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The Concubine Assassination Variety Pack

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[Front-paged. -stabguy]

The Concubine is an assassination contract in Assassin Creed Mirage.

Mysterious Death

Perform an assassination that leaves no trail or suspicion (enemies cannot have detected Basim at any point). For this the blow dart was enhanced with poison. Upon being poisoned the target appears to the guards to have fallen asleep.

Stunt Assassinations

Jump assassinations from the highest point in the area, the dome. For a brief moment you don't get a prompt for assassinations when you hit the ground, so Basim will attack instead. Also done with the help of a sleep dart to incapacitate the target and with a midair knife throw.

Extermination - Hidden Blade Only

My plan was to kill all the guards without any detection, but got lazy and settle for a mostly stealthy extermination. Started with the three guards on the roof. One of them walks around and can be killed next to a hiding spot without alerting the others. The other two are in each others sights and I haven't been able to kill one without the other noticing unless using a lure. I should have waited until the target was looking away to kill the nearby guard leaning on a wall. The rest of the guards aren't grouped up and can be stealthed pretty easily (I was pretty sloppy near the end though). I went for the guards in and around the building instead of the entire restricted area.