My first idea, as already received by Stab, is to add text links below each YouTube video so that mobile phone users can still view the videos posted on this site.
- Difficulty of implementation: 1/10
My second idea, which may not even be possible with the current site format, is to allow for a skinning/color change for this site on a per-user basis. This clean bright look is hard on my nightowl eyes.
- Difficulty of implementation: 10/10
I figure those two suggestions combined average out to a 5/10, so I'm hoping there's a 50/50 shot of at least one of them happening.
stab, how does drupal manage the color scheme? css? can we make a list of css schemes from which users can choose?
You might be able to make a video uploader for assassins creed videos we make.
To add to my list of difficult implementations , I have a couple ideas for the user info bar at the top of each post.
It currently shows our name, pic, online status and joined date. Is it possible to update it to include gender and location like on the Interative Maps forum? Might as well fill in that empty space with useful info, right?
The second idea is more of a question: Is it possible to remove the scroll from the same header? It scrolls but there is no actual info to scroll down and see (except for the last couple rows of pixels of our pic). It can be annoying because I use my scroll wheel to move around web pages, and if my mouse cursor is resting over top of one of these headers, it scrolls only the header box and not the page. Makes me want to assassinate myself sometimes. And maybe add a background color to this header box, to split up the posts even more?
Oh, and some of the smiley shortcuts don't work. When you click on the devil face one, it produces which doesn't actually show it. Instead you have to type the word evil with : on each side, as shown in the tooltip when mousing over the icon. Just thought I'd point that out.
Makes me want to assassinate myself sometimes.
Please don't do that.
*cough* Ah, you mentioned two very good points! I feel the same about it.
ok i added text links to my vids. it spammed up the recent posts list a bit, but i only have to do it once.
These are all good suggestions, Asaic. You hit the nail on the head when you said per-user color schemes would be the most difficult to implement. Ian, Drupal uses "themes" to define the general look of a site and "color set" is an attribute of the theme. There's an easy way to enable a bunch of themes and let each user pick their favorite. It's trickier to offer one theme with multiple color sets. I'm looking into it.
There's a funny reason for the scroll bar in each header. The default user picture size is 85x85. I upped it to 100x100, so now the userpic doesn't fit in the header! That should be easy enough to fix.
I won't bore you with details on the other suggestions. They're all going on my todo list.
Thanks for the text links, Ian. I really appreciate it!
Stab, thanks for the explanations. While it might bore some people, I'm always curious about the stuff going on behind the scenes.
For the color scheme thing, would it not be possible to simply make several different themes all identical to the current one, but with different color sets? Like maybe one with gray background and blue highlights, or black background with red highlights, or whatever combinations look good? Then users could just pick from a few pre-chosen themes, which are technically all just copies of the original theme but with different colors. Or am I not properly understanding your explanation?
Oh, and one more thing to add to the list -- spoiler tags! I couldn't find any reference to them in here. Unfortunately, my color theme suggestion would eliminate the poor-man's spoiler cover of simply re-coloring the text to match the background.
For the color scheme thing, would it not be possible to simply make several different themes all identical to the current one, but with different color sets? ... Or am I not properly understanding your explanation?
What you describe is exactly the recommended workaround. You understand it perfectly.
what's up with the topic name listings?
why does every title go down instead of to the side?
like for example in the Forum games section it looks like:
when it should be just like:
Last Person to Reply Wins!!!
Is it possible to remove the scroll from the same header?
When you click on the devil face one, it produceswhich doesn't actually show it.
Oh, and one more thing to add to the list -- spoiler tags!
Done, done and done.
why does every title go down instead of to the side?
That's what happens when viewed in a narrow window. Does maximizing your browser fix it? If not, get a frickin' widescreen Rob!
Done, done and done.
You da man.
A bunch more:
- How about clickable buttons for bold, italics, spoilers, etc?
- Multiple line returns are ignored. Sometimes I'd like to separate one section of a post from the previous with a couple blank lines. Can that feature be added in?
- Is it possible to put a box around quoted text? Spoiler boxes have a dotted outline, but quoted text has nothing.
- Having to enter the "capcha" (or whatever it's called) characters on the first post after each login is a pain. Any chance you'd consider dumping that feature?
- What's with that faux subject line thing when previewing posts? It just takes the first five or six words of your post and bolds them, but it never shows up in the final post anyway. Can that be dumped from the preview?
- Is it possible to put the breadcrumb links again at the bottom of pages so that we don't have to scroll all the way up to the top to go back and browse other forums after making a post? By breadcrumbs, I mean the part where it would have links like "Home > Forums > The Hidden Blade > Site Suggestions".
Good thing I'm not the nitpicky sort, huh?
The following suggestions have been implemented:
The last one requires some explanation. To choose your color scheme, click "My account" and "Edit". Scroll down to "Theme configuration". The site default is called "Mediterrano". Pick whichever one you like and click the "Save" button. Note that it won't affect the color of the advertisements or author pane.
I know the preview screenshots all look the same (Blue Lagoon color scheme). There's not much I can do about that given the nature of this workaround. Just click Save and if you don't like it, pick another scheme.
Great job, Stab!
Alright this is a big one but if it's possible I think we'll all be quite happy.
Currently under the "create content" section all we are allowed to do is post comments. Could we possibly expand this to videos? For example, rather than have to constantly be posting youtube links, could we just have the videos featured right here on THB? I guess what I'm basically saying is, can we have a "record/upload video" feature, if at all possible?"
And because you and Ian can feature things on the site, if you see a video of particular interest, perhaps you can feature that to be on the front page. Stab, you're a genius, but it's a little off-putting to see all the videos on the front page be your videos, even though all of them are very insightful towards AC1 .
It won't be long before people start making AC2 videos, and it won't be long before I finally get a video camera (maybe now you all can finally see Eagle's Bruise in action ). So if this is at all possible, probably a lot of other users and I would greatly appreciate it. But if it's not, no big deal, we can still use youtube. I just think this would be a much bigger convenience and would probably organize all the Assassins Creed content we make better.
- How about clickable buttons for bold, italics, spoilers, etc?
- Multiple line returns are ignored.
- Is it possible to put a box around quoted text?
- Having to enter the "capcha" characters on the first post after each login is a pain.
- What's with that faux subject line thing when previewing posts?
- Is it possible to put the breadcrumb links again at the bottom of pages
The clickable button module isn't supported in the latest version of Drupal. I've been thinking about going one better. What would you think of a full on WYSIWYG editor? It would look something like this:
Multiple line returns are supposed to be automatically converted to HTML tags. Something's not working correctly there.
Boxes around quotes are done. The background becomes a progressively darker gray as quotes are nested (up to 4 deep).
Is everyone here being regularly challenged by CAPTCHA? The claim is that only 2% of human posts are flagged as "unsure" by the spam filter and challenged. That 2% = Asaic.
The faux subject line is an artifact from the forum's ability to allow each comment to have a unique subject. I turned on "generate automatic subjects" and turned off "subject required" and "display subject". It still shows up in the preview.
I'm not sure breadcrumbs at the bottom of the page would look right. That pink background thingy is a function of the theme and there isn't one at the bottom.
The clickable button module isn't supported in the latest version of Drupal. I've been thinking about going one better. What would you think of a full on WYSIWYG editor?
I would like that very much. Well, provided it works on my phone too. Do you know any sites currently using it which I could test it out?
Not that it's solely my decision....
Boxes around quotes are done. The background becomes a progressively darker gray as quotes are nested (up to 4 deep).
Is everyone here being regularly challenged by CAPTCHA? The claim is that only 2% of human posts are flagged as "unsure" by the spam filter and challenged. That 2% = Asaic.
It's far more than 2%. I haven't even made 100 previews yet and I've had to do it no less than 10 times. Probably more. Lilk was also complaining about it.
It's also a full page of additional bandwidth I have to absorb when I'm using mobile internet....
EDIT: I just had to enter the CAPTCHA again just now.
I'm not sure breadcrumbs at the bottom of the page would look right. That pink background thingy is a function of the theme and there isn't one at the bottom.
This entire forum system seems unusual to me. That's just because it's pretty different from most other forums I've been on and it's brand new (to me). It's my problem, not yours. But if there are ways it could be made nicer for me, of course I'm going to be selfish and ask.
Anyways, the only reason is it saves me from needing to manually scroll all the way up to the top of a page full of posts once I'm done reading. There's always the Back function, but that doesn't apply when I've just added a post of my own. I don't have a mouse or scroll wheel or a Home key on my phone, so it's manual sliding only. It's by no means a necessity. Just merely a wish.
Could we just have the videos featured right here on THB?
The problems with locally hosted videos are disk space and bandwidth. We have to remain within certain quotas or else this site is going to become expensive to maintain. Take a look at our video catalog. Do you know how many of those are locally hosted? Three. That's it. Ian and I will continue to use YouTube except in situations where there's a compelling reason to have them here.
Currently under the "create content" section all we are allowed to do is post comments.
(I think you meant create "Forum topic".) You aren't missing out on much. The only other thing Ian and I use is "Create story", where a "story" is an article that does not appear in the forums. We embed YouTube videos just like everyone else can.
And because you and Ian can feature things on the site, if you see a video of particular interest, perhaps you can feature that to be on the front page.
That's exactly how I envision it working, FLAE. Say you make an Eagle's Bruise video for AC2. Upload it to YouTube and create a new forum topic here (it can't just be a comment on another topic). Embed the video using the [youtube] tag and describe your brawler strategy in detail just like you did on AC-maps. A topic like that would be an excellent candidate to be front-paged. Then your video/article gets more exposure and the front page isn't just Ian and me. Everyone's happy.
Is there a feature to put the peoples info next to the post like ACmaps and not above it? If not can you add one?
haha love the picture <333
which picture?
Full time assassin lol
ohhhhhhhhhh xP
It's just my sig from AC maps, but with the white background here, you can't see that it says:
Full Time Assassin
I'll probably make a new one when I'm bored.
- Multiple line returns are ignored.
- Having to enter the "capcha" characters on the first post after each login is a pain.
- What's with that faux subject line thing when previewing posts?
The faux subject line is gone.
I've turned off CAPTCHA for registered users creating topics or comments. So far there hasn't been any spam... except from Greyjeth and Fordeadlysin.
The HTML filter converts a single line return into a <br/> and multiple line returns into one <p>. So it's working as designed. Sorry, I misread what it was supposed to do. Still looking for a workaround there.
Do you know any sites currently using it which I could test it out?
There are many WYSIWYG editors available. Here's a demo of one (click "Add new comment").
Asaic wrote:
- Multiple line returns are ignored.
- Having to enter the "capcha" characters on the first post after each login is a pain.
- What's with that faux subject line thing when previewing posts?The faux subject line is gone.
I've turned off CAPTCHA for registered users creating topics or comments. So far there hasn't been any spam... except from Greyjeth and Fordeadlysin.
The HTML filter converts a single line return into a <br/> and multiple line returns into one <p>. So it's working as designed. Sorry, I misread what it was supposed to do. Still looking for a workaround there.
Do you know any sites currently using it which I could test it out?There are many WYSIWYG editors available. Here's a demo of one (click "Add new comment").
There are many WYSIWYG editors available. Here's a demo of one (click "Add new comment").
Damn, doesn't work on my phone. Man, I hate Mobile Safari.
The HTML filter converts a single line return into a <br/> and multiple line returns into one <p>. So it's working as designed. Sorry, I misread what it was supposed to do. Still looking for a workaround there.
It looks like [br] works to add extra line returns in a post. I never considered the idea that BBCode might actually have a 'br' tag.
Check it out!
It looks like [br] works to add extra line returns in a post.
There you go!
I was just kidding. My definition of a spammer is someone (or some bot) who joins the site for no other purpose than to post commercial links. You and Fordeadlysin are welcome to socialize here.
Asaic wrote:
It looks like [br] works to add extra line returns in a post.There you go!
Greyjeth wrote:
Sorry!I was just kidding. My definition of a spammer is someone (or some bot) who joins the site for no other purpose than to post commercial links. You and Fordeadlysin are welcome to socialize here.
ah ok wasnt sure hehe
A spammer is more like that guy back on ac-maps that posted all the links to beating Assassins Creed 1 that weren't actually his, or the person's who posted them to youtube for that matter. In fact, those screenshots were made by developers as well, not his, and he hasn't visited since we called him out on it!
I am curious about that site in his sig, though. Could our community possibly have a rival in it's midst?
What would be the danger of having a rival?
Here is the link from the spammer's sig. I don't foresee anyone visiting that site again and again.
Yeah I guess we're safe
Funny, one of his jpg's of AC1 looks EXACTLY like a screeney I took and now use as my background on one of my systems....weird.
He's not a master assassin! He's a master thief!
Trigs got her so I can't possibly live without mah Bolt.
And I can't live without my eye-roll
Can we have a 'are you on chat' topic so we can announce if we are on chat? I've been a member on other forums where the number of ppl in chat was displayed on home or forum page and I know you can't do another way of announcing if ppl are there?
Can we have a 'are you on chat' topic so we can announce if we are on chat? I've been a member on other forums where the number of ppl in chat was displayed on home or forum page and I know you can't do another way of announcing if ppl are there?
i approve this message
(i want it too)
I support lilk's idea.
This probably has NOTHING to do with the rest of your ideas, and will also probably never make it in, but I thought it would be pretty nice if we also added some forums (doesn't have to be help videos like Ian/Stab or anything, just forums) of the OTHER AC games (AC2: Discovery, AC: Altair's Chronicles, AC: Bloodlines).
Tell me if it's possible.
The difficulty of implementation is like, a zero.
But whether admins choose to do so or not is what remains to be seen.
Trigs got herso I can't possibly live without mah Bolt.
And I can't live without my eye-roll
How about a :/ type of emoticon? The 'puzzled' one doesn't quite fit for the situations this one would be used for.
A thumbs-up one would be great too. I also like the one where the face is wearing a grad cap and waving a finger ('teaching/correcting'), but I've only seen it on a couple sites. It might not be available in the emoticon style this site uses.
None of these custom smileys are "available". I'm doing the artwork myself.
(making up for lost times, thanks Stab!)
None of these custom smileys are "available". I'm doing the artwork myself.
Wow, nice. I just might need to make a list...
Could we have something like a photo dump? Like a topic folder we just post photos and such? I think Asaic already has some hilarious ones he could throw in there. We could have funny pics, screenshots, fanart, etc.
Wow Stab, I feel so special. Not only did you take the time to custom make my but then you went and named it after me to.
Thanks so much Stabby.
ROB thinks that we need an applause smiley face in my honor for something I did on AC-Maps. It would be nice to have TWO emoticons dedicated to me, but it's your call stab... (I kinda want it too).