Granted, but a little sister kills you and gets away with your ADAM.
I wish I could spend more time on gaming, and less time on school.
Granted, but eventually you drop out because you forget to go back. Eventually you pull the 48 hour Korean Gaming move but you aren't prepared to deal with the consequences it takes on your body and you die just as you're about to finally kill Zeus in God of War III. Tough luck there, buddy.
I wish it were possible to stealth assassinate all of the targets in AC2.
Well thanks to Ian's hyperblending exploit now you can! Hop to it everyone!
I wish Thursday would come faster (9 hour flight to Hawaii!)
Granted, but as you step on the plane, all your luggage appears to be sent to Alaska, and you gotta go get it yourself. Afterwards you couldn't get to see Hawaii because in the time you were in Alaska, Hawaii was struck by vulcanic eruption and destroyed and all people killed. Except for stab, who could get away with Leo's flying machine. In short: your vacation is screwed.
I wish for money
I wish for money
Granted, but you turn into a big pile of money and a little girl passing by decides to use you to buy ice cream.
I wish I had the voice of Christopher Walken.
I wish I had the voice of Christopher Walken.
Granted but you die because you never got the more cowbell your doctor prescribed you for your fever
I wish the funniest moment of my night wasn't when Justin Bieber sang "I'm Every Woman" on SNL.
Granted, but Justin Bieber singing ''I'm Every Woman'' is your funniest moment of your night for the rest of your life.
I wish I was an Assassin.
I think DAZ already wished for this so I'll give you the same response I gave him:
Granted but you're the lowest possible rank and in an attempt to prove yourself to the Bureau leader (I think by now Al Mualim has been replaced by Stab) you attempt a leap of faith into a hay bale. Unfortunately, you forget that the physics in AC2 are way off from reality, so you end up breaking your neck and killing yourself. Meanwhile, the rest of us go on to save the world.
I wish I started modding consoles YEARS ago.
Granted, but all you can do is add cup-holders to the things you mod.
I wish my dad's new puppy would die, because all it does is crap and eat my stuff.
Granted, but it really upsets him and tries to consul himself by playing your Xbox all the time and never letting you have a shot.
I wish my exam results will be exactly what I need to get into college.
Granted, but you will hate the subject(s) you take and wish you'd just gone and got a job straight away (which in turn would become another corrupted wish )
I wish I could find the time/effort/money to play all the good games at the moment while also enjoying the extended summer.
I wish my dad's new puppy would die, because all it does is crap and eat my stuff.
At least when it craps, you get your stuff back. haha
i think you got you'r topics mixed up. this is the corrupt a wish foundation, not the misqoute topic
I think he was just making a comment rather than misquoting him. But yeah, corrupting the wishes rather than commenting keeps this topic on track (I'm aware I just did this :S)
oops, i just saw that he quoted an older post. thought he was misquoting patrick. my bad
i wish my last two posts would disapear
Granted, but you'll forever reply to the wrong posts from now on.
I wish my cat wasn't so fat.
Granted, but as universal laws of alchimism work, the fat your cat just lost transfered to you. Now you weight 500 pounds and lay in your bed without being able to move. And your swift cat runs around the house and craps on all your most precious possesions.
I wish I has a new violin, mine broke a week ago
Granted, but you forget every song to play on violin so you'll have to stick to country music on a guitar.
I wish I had a job involving gamemaking, like graphic design.
my wish got ignored
Granted, but you will be constantly under pressure from marketing suits who want to rush the release of your game before it is ready, meaning your game will be buggy, and most of the time you will just be creating someone elses vision, so you'll be unable to inject a lot of creativity into the things you are working on.
I wish I could go to an Italian restaurant for my birthday.
Granted, but all they serve are snails, and some dude is coming at you with an ax. Your wish is also granted, pAtriCkdps3, but the summer is so long you wish it would end.
I wish everyone would stop posting comments on this and get a life.
Granted, but now no one goes on thehiddenblade anymore and everyone hates you. Oh,wait. I just granted my own wish! Lets try that again.
I wish I will put at least one video this week that will get frontpaged.
Granted, but it will only be frontpaged as a guide on how not to play Assassin's Creed games.
I wish there was something good on TV right now.
Granted, but the power goes out.
I wish I had been here to see the rebirth of this topic.
Granted, but you weren't there to see the rebirth of Last Person to Reply Win, as a result, you're anger drives you mad and you're transfered to a mental institution.
I wish cooljay didn't thought I like country music, as they are the complete opposite to what I like. Hell, the genre its not even from my country.
Granted, since I never thought you liked country music (that's why it's called corrupt a wish), so the joke is on you.
I wish the next cool comment would be from Stabguy36 or Ianxofour (see if anyone can grant that).
Granted, but it is really Assassino immaginario in disguise.
I wish that I got an exclusive copy of AC:B, that can not be broken in any way, and I have an unlimited amount of 360's that can not break, while it is NOT Opposite day.
(Try to beat THAT!)
Granted but while there were being shipped
they all fell off the boat in the ocean never to be found.
i wish i could do better assassinations in the future.
Granted, but you get sucked into AC and now the Assassin's Order is after you for such God-like skills.
I wish that the WW II genre would just die already.
Granted, but Ezio saw WW II genre get hung and is coming for you.
I wish you could be a vampire in AC 1? 2? B?
Granted, but because there are now vampires in AC, the movie "Daybreakers", happens and all of the assassins die. Then the Templars take over the world and take over the world.
I wish that I had a fully-functioning PSP 1000 wall charger for the US in my hands right now, while I am in the US.
Granted but it turns out you dont have a PSP
Granted but as you charge ur PSP the charger blows up do to
the fact that you used a vary crappy wall plug and as well as the charger
there gos your face and the PSP
Granted but it turns out you dont have a PSP
But I do! And you forgot your wish.
I wish for this thread to be revived!
Granted, but the reviving won't last more than a few days.
I wish Joey knew how to play this game.
You have to make a wish as well.
I wish you'd shut up.
Granted, but you can't hear or read his responses becase you fell down the stairs at work, rendering you deaf and blind. You can no longer play games, create art, or carry on conversations with Holly.
I wish that when I woke up tomorrow that my checking account suddenly had $100 million, and that I used the funds to purchase up all the shares of an initial public offering that yielded billions in profits.
Granted, but the currency is Zimbabwanian dollars.
I wish I could lucid dream with full control every night.
That was a harsh granted wish.
Granted, but the stock value plunges right before you're able to cash it in.
I wish it was my lunch break already.
(Phi) Granted, but you never wake up. You remain in a coma for years as your parents hang on to hope that you will wake up any day now. Your lucid dreams begin as the greatest thing you could imagine. After a week, they turn to nightmares that you can't escape. You spend 24 hours a day, ever day, trapped in your darkest nightmares.
I wish Tiger Woods would start sleeping with as many women as he could again, regaining his golf game and jumping back into the #1 world ranking again, and winning the next 13 majors.
Granted, but you die, so you can't watch it.
Ehh, Gopher, that can't be done. My wish was with explicit full control, which means that I can't get trapped in nightmares.
I wish my brothers would stop hogging my internet. There's so much lag.
Phi - you are in control for a week. After that your subconscious takes over, and you're held hostage in your own head.
I wish my brothers would stop hogging my internet. There's so much lag.
Granted, but just as you gain sole access, your provider's servers go down, with no end in sight.
I wish my dog could talk.
Granted, but your dog can only sing Rebecca Black's "Friday".
I wish I was more focused at work today.
Granted, but you become focused on an imaginary voice in your head, who convinces you that he holds the secret of turning lead into gold. You become know around the office as the crazy guy who talks to himself.
I wish my lawn was green artificial turf instead of grass.
Granted, but you are severely allergic and spend a whole month in the hospital as a result.
I wish there were assassin smileys.
Granted, but your computer cannot format them correctly, so you only see an "X" where the smiley should be.
I wish all the birds in the world suddenly lost the ability to fly, and that ability was transferred to cows.
Granted but unlike birds cows are more heavier so the wings are just simply useless.. Because, like you said the birds lost there ability to fly and that ability was transferred to cows witch means its not use to such a heavy weight so.... it cannot pick them up.
I wish Assassins Creed Revelations and Skyrim would come out sooner then they are
Granted, but every copy is scratched to the point of non-playability.
I wish my air conditioner worked.
i wish my cousins were'nt sooo f#cking annoying !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!