I don't know if this is a glitch, if it is completely recreatable (seems to be, for me, anyway) or if it is already documented. I will post it anyway.
I was playing AC2 today, because it's a nice game. I was in San Gimignano and I caught sight of a Borgia courier. I LOVE catching these guys. 1500 f is a nice amount. Anyways. A minute into the chase, I got tired, locked on, selected my Throwing Knives and threw one at him. I was fairly close, and he was running at a straight line away from me, so the shot was pretty clear.
The knife hit him, + 1500 f appeared on the screen, and he started begging for his life the way he does when you tackle/attempt to grab him. I was in shock. I tried to repeat it again, with a Pickpocket and it worked. I repeated this around 40 times, and it worked each time. I don't know why.
The cool thing is, the first knife will not kill him, so you can get the money, and still remain Incognito.
My Questions:
1. Has anyone tried/done this?
2. Can someone try this on the guy that steals your 100f at the beginning of the game and gives to La Volpe?
3. If nobody has heard of this before, try it and tell me what you think. I'd like to get feedback.
Also, I would appreciate it if you all tried this on your own copies of ACII, just to know it's not a disc-specific glitch.
Safety and peace,
~ DarkAlphabetZoup
I can't believe nobody has commented on this.
I want at least SOME feedback, before this post is completely forgotten/passed by.
Sry and thanks.
Yes, I use this all the time. I found this out one of the first few times I saw one of these guys.
It hasn't worked everytime, though. Sometimes it just hits them. I think it depends on distance, because the closer I am, the more likely it works.
If you start the game again, like a new playthrough or something, try throwing a knife at the story pickpocket that takes your f to La Volpe on that rooftop.
I haven't tried that yet. I was going to after I saw you mention it, though. I don't think it'll work. Just a feeling.
If you start the game again, like a new playthrough or something, try throwing a knife at the story pickpocket that takes your f to La Volpe on that rooftop.
I did that
That pickpocket took off, and I tackled him fairly quickly and I was teleported to the rooftop where La Volpe was. Stunned, I reset the mission and tried again with a throwing knife, and it worked again! If you catch the pickpocket early enough, you'll warp to the rooftop.
I was playing AC2 today, because it's a nice game.
I love how you felt the need to justify playing AC2.
I too used throwing knives on the couriers and pickpockets very early on. One of the very first ones I encountered happened to take a route that was difficult and annoying and I was trying to focus on moving forward with the story. So I just switched to the throwing knives and nailed him with one. Now I do that far more often than going to the trouble of chasing them down.
Wow. So basically it's possible to pretty much easily beat the Pickpocket mission.
One knife won't kill him, so that's pretty cool. I'm pretty sure using knives on any target that flees to catch/kill works. I've used them on Francesco de Pazzi and Checco Orsi after they run and both times I've assassinated them with the knives.
I like
I've been doing this since I got the game. I didn't know I was so ahead of the curve.
I discovered what you refer to almost accidentally. When you tackle a pickpocket it always says "Congratulations. You have obtained the pickpocket's money as well as your own." or something like that. But when you kill them you still get the same/similar sum of money
Anyway, I never have the patience to chase them down and often end up missing while trying to tackle so normally I attempt an air assassination from above or quickly run them down while they're running towards me (before they see me). But once I was chasing a pickpocket up a ladder (with me on the ground at the bottom) and in a panic to catch him I punched attack. I didn't realise I had throwing knives equipped from a previous mission and I ended up throwing one, causing him to fall from the ladder to my feet, begging for his life. What was better, I got the usual message "Congratulations. You have obtained the pickpocket's money as well as your own." (although where the extra reward is I don't know) and stayed incognito so wasn't attacked never thought since to try it no La Volpe's man though
When chasing down a pickpocket once I received the money without hurting him in the slightest. He got hit by a guard that was chasing his aswell and fell to his death. I received the money, for no other reason then being close to the scene.
I wander what happens if you poison-stab them. I should go try that....
Try it and tell me how it goes.
It would be difficult to poison a pickpocket/courier. They're constantly moving. You'd have to corner them with no place to go. You can't even grab them. They counter it everytime. I find myself always on the rooftops and the runner always seems to climb up to my roof. Maybe the next time this happens, I'll prepare my poison blade for when he comes up.
Just face away from a Pickpocket, they're like Boos, they run away from you when you look at them.
But face away from them, turn your camera towards them, ready your Poison, then when they get close, sprint and shank the guy with your little needle and see what happens.
Oh and another thing.
Apparently Pickpockets and Borgia Couriers are both definite enemies of Ezio, because when you kill one of them, the game doesn't say that "Ezio did not kill civilians." I guess he just hates/ has a personal grudge held for those pickpockets huh? :\
Well, the Borgia couriers are apart of the Borgia. Anyone affiliated with the family in any way is considered an enemy to Ezio. As for the pickpockets? Maybe Ezio doesn't like ANYONE who preys on citizens.
Maybe Ezio doesn't like ANYONE who preys on citizens.
How do you explain the thieves, then? Although we've never seen them steal from the "innocent" in AC2, I'm sure they're called thieves for a reason.
Thieves belong to their own social group that's so connected to itself it's like a large family. They only steal to survive and provide for each other. Besides, they have good morals and intentions. Do you notice how open and accepting they are to Ezio once he benefits them by saving Rosa? They're good people.
Pickpockets, on the other hand, steal to steal. It's for a personal reason, not for a greater good.
That's the best I could do for thinking of this off the top of my head.
Or, Ubi just decided that lots of players would want to kill these guys and just allowed it to happen.
Actually, Pickpockets steal to survive as well.
I remember feeling really guilty like "*tsk* Ohhh...." after I caught one and the guy said
"Please... I just want to eat..."
I felt so bad for him, I threw 40 florins on the ground.
Yeah the pickpockets steal "to feed their family" but I guess Ezio just doesn't like the bastards. I sure don't
I had the chance to poison one yesterday as I ended up on a rooftop with one. The game glitched and he got stuck running up against the wall (much like guards/Maria trying to get up an occupied ladder). He couldn't move apart from the running motion but I didn't think to poison him. Whenver I see a target/courier/thief I always just rush to kill/tackle them so never thought until immediately after. I hidden bladed him and that was that before being pretty annoyed
AWW. Try getting a Pickpocket to come close to you, lock on to him, turn around and then Poison the crap out of him.
Yeah I may try it again. I don't think its actually that difficult. Just ensure they don't see you too early. The problem is that as soon as you notice one, most people turn right around to look, only to see the courier/thief run away screaming
... never thought since to try it no La Volpe's man though
I tried this today. One knife kills the man and you desynchronize.
I got the achievement "Doctor" on a pickpocket. I was about to poison a group of four guards for the hell of it when one spawned or ran passed me or something and I instinctively pressed "x." Then I remembered I still needed doctor so I ran up a nearby wall and air assassinated. Of course then I had to kill the guard troupe but that took all of 10 seconds. You know me
pAtriCkdps3 wrote:
... never thought since to try it no La Volpe's man thoughI tried this today. One knife kills the man and you desynchronize.
Huh. FLAE said that it worked.
I reset the mission and tried again with a throwing knife, and it worked again!
I wonder what the trick is.
Weird. Can't see why it would sometimes work and sometimes wouldn't...?
FLAE, when you poisoned him (before the air assassination) did it count as "success" for not killing him?
I tried this today and he died with 1 knife.
If you want me to go back and try it again I will. I don't necessarily remember what I did. Just that I spun around, lept over a crate (I think) and tackled him right after he got to the top of the stairs. Then I repeated the same thing only when I got within tackling distance I threw the knife.
I am trying to complete the "Fox Hunt Mission," and after getting tired of trying to catch him time after time without success I thought there must be an easier way. I was wondering if the throwing knives would work here. From what you all have said, it sounds like it might. So, I'm going to try it. I know, when I did the Vieri Pazzi assassination I forgot that I still had my throwing knives equipped after taking out the archers. When I expected to kill Vieri with my hidden blade, I through a blade at him instead, and it worked just as well, hitting him in the throat.
As soon as it starts, sprint towards him and mash circle
Sorry to ask such a lame question, but what do you mean by "mash circle"?
I tried using the throwing knives to take down the thief that steals Ezio's money, once I located him with my Eagle Vision. But when I throw a couple knives at him, they hit, but he didn't go down or anything. he didn't move or react at all just stayed standing. I know I hit him at least once because I saw I drew blood. It's funny because the first time a threw a knife at him I missed and hit a bystander and they went down, but since I was incognito the guards couldn't figure out who did it.
My point is that I guess he can't be killed until after you start to chase him. But even that is difficult because I tried hitting him with a knife and after two misses and hitting a bystander I hit him I believe once, but he kept running. Also a couple times he got tripped up and If I could have stopped fast enough I might have caught him but I over ran him and when I tried to turn back he took off running again....Very frustrating.
What do you mean by "mash circle"?
A mash circle is like a mosh pit that takes place in your living room. Invite some friends over... do a couch dive.
Just kidding. Mash is short for "button mash" meaning to rapidly press a button on your controller. Circle is the button on the PlayStation 3 controller that controls the Unarmed Hand in AC. So "mash circle" means "keep hitting the Tackle button until it works".
andrew4whl wrote:
What do you mean by "mash circle"?A mash circle is like a mosh pit that takes place in your living room. Invite some friends over... do a couch dive.
Hahahahaha!!! Nice one stab.
I posted a video of getting my money back from a thief with a throwing knife yesterday.
Here's the link... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWvswdZ-NOY
Tell me if you like the ending
I posted a video of getting my money back from a thief with a throwing knife yesterday.Here's the link... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWvswdZ-NOY
Tell me if you like the ending
The ending is full of LOL!
Yea, i didn't know what to do after, so i just throwing knifed him off a roof.
Theif (falling to his death): Well played fag
It looks to me as if you need to hit the man with a throwing knife pretty close to immediately - like before he gets to the top of the stairs, perhaps.
I just replayed the memory where Ezio gets his money stolen from one of La Volpe's thieves.
You'd think that it would work the same way with this guy, but he dies if you throw a knife in his back, and the
"DESYNCHRONIZED: TARGET DIED" message appears on the screen.
I just replayed the memory where Ezio gets his money stolen from one of La Volpe's thieves.
You'd think that it would work the same way with this guy, but he dies if you throw a knife in his back, and the
"DESYNCHRONIZED: TARGET DIED" message appears on the screen.
I believe it was patched at around the same time that Ubisoft patched the Airwalk glitch.
Because when I played it before the patch, I threw a knife at him and it worked.
However, I doubt anybody wants to reinstall their copy of ACII with no internet hooked to their console JUST TO SEE if what I'm saying is right.
I may though.
If I'm bored enough, I mean I don't have wi-fi on my PS3 anyway so yeah haha