloppy, but it's usually where my attempts were screwed up. I went finally with what you've seen.
The run has been published on SDA. They timed it in 28:05 finally. Here is the link :